When AFP used to hold national events for bloggers, I used to meet up with John Hawkins to talk shop and yak. In fact, his Right Wing News blog site was one of the first national blog sites to link to us and did so on a number of occasions (again, thanks, John!).
He’s gone through a number of websites, always writing from a conservative standpoint, and at each one, after achieving some notoriety and hits, Big Tech would smother him. So, like Lloyd Alter (Carbon Upfront!) and our own Steve Mac Donald (aptly named Steve’s Substack), John decided to go Substack subscription with Culturecidal, where he won’t get canceled.
John has a post titled “20 Signs That America’s Culture is Deeply Unhealthy.” After writing “The Decline of Christianity in the US” (which was supposed to be a Data Point post, but like many, the post took a different turn, so Steve renamed it) and seeing John parallel it (albeit in a different manner), I thought it would be helpful for Grok readers to see his point of view.
Below are some of his points, but his post starts off by using what a Qatarian wrote about a gay American and Americans trying to shove our culture over Qatar culture. So why does the Left call out Western culture for being “colonialist” when the Left is going all “transgender/multiculti/Social Justice” on others?
But I digress. Here’s John’s points on the decay of the American morality (abridged in some cases):
1) Abortion: Since the Roe vs. Wade decision in 1973, 63 million children have been slaughtered. That’s approaching ten times as many people who were killed during the Holocaust…is arguably the single most monstrous act by any nation in all of recorded human history.
2) The divorce rate: Depending on which statistics you believe, roughly 40-50% of first marriages end in divorce today and the numbers only go up in 2nd and 3rd marriages. On the other hand, although it’s increasing, the divorce rate in India, for example, is about 1.1%.
Co-habitating is going up. Unfortunately, they fail more often than marriage and at a faster rate. Who pays? The children left behind. If the mother is a serial cohabitator, the effects on a young child are also monstrous as well from a psychological standpoint. With a revolving door of boyfriends, the mom’s attention is on the boyfriend and not on the kids. The younger kids see another father figure pop into their lives; the first couple gets the full attachment treatment from the kids. But as the pop-ins and pop-outs continue to happen, distrust sets in, knowing that this attachment won’t happen because in just a little while, he’ll be gone just like the others.
I’m betting you all know how that turns out as the child ages and then blows up in middle/high school and later. This is future relationship destruction in slow motion.
3) Drug use: Americans are some of the heaviest drug users on planet Earth. The statistics are stunning.
- “37% of the population struggles with illicit drug use and 12% struggle with both alcohol and drug use.”
- *66% of all Americans are actively taking some type of prescription drug. This amounts to 131 million Americans.”
- “Overdose deaths tripled in the decade between 1999 and 2019 (from 6.1 to 21.6 per 100,000). Much of this increase is related to the widespread opioid epidemic that has swept the nation in recent years.”
Do I need to explain how this affects an addict’s family?
4) Authoritarian impulses under COVID: We literally had businesses forced to shut down by the government, people who lost their jobs for refusing to take a poorly tested, dubiously effective vaccine, and police harassing people in churches and on beaches for refusing to bow to capricious, obviously ineffective COVID regulations.
5) The birth rate: A society needs a birth rate of 2.1 children per couple to keep from shrinking without immigration. Currently, in the United States, ours is 1.64. In other words, our civilization is slowly dying off.
6) Marriage: Marriage has often been correctly called, “the bedrock of society.” Yet, in 2021, the average age that Americans first got married was 28.6 years old. That’s up from 22.9 years old in 1920. Meanwhile, only 45% of Americans are married. That’s down from 67.4% in 1960.
And the Left keeps redefining what a family can be, should be, even as it wages war on the traditional nuclear family (e.g., States passing laws that effectively cuts parents out of their childrens’ lives when it comes to gender identity and medical decisions? That schools should have a higher level authority than Parents?
7) Victim-oriented culture: Americans are increasingly embracing a victim-oriented culture where whoever can portray himself as the most pathetic, the most hurt, and the most victimized is catered to by society.
DEI is correctly labeled as DIE by many conservatives – it is killing American Culture and setting American Society on fire. Fortunately, a new acronym definition is rising on the Right:
Didn’t Earn It
8) Gender confusion: We now have many Americans that have personal pronouns, embrace made-up sexualities, and believe that they can change their gender at will. These false, unscientific beliefs are often even promoted to children in schools.
9) Hatred of America: Liberals in America often demonize their own country, mock patriotic people, and treat their country’s flag like a hateful symbol of intolerance. Seeing so many Americans that openly despise and want to fundamentally transform what has arguably been the most successful and prosperous nation in human history is almost strange beyond belief.
10) Race obsession: No matter how thin the connection may seem to be, nearly EVERYTHING in America gets turned into a racial issue. Farmer’s markets, trees, immigration, skiing, voter ID, national parks – it all gets boiled down to race. It’s utterly obsessive and bizarre.
11) Political obsession: When a society becomes so obsessed with politics that it’s even weirdly shoehorned into sporting events, it makes it extraordinarily difficult for the populace to continue to get along. If even sports aren’t a politics-free zone, almost nowhere will be.
The Left came up with “The Political is Personal, the Personal is Political” and have implemented it completely. NOTHING is out of bounds from politics and NO ONE can escape it.
12 Censorship: In the mainstream media, social media, and many colleges, draconian censorship has been embraced to try to shut down alternate ideas that in more than a few cases, have later proven correct.
There can be only one rightthought and you will be canceled if you don’t adopt it. Between this and #11, we are in an active Culture Civil War not of our making. Whereas many of just want to be part of the Left-Alone Coalition, the Left, in its many manifestations, won’t allow anyone to be left alone or neutral.
13) Sanctioned political violence: In 2020, we saw sanctioned political violence in cities all across the country. Left-wing protesters were allowed to burn, loot and break the law at will with minimal consequences or political interference in many big liberal cities.
14) Cell phone obsession: The average American checks their cell phone 96 times per day.
15) Drag queen story hours: We’re now at a point where everywhere from schools to government agencies are trying to be involved with weird, sexually themed drag shows. It’s nothing less than an attempt to sexualize and groom children on a wide scale.
16) Breakdown of law and order: In many liberal cities, the law essentially sides with the criminals against law-abiding citizens. Criminals are allowed to shoplift without consequences, often aren’t charged or held on bail even if they’re caught and the emphasis is on restraining and defunding the police, not the criminals victimizing the populace.
17) Fake hate crimes: The desire to be considered a victim in America is now so strong that the vast majority of hate crimes turn out to be hoaxes.
18) Declining trust in institutions: Trust in many critical American institutions has cratered to some of the lowest levels in history. Just to name a few examples, only 11% of Americans have a great deal/quite a lot of confidence in television news. That same number for Congress is 7%. Newspapers? 16%. Church/organized religion? 31%. Public schools? 28%. The presidency? 23%.
And deservedly so given that they have rejected traditional American values and have acted in ways that have emphasized what they are doing. We often point that the Left has just about completed its decades Long March through our Institutions – they are now starting to suffer the overreach.
19) Children born to unmarried women: 40% of children are now born to unmarried women. That is compared to roughly 5% of children that were born to unmarried women in 1960.
See #6. Why is this happening? Deliberate destruction of the nuclear family, breaking the bonds of parents to children, and a continual growing trend of Government by those that believe in Government more than individuals, to make Government both Mommy and Daddy until a family is anything and everyone.
Which is to say, a family unit no longer exists. The whole idea of a family is to no longer exist.
20) Differences so great they’re increasing the chances of civil war: Various polls have found that a large percentage of Americans believe we could be on the brink of another civil war.
And like the top of his post, which I’d ask you to read, he adds more to that last point so please read that, too. It seems like lots of conservatives are talking about it as well.
There’s only two comments on John’s post. OK, people, it should be easy for y’all to do FAR more!