Questions regarding election irregularities in the swing states have raised concerns with many Americans. But NH officials have remained steadfast in their convictions the state’s elections were safe and accurate. Those statements have come under tremendous scrutiny.
OPPOSE Senate Bill 95: Virtual Meetings Unconstitutionally Undermine Open Self-Governance
Senate Bill 95 makes virtual meetings a permanent option without restrictions.
Unlocking Propaganda With Lily Tang Williams
Lily Tang Williams, now a successful American businesswoman, grew up in communist China under Mao. Lily plans to explain her experiences with propaganda in China and how that relates to the current push for governments to centralize control over our lives.
NH GOP Annual Meeting – Observations from a Loyal Reader
Well, what a disaster yesterday was for the NH GOP – with races set for NH GOP officials and a few controversial ByLaws on the docket, this was prime time for what is up to 400 people or so to meeting, yak, and vote as demanded by the NH GOP ByLaws: (2) Purpose: The purpose … Read more
Nashua Board of Health to Consider COVID Curfew in Gate City Tomorrow
It’s the latest thing; the new hotness, Hashtag-Curfew, is trending with tyrants all across America. Because as it turns out, the ‘Rona is worse at night, and you are less likely to get it if they order you to stay home after a certain random time.
BlogWord of the Day – Toobinning
When I first read Lyin Dog Faced Pony Soldier’s Ruling-Class Media-Scold Suspended For “Giving Himself a Hand” During a Zoom Meeting and saw the graphic, I did burst out laughing (thankfully during a break – the Judge in charge turned out to be a tyrant and probably would have torched me for not paying attention).