Nitzakhon Note: This got very long and IMHO it’s becoming daunting to read in one go. After this one I’m going to, as length demands, start doing two such posts a week when it is called for. The Sunday one will be this full one, and then if necessary I’ll do a hump day one which will be just new articles but will have a linkback to the Sunday one. So, for example, below you will find permanent links to books, etc., while the mid-week one will omit those. Unless people comment they want to keep them in both.
Senator Tom Cotton … A Lunatic Willing To Risk World War III
The United States refused to accept Soviet missiles in Cuba, and was ready to fight World War III (which nearly happened, and which the CIA wanted) in response. But Russia should have no say in the matter if the United States provides Ukraine with missiles that can reach hundreds of miles into Russia? Senator Tom … Read more