Nitzakhon Note: This got very long and IMHO it’s becoming daunting to read in one go. After this one I’m going to, as length demands, start doing two such posts a week when it is called for. The Sunday one will be this full one, and then if necessary I’ll do a hump day one which will be just new articles but will have a linkback to the Sunday one. So, for example, below you will find permanent links to books, etc., while the mid-week one will omit those. Unless people comment they want to keep them in both.
First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”. Please vet & check on your own. Caveat emptor. Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.
Second, I fear spicy time is very close, but even a month of food, water, etc., puts you well ahead of most of the sheeple. IMHO, set your minimum sights on a three-month period.
Third, two things will be critical for having the best chance of making it through:
- Mentality: first and foremost in survival is having a flexible mentality and cultivating the ability to adapt. Vanity has no place in survival.
- Develop a meatspace network of people that are likeminded: cultivate your community ties and build alliances with neighbors (note: don’t babble about the Jab or globalists or depopulation, or start pointing political fingers when doing this)… and remember, the first rule of PREP CLUB is that there is no prep club.
A link on that point; An early warning system concerning the people around us (embedded quote):
The covid bull**** did us all a favor. I know that sounds crazy, but hear me out for a minute. All the people demanding more lockdowns, that the unvaccinated be punished, that vaccine passports be required, that mask mandates remain in place forever, and all that **** are all speaking loudly and openly about it. Those are the people who are a threat to anyone who wants to remain free. They are the people who will report your activities to the government. They are the secret police.
And please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official (I post there as “D” – one of several with that same initial, but I’m there) plus his Urban Scoop site. And don’t forget my posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well.
Top of the fold:
Did The Feds Just Admit That Ray Epps Was Officially Working For Them? – Bear Bussjaeger
Read this. Read this again.
It’s a race to the bottom of the GLOBAL wage level. Excellent books:
Meanwhile, the elites sup on dainties and live the high life:
Our New Antoinettes › American Greatness (
So much for the Supreme Court EPA decision…
The Rule of Law is dead. Plan accordingly… it may take a while to trickle down to where you are, but it will.
So NYFC has nuclear PSAs now.
New York City Releases First ‘Nuclear Attack’ PSA Since 1960’s – Summit News
And now, signs elsewhere too.
Ominous Sign Appears at Paramus Park Mall (
And my wife, quoting some Russian language channel she gets, said that Putin’s allegedly threatening to use nukes in Ukraine. Real? Deep fake? WEF/Globalist prepping for a false flag? Got KI tablets?
Prepper Site URLS:
Most have daily articles; revisit daily. Please recommend others in the comments.
Ask a Prepper, how to prepare, survive and thrive, latest news
The Organic Prepper Home – The Organic Prepper – The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times.
And two aggregate sites listing their top favorite sites:
Specific, one-up articles:
30 Smart Ways to Reuse Things That You Usually Throw Away – Ask a Prepper
Aquaponics: Build Your Own Endless Food Supply At Home For SHTF – Ask a Prepper
Top 10 Bartering Items + Skills Every Prepper Needs – My Patriot Supply
15 Survival Items You Can Buy At Costco – Ask a Prepper
A note about any grain storage: beware Indian meal moths. I’m having to clear out ALL my grains because the little bastards got in and got frickin’ everywhere before I realized it. Freeze any new purchases for at least 72 hours and IMHO seal each bag, double, in a Ziploc style double-bag to contain any survivors. And if you get them, go through everything – and I mean everything – ASAP. Don’t let them infest everywhere like I did.
7 Prepping Items FEMA Will Confiscate When SHTF – Ask a Prepper
Understand this. They can – legally – take everything you have. Your food, your water, your medicines, your… every single thing… they want to take. I was impressed, though not in a good way, that they explicitly mention fertilizer. That’s some serious attention to detail, and it foresees their taking from you your ability to raise your own food as supplemented with fertilizer for better growth.
Food-Stretching Tips From The Great Depression – Ask a Prepper
Good tips!
This is disgusting. They have a GoFundMe (I gave).
These 10 Types of People Will Die First When SHTF – Ask a Prepper
Very likely, despite my preps, my new medical condition will make me one of these sooner rather than later.
How to Purify Water with Bleach in 5 Steps (
Basically, one drop per pint of unscented bleach within its expiry window.
8 Drugs to Pack in a Bug Out Bag (
3 Ways to Buy Antibiotics Without a Prescription (
I have safely (OK, one course) used fish antibiotics. I also have one package from Jase Medical and am working on more.
Short of years and untold wealth, you cannot possibly be fully prepared for everything (I have to keep reminding myself of that). But even some preparations, ideally at least 90 days of food, water / water purification, etc., puts you head and shoulders in front of the vast majority of the sheeple who will be in jaw-gaping astonishment when the SHTF. The only relevant questions are:
- When does it start?
- How bad will it get?
- How long will it last?
- What will the aftermath look like?
Or if you have a sheet of plastic:
Having a tube too, so you don’t have to deconstruct it to get to the water, helps.
Foraging: Books and one-up articles
23 Medicinal Plants the Native Americans Used on a Daily Basis – Ask a Prepper
Books (permanent feature):
Feasting Free on Wild Edibles (old but good)
The Lost Ways (much more than just foraging)
The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods
Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):
Canadian government invests $8.5 million in insect production | Pet Food Processing
You, and your pets, will eat the bugs. Video from PJW, so language alert. Note the date, 2019.
And I just saw a video of Salma Hayek proudly eating “Mexican crickets”… they’re really going to be pushing this hard with all the glitterati just hap-hap-happy to be on board with the cutting edge.
The End of Private Car Ownership | FrontpageMag
What a diabolical business model. Pass a law that makes farmland unviable economically. Then offer to buy up the land whose value you, yourself, have destroyed. And extra-super-bonus, you get to starve the kulaks. More:
Look ma, no chip needed! That, or chips, will be sold as being convenient. Your slavery is convenient.
How Can Western Civilization Survive with Reviled Institutions? :: Gatestone Institute
Western Civilization can’t. Which is the point.
Shortages (broadly):
The sheeple will not notice until the shelves are almost bare. Then it will be panic buying. And they’ll be furious at any prepper – not because we prepped, but because we, who they mocked, are turning out to be right.
BIDEN ECONOMY: A Sign of Impending Recession, Copper Prices Crash Too
In parallel, last year my neighbor – who works for a large beer company – said they were desperate to find aluminum cans and were having to buy cans from IIRC India!
OOH, I don’t think anyone knows for sure. OTOH, IMHO, the time to actually fix this has passed.
From Telegram:
🇬🇧 #The UK allegedly reporting that food fields are also burning in West Yorkshire. 😨
There are disturbing reports from the Rostov region in Russia about such finds in wheat fields.
Makes an excellent point about the idea of just buying a whole cow or two and sticking it in the freezer: the power supply. What good is that fridge when you’ve got no juice to run it?
WSJ: The baby-formula shortage is getting … worse? – HotAir
Inflation (broadly):
Hungarian Inflation Hits 24-Year Record in June
Bank Of Canada Expected To Raise Key Interest Rate To 2.25% As Inflation Soars
What’s a dollar or two between friends?
Image from the link just above:
One caveat to the above image: look at the scale on the Y-axis.
Nonsensible Shoes: Are you ready for more pain?
Bidenflation: Sacrificing Middle America in the Name of the Great Reset (
Nate Jackson: President Pay Cut Wants More Inflationary Spending | The Patriot Post
US Stability (broad catch-all):
This is Extremely Dangerous To Our Democracy (
Control the information flow, control the peoples’ views. Related, RINOs are working with the Dems to squelch any challenges to concerns about elections:
The irony is that they do it saying “We can’t permit questioning and doubts lest people lose faith in the electoral system” even as this very deed & their broader actions to prevent examination for fraud undermine faith in the electoral system. The only cure is sunshine, and they’re working very hard to block it.
Thirdworldization of the U.S. and the Stages of a Collapse (
First-hand experience from Brazil. Some may be more applicable than others.
The GOP doesn’t have the stones. They’re too busy feeding at the same trough.
A nation that destroys its past and rips its great men will soon not be a nation. Which is the point. This is not to say Jefferson or others were perfect – of course not. But this? Vile.
As if it needs saying, but… no federal agency can be trusted. None.
Will China Joe Bail out Beijing With Your Life Savings? – Granite Grok
Years ago I started to see proposals being floated to confiscate 401k accounts and give you an IOU from fedgov. At the time I actively commented on the local paper’s comments and criticized this – and I was struck by how fast I got replies asking me why I didn’t trust the “full faith and credit” of fedgov and castigating me for being unpatriotic. Almost as though talking points had been issued beforehand.
Darwin Smiles : The Other McCain
I call this “evolution in action”.
World Stability (broad catch-all):
Canada’s Rogers network outage leaves millions without internet – The Washington Post
We had a local-to-me outage about a couple of weeks ago – state wide. What I find disturbing is that people I know, despite this outage, still cleave to not carrying some “just in case” cash. Because they have a debit card.
Sri Lanka approaches total collapse. Coming soon to elsewhere. On that:
The bell tolls, and it’s getting louder
And I just saw a video about protests in Armenia.
Remember, chaos, uncertainty, crime, war, famine, and overall desperation for a return to some form of normalcy is the Globalist goal. Because then the “benevolent hand” of Socialism will be offered. To quote:
(Link to AZ Quotes per their policy)
EU Warns of “Waves of Migration” Caused by Global Food Crisis – Summit News
Never-ending invasion. Related:
Great Replacement.
Governments will sink in a world drowning in debt | MoneyWeek
China’s Economy Continues to Crumble Despite Biden’s Pro-China Policies (
China’s not looking too good. Mass Covid lockdowns, potentially huge die-offs from Sinovax (something like 80%+ Jabbed), outright theft of Chinese savings, and their economy? Looks like they’ll need a war distraction soon. Thus, a critical question:
Specific to energy:
Ruh-roh. More:
A Major Solar Storm Can Strike Earth. We Need To Be Ready
Gardening, animals, etc.:
7 Chicken Mistakes You Should Never Make – Ask a Prepper
Regrow Food Scraps: 19 Vegetables You Can Grow (
Useful, especially when seeds are in short supply. And speaking of seeds, if you can, have multiples of the same kind of vegetable. Keep track of which packets you plant and make sure you have genetic diversity of the crops from year to year if you can.
GROW MORE FOOD: 25 Pollinator Plants to Attract Nature’s Helpers to Your Garden | (
Video. Also, from what I’ve been told, while bees like rhododendrons their nectar – again, from what I’ve read – makes toxic-to-humans honey. We have a honkin’ big one in our front yard and I plan to get rid of it next year.
6 Things to Know Before Growing Your Own Food (
How to Build a Concrete Block Raised Bed Garden (
Links on old-time food storage (permanent feature):
Thanks to the Canning and Preserving group on Gab, I now have these links:
Preserving foods by drying | How to dry foods safely (
USDA-Complete-Guide-to-Home-Canning-2015-revision.pdf (
Canning | SDSU Extension (
Food Preservation– Canning | Consumer Food Safety | Washington State University (
Canning Timer & Checklist App | OSU Extension Catalog | Oregon State University
National Center for Home Food Preservation (
Canning Recipes | Ball® Mason Jars (
If you see others, tell me in the comments.
Books (also permanent):
Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking & Curing
Salumi: The Craft of Italian Dry Curing
A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game
What amuses me is that so many of these are on kindle. So, what are you going to do if the grid’s down or the power’s off for days? Reminds me of a pre-Y2K expo I went to, where one guy who looked like he’d never seen the sun for more than his walk from home to car, or car to office, was buying all sorts of survival info on CD. Like he’d be able to access that info in a grid-down situation.
Tech security:
Facebook Was Just CAUGHT RED HANDED – Unsilenced News
The new tool which the company allegedly began employing in late 2018 allowed the Escalation team to circumvent “rules put in place to block Facebook employees from accessing deleted messages.”
Contrary to its stated policy, Facebook is able to access “anyone’s Messenger history, including children within Messenger for Kids,” the suit alleges.
Through The Shepherd Group I have an AI program on my cell phone that scans it looking for intrusions. The other day it picked up attempts at someone trying to be the “man in the middle” – and blocked it. They also recommend a secure core type VPN (I use Protonmail VPN – my only complaint is that sometimes data reception “hangs” and I need to disconnect and reconnect to reset it) that routes through countries that have strong privacy protections like Sweden, Iceland, and Switzerland.
If you reach out to them, please tell them you heard about them through me, NITZAKHON. They’re good people, and I’ve done some fairly high-value business through them and they’ve delivered.
Self-defense & Hunting:
7 Guns Preppers Need To Buy Before The Upcoming Gun Ban (
I’m buying / looking based on common ammo types. So, question, for rifles .30-06 or .308? And… speak of the devil:
.30-30 vs .308 – Which is Best for Deer Hunting? (
.223 vs .308 – Which Caliber is Best? (
Why the Second Amendment Applies Especially to Travelers – AmmoLand Shooting Sports News
I think it’s more like 400+ million guns.
What You Need to Know About Rifle Slings – The Organic Prepper
Big Brother gets even more intrusive, and self-defense becomes even more difficult
Catch-all miscellaneous:
All this stuff… based on models. And when the models don’t match reality, attack the reality.
101Knots – Learn How to Tie Different Types of Knots
Wrap-up commentary if I am moved to do so:
Speculative IMHO. But remember something that I keep repeating: these people are missionaries. Their religion is to reduce the earth’s population and rule over those who remain. They truly believe they are better / smarter / more noble / more educated, etc., than we hoi polloi. And to create paradise, which their Marxianic Zeal states is possible to do, plus to (cue reverb) Saaaaaave the plaaaaanet, they’re willing to kill billions.
(Video embedded in my essay here.)
They’ve already been willing to kill over 100 million. What’s another zero or so. It’s just individuals. Remember that to a committed Socialist:
Remember, in socialist societies, an individual’s worth is measured, not by being a unique person made in the image of God, but by that person’s utility to the state. If you’re no longer useful and, worse, if are an economic drain on society, you’ve got to go.
Let alone if your existence is killing the planet. *cough bullsh*t cough*
So killing one man as a useful weapon to advance The Cause? No problem at all.
We hang petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.
Palate cleanser:
If only I had the money… I’d buy that in a heartbeat.