Survival Sunday

First, remember I am merely an “enlightened amateur” as far as anything survival goes.  Please vet & check on your own.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.

Second, the hour is late and I fear bad times are imminent, but even a month of food, water, etc., puts you well ahead of most of the sheeple.  IMHO, set your minimum sights on a three-month period.

Third, two things will be critical for having the best chance of making it through:

  1. The proper mentality: first and foremost in survival is having a flexible mentality and cultivating the ability to adapt.
  2. Having a meatspace network of people that are likeminded: start cultivating your community ties and building alliances with neighbors (note: don’t babble about the Jab or globalists or depopulation, or start pointing political fingers when doing this)… and remember, the first rule of PREP CLUB is that there is no prep club.

Fourth, as you read here, note that I present an aggregation of articles that I think are interesting, but I do not have time to vet them.  Caveat emptor.




“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops.”

– Noah Webster, An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, October 10, 1787




Prepper Site URLS:

Most have daily articles.  Please recommend others in the comments.

Ask a Prepper, how to prepare, survive and thrive, latest news

Mother Earth News

The Organic Prepper Home – The Organic Prepper – The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times.

SHTF Blog – Modern Survival

And two aggregate sites listing their top favorite sites:


The 50 Best Survival Blogs




Short of years of preparation and untold wealth, you cannot possibly be fully prepared for everything.  But even some preparations, ideally at least 90 days of food, water / water purification, etc., puts you head and shoulders in front of the vast majority of the sheeple who will be in jaw-gaping astonishment when the SHTF.  The only relevant questions are:

  1. When does it start?
  2. How bad will it get?
  3. How long will it last?
  4. What will the aftermath look like?





As I keep saying over and over, the scary thing for me is not that they’re pushing this.  Tyrants will tyrant.  The scary thing for me is how many sheeple will eat this up wholesale as a good and necessary thing.




Top of the fold:

Insanity: California State Senate Passes Bill that Ends Mandatory Reporting of Threats Made by Students (

So, basically, they’re letting mentally unstable students slide, and then using the crisis of the school shootings they didn’t prevent to justify more gun control.  That’s the only way this makes sense.  And it’s becoming a pattern: “Subject was known to the police / FBI”.  Just look at the Florida shooting – the FBI was called, and did nothing.

Remember, to a Socialist, individuals don’t matter in the service of advancing The State.

9 Scary FEMA Camp Facts You Must Know – Ask a Prepper

  • Executive Order 10990 – FEMA can take over all modes of transportation, the highways and seaports
    • Executive Order 10995 – FEMA can take over communications media
    • Executive Order 10997 – FEMA can take over all electrical power, fuels and minerals
    • Executive Order 10998 – FEMA camps can take over food resources and farms
    • Executive Order 11003 – FEMA can take over airports and commercial aircraft
    • Executive Order 11004 – FEMA camps can relocate communities

There’s a whole lot more than that; but those are some with the most far-reaching potential effect in a time of crisis.


America, Meet Your New Dictator-In-Chief: The President’s Secret, Unchecked Powers

Dem lawmaker explodes when faced with push back on gun control: ‘Spare me the bulls*** about constitutional rights’ – TheBlaze

What Democrats actually think about the Constitution.





If China doesn’t make their move now/soon, I’d be surprised.




Presented, quick hit style, are some links to specific-topic prepper articles I think are particularly noteworthy.  Print them out and start a binder – if the SHTF badly enough you won’t be able to retrieve these off the net or, possibly, even off your computer (I remember one Y2K event I went to – someone was selling survival info on CDs… yeah, useful when the power’s out!):

The Government Plans to Survive the Apocalypse…Without Us   – (

Yes, they do.  Never mind Covid / the Jabs / lockdowns, etc., as Surak observes, they really do want you dead.  Only in that context does this possibly make sense:

Overdoses Up 700% After Oregon Decriminalizes Hard Street Drugs. Officials Mystified.

Long-Lasting Great Depression Casserole – Ask a Prepper

12 Potentially Life-Threatening Errors You’re Making in Food Preparedness and Survival Strategies – Ask a Prepper

Some of these are easy things; some of these are very hard to fix unless you have a LOT of time and a LOT of money.



Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):

A Global ESG System Is Almost Here. We Should Be Worried – Watts Up With That?

Although specifically about masks and Jabs, the implication is broader:



Video: Fauci Openly Admits Biden Mask Mandate Is About Preserving “Authority” – Summit News

COVID Restrictions Are Coming Back – Summit News

BREAKING, The FBI Maintains a Workspace, Including Computer Portal, Inside the Law Firm of Perkins Coie – The Ramifications are Significant – The Last Refuge (

A partisan law firm with an FBI office integrated in?  RTWT.  More on this:

If this isn’t a living definition of political corruption and malfeasance, it’ll do until a better one comes along

TOO FAR: Norway wants to track citizens food purchases (



Shortages (broadly):

Our Economic Misery Isn’t an Accident, It’s the Plan | FrontpageMag

Brings to mind this:


dostoevsky grand inquisitor


(Link to AZQUOTES per their policy.)


The impending fall f*ckening

In the United States of America, we will experience a food crisis that was purposeful created by our government.

That is utterly Soviet in nature and it happened here to support green energy initiatives.

It’s going to get bad.


ENGINEERED FAMINE: California diverting water flows into the ocean, depriving rice farmers of necessary irrigation to grow food – DC Clothesline

Minnesota fire at commercial egg farm likely leaves thousands of chickens dead | Fox News

How… convenient, especially after how many millions of chickens have been killed because of “bird flu”?

Fuel Rationing May be Coming to Europe

Hormel CEO Warns “Large Supply Gaps” For Jennie-O Turkey Brand



Inflation (broadly):

Expect Energy Bills To Reach More New Records, Crippling Highs This Summer

Biden Confirms High Gas Prices Are Part of Plan

Everything happening has been planned.

Stagflation Fears Rising, With 77% of Investors Forecasting Economic Storm

And yet, all I hear on the financial shows is to “wait it out” and so on.

Hundreds of UK Grocery Items More Than 20% Pricier Over Last Two Years: Study

Not surprised.



When Did Venezuelans Realize They Were Facing Hyperinflation? (

For far too many, only when it was upon them:

When I told other people what I thought was coming, and why they should prep, the mockery made me quickly avoid the subject, even if someone else brought it up within conversation.

Midwest Farmers Squeezed by Soaring Fertilizer Prices – Average Farmer Sees Fertilizer Bill Up $175,000 Over Last Year

Cue higher prices and shortages.  More:

As if we needed more reminders . . .

Germany Inflation Rate Jumps to 7.9% in May

I have a 50 million DM from the Weimar era framed.  A Zimbabwe note too.  And a few other hyperinflationary bills awaiting the disposable income to frame them as well.  Assuming I live through it I expect to add a US dollar to the collection.  Related:

Poland: Inflation Breaks Records After Soaring to 13.9%, Economists Warn of Further Increases


(HT DailyTimeWaster)

High Gas Prices are Caused by Governments, Not Companies – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish articles

“Incredible Transition” Update: Gas Prices Hit New Record; Analysts Wonder When We Break $5 a Gallon



The Grid & Energy In General:

Power the Future

Useful map there too.  From what I hear, here and there, this will not just be a US problem.



US Social Stability (broad catch-all):

US Parents Travel to Tijuana to Purchase Baby Formula as Biden Baby Formula Crisis Worsens – Out-of-Stock Rate Hits 70% (VIDEO)

Wait until kids actually die because of this shortage.  More:

How Biden Is Directly Responsible For Baby Formula Shortages (

School Librarian Promotes Prostitution to 11-Year-Olds

I can just see high school career day!  Which is why we need:

A Parent’s Bill of Rights – What Every Parent is Entitled To | Forloveofgodandcountry’s Blog

Poll: Majority of Democrats ‘Strengthened Their Convictions Of Widespread Fraud’ In 2020 Election After Watching 2000 Mules (

“HERE WE GO AGAIN!” MI Resident Receives FOUR Unsolicited Voter ID Cards In Mail…One For Voter Who’s Been Dead For 15 Yrs…Another For Man Who NEVER Lived At Address!

Hand Count Of Votes Reveals Machines Were Off By Thousands And Gave Race To A Democrat..

2020 was off the scale stolen.  If, in 2022, it’s not an utter route – and who the living F are these 30-something percent people who approve of President Potato – then we know we’re at the final box.


Where are all the men? – American Thinker

Society is declining when men no longer protect the weak.  And more broadly:

Dystopian Viral Videos Stream Out of Decaying New York City – PJ Media

I’ve seen videos of literal swarms of rats in city parks in Paris.  The wheels are slowly fading, and the civilizational campfire is going out.

The inevitable result of “Defund The Police” – coming soon to a city near you?

Remember, they WANT chaos and panic and starvation and uncertainty.  Related:

Fred Reed calls it

I’ve spoken often enough about the need to prepare for what’s coming. If you haven’t done so yet, you’d better crack the whip, because you don’t have much time left, and the supply chain crunch may mean you’ll find it difficult to acquire all you need in the short term. I won’t be surprised if the meltdown commences before the end of this year.




World Stability (broad catch-all):

Pay Attention | NC Renegades

What do I keep saying?  Every country taking what seems to be the “next perfectly logical step”… until the whole thing lights off.  Related:



Why does Biden keep on poking the Russian bear?

NATO’s Mission Imperative: Break Russia Even If Millions Worldwide Perish | ZeroHedge

Cyber agency: Voting software vulnerable in some states | AP News

Say it ain’t so!



Gardening, animals, etc.:

Sour Crop in Chickens: What is it And How to Treat it (

Chickens ain’t easy from what I read.

Before You Plant Sunchokes, You Need to Read This Post (

The advantage to sunchokes is that not many will recognize them.  Planted in a garden as “floral decoration” you have a food supply without a huge fear they’ll be recognized.  As the article (and others) point out, though, it self-propagates, which can be good and useful unless it becomes an invasive nuisance.



Comment: I save my eggshells and when I get a full bag in the freezer, carefully boil them after smashing them up (warning: they can stick and burn on the bottom), then drying them and into a zip bag they go.  When I mix dirt for planting I mix in some of the crushed egg shells.  Also, particularly for potatoes, which I’ve hit on in the last couple of posts, I have started saving the potassium rich banana peels to blend into the soil as well (note that this could attract pests so I’m only doing it for buckets the pests can’t get to).

Speaking of potatoes, I’ve planted two 5 gallon buckets and will do two more this weekend.  A little later than I wanted, but… we do what we can.  If it works and, Hashem willing, we’re still here next year I plant to do more buckets than the ones I have.



Tech security:

‘Privacy’ Search Engine DuckDuckGo Smoked Over Hidden Tracking Agreement With Microsoft

There’s a LOT of money in data.  Related:

Online privacy generally isn’t

OK, I’ll look at Brave.  I know Surak uses it.


Tim Hortons app tracked movement in violation privacy laws -Canadian regulator | Reuters

If it weren’t for maps (only then do I turn location on; imperfect, I know), the wife who insists it be an ankle monitor, Duolingo (over 850 day streak!), and a couple of communications apps, I’d go back to a dumb phone.  And the occasional on-the-road 911 call.

Watch what you feel: China now using “emotion recognition” technology to arrest people – DC Clothesline




Why do you need to carry with spare magazines and lots of ammo in them.

Because predators attack in packs.


Why “no compromise” on guns isn’t a bad thing – Bearing Arms           

Rights aren’t decided by polls – Bearing Arms

West Virginia: Legally-Armed Woman Saves Lives By Shooting Would-be Mass Shooter

Chinese KNIFE CONTROL – and the Left in America Joneses at the idea.  Note that I have a video that, for some reason, is not uploading and displaying correctly.  But per this video, there’s knife control too.


WATCH: Justin Trudeau As He Announces Canada’s Proposed Legislation to Ban Handguns

So You Want To Repeal The Second Amendment | The Zelman Partisans

Not sure if the video will load… so here’s the link, and a pull quote:

Biden just spoke about the need to disarm the population

Tucker: What are we looking at here? Well, today a guy on Twitter called Spike Cohen summed it up pretty nicely. Here’s what he wrote, “The U.S. government has been arming Ukraine because their allies. The U.S. government has been seeking to disarm Russia because they’re opponents. In totally unrelated news, the U.S. government seeks to disarm you.”

There’s No Bipartisan Gun ‘Deal’ In The Works, Just GOP Capitulation (

More interested in their paychecks and their invites to the “beautiful people” cocktail parties than upholding their oaths to protect the Constitution.

Uvalde — the new face of policing – American Thinker

How… HOW… does a police officer not rush in to protect kids?  I’d dive in front of a flamethrower if it meant protecting my kids.  (The other day my youngest was at a neighbor’s house on a cross-street, as was our immediate-neighbor’s youngest.  I walked them both home at dusk – dinner time!  And made sure their kid was acknowledged as being home by a parent before I went into mine.  More effort for me?  Yes.  Worth it?  Yes.)



Catch-all miscellaneous:

Online Edible Plants – Soil Improvers (

OZ, but still useful to peruse.  What’s the best part about planting edibles that most people don’t recognize?  That they won’t recognize them.

Co-op becomes first UK retailer to reject gene-edited food – FarmingUK News

It will eat the Frankenfood and will take the Jab regularly.  It will give up consumerism and prosperity.  It and its children will eat bugs.  And it will be happy.

Moonbat Wants to Marry Toy Airplane

On the plus side, hopefully, that’s the end to their genetic line that permits this level of stupidity.

BBC censored alleged rape victim’s testimony to avoid “misgendering” the perpetrator (

Control the information flow, control what people believe.




Wrap-up commentary if I am moved to do so:

Had a conversation over Memorial Day with a parent just hap-hap-happy and eager to Jab their kid once they turn five.  Mentioned quite a number of statistics, casually.  No curiosity.  Not. One. Shred.  Recall my essay A Curious Incuriosity.

Triage people at this point.  Yes, some might wake up, but most will die happy in their ignorance.




For fun:

Leave out the lobster, IMHO, maybe even pull the shrimp in favor of more clams and mussels, but MAN there are times I regret trying to keep kosher:






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