As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over. So much over I may do a “late week” memefest “overflow overflow”. 🙂
But we’ll see.
Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:
*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***
Sign of the times. Security tags on cheese blocks!
I find the irony of this admirable thought being associated with a Globalist like that to be… strong here. But it’s true.
There’s an old expression: Don’t wrestle with a pig. You can’t win and it annoys the pig. To minimize my stress now I ask myself if I’m going to have a discussion or an argument. You see, in a discussion you work with another to find what is right. In an argument you are trying to prove who is right. I want to know what’s right. I want, citing a quote from Bill Whittle, to be where the truth is, and if the truth requires that I move, so be it.
Having a discussion requires that you set aside your ego and be willing to consider that it is you who is wrong. It requires that you listen to, and weigh, information with which you disagree. Most people don’t have that kind of intellectual strength, being too vested in their own egos. And in many cases, they’d rather cling to their beliefs that support their view of themselves as superior intellects, and better/nobler/smarter/more educated than you, than admit that someone they disdain was more insightful and aware than they. Not for nothing is vanity the Devil’s favorite sin.
A classic example of this: a couple of weeks ago I engaged, at a social event, a doctor about The Jab. Would not listen to a single thing I said, despite the fact that I had specific and – thus – testable / checkable references. I referred to and named peer-reviewed sources. And nothing. Not just nothing, just a zombie-like chant of “Safe and Effective”. The priesthood at the Center for Disease Creation and the Federal Death Administration had spoken from on high, and that was that.
My pick for best of the lot:
This was tough. Very tough. So many excellent ones but for me this captures my sense of deep betrayal.
I’d known vote fraud was a thing for well over a decade in my political evolution but I’d never really suspected how large and deep-rooted it was until 2020. As Aesop said (bolding added):
If Palpatine and Jar Jar won, the Leftards should welcome honest audits and recounts, the better to take another victory lap, while rubbing the Right’s noses in the Left’s inevitable march to the throne room of power. People who’ve actually scored a touchdown don’t bitch about re-watching the video that proves it. It’s that simple.
You can run the tape back and forth, and if the feet are inbounds, and the ball is in control, it’s a touchdown time after time after time.
So when one team’s coaches, and half the fans in the stadium, boo and catcall the replay, and start agitating loudly to ignore it and just call the touchdown without looking at that pesky video replay, you know they didn’t score, and you know they know they didn’t score, so all their histrionics and hissyfits beforehand and afterwards is just them being pissed that they lost, refusing to admit it, even to themselves, and terror at having their noses rubbed in you seeing it with your own lying eyes, on a 50′ tall jumbotron, in front of millions of eyewitnesses.
So I recall Barackus’ “flexibility moment”…
And yet, in 2012, HE F*CKING WON????? It was then that I realized that the America I knew, the America into which I was born, was dead. It was a deep sense of utter betrayal.
Now, though, after 2020… perhaps not. Because Trump was SO popular, his vote totals SO overwhelming, they had to pull out all the stops and bank on the enemedia and other shills to cover it up, betting on all the useful idiots to lap up anything spewed by the enemedia. Because Orange Man Bad.
So in a strange and twisted way, 2020 gives me hope. There are more of us that I suspected. This is why I tirelessly post. I was more or less alone, until I realized I was not.
Palate cleanser: