Survival Sunday

First, remember that I am merely an “enlightened amateur” as far as anything survival goes.  Please vet & check on your own.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.

Second, the hour is late and I fear bad times are imminent, but even a month of food, water, etc., puts you well ahead of most of the sheeple.  IMHO, set your minimum sights on a three-month period.

Third, two things will be critical for having the best chance of making it through:

  1. The proper mentality: first and foremost in survival is having a flexible mentality and cultivating the ability to adapt.
  2. Having a meatspace network of people that are likeminded: start cultivating your community ties and building alliances with neighbors (note: don’t babble about the Jab or globalists or depopulation, or start pointing political fingers when doing this)… and remember, the first rule of PREP CLUB is that there is no prep club.

Fourth, as you read here, note that I present an aggregation of articles that I think are interesting, but I do not have time to vet them.  Caveat emptor.







Understand that short of years of preparation and untold wealth, you cannot possibly be fully prepared for everything.  But even some preparations, ideally at least 90 days of food, water / water purification, etc., puts you head and shoulders in front of the vast majority of the sheeple who will be in jaw-gaping astonishment when the SHTF.  The only relevant questions are:

  1. When does it start?
  2. How bad will it get?
  3. How long will it last?
  4. What will the aftermath look like?




50 U.S. Code § 4512 – Hoarding of designated scarce materials

In order to prevent hoarding, no person shall accumulate (1) in excess of the reasonable demands of business, personal, or home consumption, or (2) for the purpose of resale at prices in excess of prevailing market prices, materials which have been designated by the President as scarce materials or materials the supply of which would be threatened by such accumulation. The President shall order published in the Federal Register, and in such other manner as he may deem appropriate, every designation of materials the accumulation of which is unlawful and any withdrawal of such designation. In making such designations the President may prescribe such conditions with respect to the accumulation of materials in excess of the reasonable demands of business, personal, or home consumption as he deems necessary to carry out the objectives of this chapter. This section shall not be construed to limit the authority contained in sections 4511 and 4554 of this title.

(Sept. 8, 1950, ch. 932, title I, § 102, 64 Stat. 799; July 31, 1951, ch. 275, title I, § 101(b), 65 Stat. 132.)


In other words, President Potato (or any President) can declare your stash the property of the government.  And send soldiers to take it, by force if needed.




Top of the fold:

Russia Is Now Openly Discussing NUKING London, Berlin, and Paris (

Remember what I said in last week’s Survival Sunday:

For months if not years I have commented here, and in multiple places elsewhere, that WWI started with the “seed crystal” of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.  From there, every country took what seemed – in the context of what was known at the time – to be the “next logical step”.  This continued until every single country was boxed in by commitments both internal and external… and then the whole thing started.

NATO and others are pushing Russia into a box.  And a cornered animal lashes out.  Related, but not a fun site:

US Nuclear Target Map (

Tips for Keeping Your Propane Engines Running After SHTF (

Most Likely SHTF and Disaster Scenarios (




Presented, quick hit style, are some links.  Print them out and start a binder – if the SHTF badly enough you won’t be able to retrieve these off the net or, possibly, even off your computer (I remember one Y2K event I went to – someone was selling survival info on CDs… yeah, useful when the power’s out!):

18 Dangerous Health Mistakes To Avoid When SHTF – Ask a Prepper

Why You Might Need to Rethink the Possibility of Bugging Out – (

I need to get my and my family’s bug out bags ready.  And plan the route to somewhere where I know we’ll be welcome.



Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists:



Never forget these are people who would rather rule over glowing ashes than see their opponents win.  And on that:

The consequences of the stolen 2020 election are increasingly catastrophic – American Thinker

The Democrats have descended into the ninth circle of hell.  They are willing to destroy the nation rather than see Trump’s MAGA movement succeed anywhere.



Shortages (broadly):

Food Shortages Surge to Record High, Food Price Inflation 2nd Highest Ever – The Jewish Voice


Bread Prices Could Rise 35% Soon…

The food crisis is showing the first signs of real famine

Read the whole thing.

They Can Print Money – But They Can’t Print Food

Moonbattery Samantha Power on Why Food Shortages Are Good – Moonbattery

Remember, these people are missionaries on a holy quest to saaaaave the plaaaaanet.

BlackRock and Vanguard are taking over centralized food production technologies and will have near-total control over the future food supply in America – DC Clothesline


The world economy is an interwoven skein and all over people are tugging at random threads without understanding the effects.



Inflation (broadly):

Food Banks Serving More People Due to Inflation

Are gas prices going up again? Yes and here’s why | NewsNation (

It ain’t over… not by a long shot.  More:

Fuel prices . . . OUCH!!!



The Grid & Energy In General:

Connecting the Dots With the Energy Crisis – The Organic Prepper

Worrisome, with data points globally.  More:

Think Your Gas Prices Are Too High? Just Wait- Here Comes Bidenflated Home Electric Costs – The Lid (

Portable EMP-protected Solar Power Systems (

I know nothing about these people except they advertise on a blog I read.  But still… same for:

GoSun | Solar Ovens, Solar Cooling, Solar Charger, Solar Lighting

I do have a couple of their chargers and solar ovens though, full disclosure, I have not tried them yet.  Actually the cell phone chargers I have are already in my EMP container.

Utility companies get ready to cash in……Putin’s fault

BOHICA.  Remember, this is intentional.



US Social Stability (broad catch-all):

BREAKING: Barricades Going Up Around Supreme Court As Liberals Threaten “To Burn The Motherfucker Down…”

I question the timing.  An awfully convenient timing for distraction and ginning up the libs.

Video: Residents ANNOYED At Parents Protesting SATAN CLUB For Kids – Summit News

Satan walks openly, and is praised and facilitated.

Vote Democratic

The Left is applying the Great Replacement to eliminate any possible electoral opposition.

We’re talking 3 million people by the November election. Roughly ten million anonymous people have poured into the country under Joe Biden. We could have 30 million by 2024. That’s the population of Texas. They are stealing our votes – diluting them with foreigners.

It won’t take long for Democrats to insist that they be given asylum. Actually, Mayorkas called for it today.

Anyone who has noticed how close the elections have become in red states knows that they probably have the numbers for a permanent electoral majority.



WalGreens Secret Shoppers Now In The San Francisco Suburbs

No society can long survive like this.  None.  Related, while I am increasingly becoming skeptical and less supportive of police, take a look at how clearly aggressive these people are towards the police:

Another New Thing™, Another Violent Leftist Mob

Leftists Call For Violence After Treasonous SCOTUS Abortion Leak (

These people are itching for a fight.  And these are just depraved:

Remorseless Woman Had Her Three Children in Backseat When She Shot a 17-Year-Old Girl in The Face in Road Rage Incident… Went Straight to Get Her Nails Done While Victim Was Rushed to Hospital (

WATCH: Black Male Brutally Beats Elderly White Man With Walker in Increasingly Violent NYC Only One Year After AG Garland Warned: “White supremacists are the most dangerous threat to our democracy” (

I am reminded of this John Adams quote:


(Link to AZ Quotes per their policy)


Want to tell me any of these are moral people?

The Lighter Side of Hating Both Babies and Democracy

Related to the above, see:

When human life loses its meaning and value, euthanasia becomes just another cost-saving measure

Logan’s Run, anyone?  Remember, to the Socialist, an individual only has value insofar as they serve The State.  Children and retired people do not serve – they are a drain:

Remember, in socialist societies, an individual’s worth is measured, not by being a unique person made in the image of God, but by that person’s utility to the state. If you’re no longer useful and, worse, if are an economic drain on society, you’ve got to go.



World Stability (broad catch-all):

What I would do if I were Xi Jinping

Consider: America is weaker and more divided that it has been for 50 years.  A weak, divided America is likely what Xi will see as being in China’s best interests.

So the downsides are low, the benefits to China are likely high, and both of these could very well change in the next two (or even one) year.  The iron is hot, right now.  Timing will probably never be more in China’s favor than now.


Can China successfully invade and conquer Taiwan?

BREAKING: Chinese Doctor Says COVID-19 Release was Intentional

Just two years ago I’d not have believed this.  Now… I’m inclined to.  And it makes me wonder what they’re planning to release next.

The Next Pandemic



Gardening, animals, etc.:



I’m going to try this out!

Aquaponics: Build Your Own Endless Food Supply At Home For SHTF – Ask a Prepper

I remember reading, years ago, about a system that had algae-eating fish.  The fish ate the algae that grew, and were commercial products in and of themselves.  Then their waste-filled water, rich in nitrogen, was the prime feeding fluid for the hydroponics system.

All You Need To Know About Rooster Spurs – The Happy Chicken Coop

This site looks to have a lot!  E.g.:

Raising Meat Goats 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Raising Goats for Meat (


10 Different Types of Food to Feed Your Chickens – PetHelpful



Tech security:

CDC Tracked Millions of Phones to See If Americans Followed COVID Lockdown Orders (

Gallows.  Now.

Watch: Autonomous Chinese Drone Swarm Flies Through Forest While Hunting For Humans 

What model Terminator comes next?  Remember some of the robot dogs that walk aroud now.




Why are Gun Owners Against Gun Registration? | SlowFacts (

The scary thing for me is how people are so immediately dismissive of these counterarguments.



You will have to ban machine shops and hand tools.  Never mind, in a SHTF or CW2 situation, police being ambushed and killed to get their guns.  Even a patrol of 3-4 military soldiers can be swarm-attacked, killed, and stripped clean of weapons in just a couple of minutes.

If They Come for Your Guns, Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight? – DC Clothesline

Yes.  I am reminded of this famous quote:

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

We have been conditioned to think that we have something to lose.  And we do.  I have a nice house.  I look at my kids, certainly not capable of caring for themselves yet (and while I love my wife I don’t think she could handle being a single parent, let alone a single parent as a refugee, on the run, or in a camp).  But if I cannot resolve to protect them in this ultimate battle for freedom, even at the cost of my own life, what right do I have to claim the title of FATHER?  Being disarmed is a mistake people get to make… once.



Good body armor through here.  I have several.  I wish they made kid-sized stuff…

How to Become a Good Shot – The Organic Prepper

Practice practice practice.  This summer, Hashem willing, got to get the kids to the range weekly.  Me too.



Catch-all miscellaneous:

Amish Farmer Gets Prison Sentence for Processing His Own Meat – News Punch

Years ago I scoffed at the idea of drinking “raw” milk, or eating “raw milk” cheese.  Now, I vigorously purchase raw milk cheese for myself and will look into raw milk for my kids.  I know the risks but the more I look at today’s food processing, the more suspicious I get.

Yes, Pasteurization has helped but now, I simply don’t trust food processors anymore.




Wrap-up commentary if I am moved to do so:

In last week’s wrap-up commentary I discussed how I am seeing history rhyming in the lead up to WWI, happening now.  Everyone is posturing, everyone is preparing, everyone is backing themselves into corners of if-then-else trees.  So consider this video from some Russian TV program:



Openly talking – bragging – about how their new missile Sarmat can be in Western European cities almost before it’s detected, and certainly before any response can be mounted.

Locations in the U.S. that you should avoid at all costs if a nuclear war with Russia erupts – DC Clothesline

Now, this:



The board is being set, the pieces positioned.  Do not doubt there are plans in place, already, to false flag something that “demands” an direct counterattack.  And then things get… messy.

Prep. Plan.  And pray.  More war warnings:

USA / NATO gearing up for counterattack against Russian forces in July or August, with high risk of escalated retaliatory strikes by Russia using EMP or nuclear weapons – DC Clothesline

Ukraine Updates: Russia Threatens NATO Supplies Entering Ukraine, War Crime Evidence Emerges in Irpin

Things Are Getting Worse… Russia Sends Biden A Fresh Warning – YouTube

The Dangerous American Game Of Helping Kill Russian Generals | ZeroHedge

Speaking of nuclear exchanges, this is an interesting bit of history courtesy of Bill Whittle:



Will we be so lucky a third time, with – IMHO – people pushing for this to happen?








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