We Must Stop the Destruction of Western Progress and Culture

by Op-Ed

The mass immigration of 3rd world country populations into Western countries currently happening across the world has to stop and must be reversed.
Case in point: Reportedly, the most popular first name in the UK right now for baby boys is Mohamad, and the world is supposed to celebrate this in the name of diversity and all the “advantages” it supposedly brings.

The reality of this situation is far different than what is being presented and supported. Populations of people that have worked to build a country for millennia (as represented by France or the UK) or centuries (like the USA) are supposed to celebrate an invasion of folks from 3rd world countries who now change the entire demographic, take control, and reap the rewards from the progress and accomplishments of generations.

Even worse, the existing citizens, whose ancestors built the country and whose societal mores align with those who built the society, are vilified and labeled as selfish racists, all while crime (fentanyl, sex trafficking, and violence) and disease (measles and leprosy) are imported, and resources are expended on those who hate them but want their advantages. It is ludicrous for populations to accept this, especially while no vetting procedures, no health checks, and no assimilation processes are implemented.

I don’t advocate for the selfish hoarding of the fruits of the progress brought about by Western civilization. I wish to prevent the demise of that progress and offer the sharing of it to societies that want to learn from it and build it themselves. The United States’ geography isn’t the only one in the world to possess advantages in resources. Africa is a powerhouse of agricultural possibilities and mineral resources, including diamonds, copper, gold, oil, and natural gas. In spite of these resources being available, the societies in Africa have not advanced as have Western societies. The advances of modern society consistently originate from Western civilization, where freedom and individualism have flourished. Invention, which leads to improvements in quality of life, is prolific, where individuals are allowed to think and act freely within the boundaries of acceptable behavior.

Advances, not just technological but also societal (including the abolition of slavery and the concept of individual rights), originated from and are allowed to flourish in Western societies. When the populations of these advanced societies are diluted with people from societies that don’t have these values, the advanced society becomes unsustainable. The result won’t be the raising of the entire world to 1st World levels, it will lower the bar so that 1st World becomes 2nd World, and down to 3rd. Just look at the current condition of many US cities as an example of this drastic decline.

We want to thank Michelle Hoy for this Contribution – Please direct yours to Steve@GraniteGrok.com.
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What is the solution? First, to protect humanity from this inevitable decline, persons allowed to immigrate to places like the USA need to go through a process that involves:

1. Vetting to ensure that they are not criminals in their country of origin and/or enemies of their new country.
2. Medical testing to prevent the import of diseases that, for all intents and purposes, had been irradicated.
3. Education regarding the values and practical workings of the culture and government of the destination country so that they can assimilate into THAT COUNTRY’S society.
4. Most importantly, they must be LIMITED IN NUMBER so that the mores of the new society won’t be diluted to the point that that society regresses from all that they have achieved.

This is not a racist or selfish concept. A simple look at history will show that where freedom has been allowed to flourish and where governments have evolved away from totalitarianism and dictatorships, quality of life improves, not in a moment, but over time. Humanity in these areas adjusts, and their way of thinking evolves with societal growth.

This leads to the second way to improve the quality of life of humanity worldwide. Take it to the source. Simply moving populations from one location, where quality-of-life is sub-optimal or even abysmal, to a better one won’t fix the problem. The root cause needs to be addressed. Governments (and the people under them) need to decide to improve the lives of their citizens. Western Societies can’t force this progress. I’m not sure how to accomplish it since so many evil actors exist in this world who do not want to change the status quo, but I do believe that it can’t be done through military domination. Societies have to go willingly.

Still, the destruction of the advances and advantages in Western societies is not the answer. Importing the 3rd World way of thinking into Western societies will only make matters worse here without helping the people there. We need to stop the destruction of our way of life, help those who we can, and be an example as a way to encourage the rest of the world to join us in prosperity. Our resources didn’t get Western civilization to where it is. Our way of thinking did. Once other societies understand this and change, their quality of life will improve the same way it did in Western societies. They can then enjoy the life that they seek where they are. This won’t take them as long as it did the West. We’ve already laid the groundwork. I say, “Come on in, the water’s fine. Just do it for yourselves without demanding, taking, and eventually destroying what we have worked for millennia to build.”


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