
Science or Scam

Panic! The sky is falling and all our coastal cities will be under water in ten years! Wait, that was predicted twenty some years ago wasn’t it? Now, though, yet another environmental group decided to block morning traffic coming to work in NYC because the “city will be under water by 2200.”  So is the … Read more

Steve’s right so I’ll just leave this here for day dreaming…

That would be this from Steve: We’ve no reason to believe their run of bad luck will stop nor the predictions that make it possible. The byproduct of decades worth of socialist sympathizers (and actual socialists) pushing socialist solutions to advance socialism in the name of saving the planet (but not from socialism). Which is … Read more

At Least We’ll Be Rid of the Kale Smoothies

Kale shakesLast night Skip shared a bit of liberal mythology he tripped over at Tree Hugger which struck me as curious. The perp in chief of that ongoing serial fiction got his jimmies rustled over the width of the sidewalks in New Utopia.  That’s where we’ll all be living. In cities, all happy together. But we can’t get there from here with sidewalks that are not wide enough for at least two kale-smoothie slurping hippies to travel side-by-side. That just won’t do.

My first thought was that, if anything, big, sprawling, urban heat islands with or without kale-smoothie slurping hippies (in any”forward” moving formation) are actually man’s most meaningful contribution to warming any part of the planet and why would an enviro-wacko concerned about the planet want more of that?

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There is a difference between the Free Market and the Government Market

And TreeHugger decided to demonstrate that, with clueless irony, all on their own.  Yes, one more from TreeHugger that shows that Environmentalism has really left its roots of DOING environmental work and very much all about getting Big Government and its big teat (and very much, dependent on that teat) to do it instead as well as forcing lifestyle changes upon people that otherwise would not.  This time, trying to go all yammering that Republicans not supporting Govt supported jobs is hypocritical and ignoring the foundation of their illogic:

Siemens Lays Off 38% of US Workforce – Cites Lack of Wind Power Support Romney Favors

That wind power jobs and installations in the US rise and fall in line with federal tax policy for the renewable energy source is solidly established,…

You’d think after decades of watching the “ups and downs”, and being tax experts (as all Big Multinationals are), some would learn to not play the game.  Problem is, profits are to be made when the Government either directly or indirectly manages a marketplace via tax policy.  And the writer of the post is surprised at this?  Mere youngster that thinks history starts with his birth.  However, he yammers onward:

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In America today, we are living in a time of tribulation. WHAT DO YOU DO…

…when you are faced with the poisonous policies and politics of Obama, the Democrats, and their henchmen in government, in the media, and elsewhere?

Data Point – US CO2 emissions down; So NOW will NH Senate President Bragdon and Majority Leader Bradley let RGGI die?

CO2 (that pollutant that really isn’t one) is supposedly going to kill us all off due to the global warming climate change it causes (even though water vapor is a much higher effect gas).  Screw that, its political existence is derived only due to its ability to generate a new revenue stream for greedy politicians … Read more

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