The Strain on families, the Fear, and in Some Cases Grief, have Taken an Immense Toll

by Op-Ed

It seems that this board has been looking through a very narrow lens that sees only the physical impact of the disease and not the fallout from the precautions we have taken. The isolation, financial and emotional strain on families, the fear, and in some cases grief, have taken an immense toll.

We’d like to thank Victoria Sullivan for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider please submit it to Skip@ or

Our children have been impacted the most. We are seeing in increase is drug use, crime, depression, and suicide in our young people. This situation has proven to be fertile ground for those looking to groom young gang members.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, many of New Hampshire’s childcare centers have remained open. Currently, nearly 43,000 New Hampshire children are in summer camps, childcare, and education programs. Many city and town sports have resumed across the state. Yet, New Hampshire has not seen an increase in COVID-19 because of these activities. In fact, our numbers are in a positive trend that I know we all pray will continue. It is time that we look at the entire child and return their lives to some sense of normalcy in a safe manner.

I propose that you open all classrooms full time with the option for remote learning for the teachers and students who cannot or wish not to return to in-school instruction.

Each student would receive 1/2 day of in-school instruction and 1/2 day of at-home or remote education divided into morning and afternoon sessions. This would allow for smaller class sizes, accommodate social distancing, allow each child to receive in-person instruction, serve families that rely on free and reduced lunch, and give children the socialization that they crave.

Each classroom should be capable of remote learning at this point and families that do not have access would receive packets to take home.

The current proposal of two days of in-person learning for our youngest learners and three days of remote learning is unacceptable for children this age.

The school district’s current proposal leaves our minority, special education students, English language learners, and our most vulnerable populations without an equitable education. I ask that you give this proposal serious consideration with the understanding that flexibility is necessary in uncertain times.

Thank you.

My remarks as read to the board by the clerk regarding the re-opening of schools.


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