Victoria Sullivan’s Plan for a Fiscally Responsible Manchester

by Op-Ed

Manchester, NH – Former N.H. House Assistant Majority Leader and Manchester Mayoral Candidate, Victoria Sullivan, issued the following statement on formally announcing her fiscal responsibility plan for the Queen City:

“Manchester families are hardworking individuals who deserve a mayor that is an authentic fiscal conservative. They deserve someone who has the mindset that it’s not government’s money — it’s the taxpayers’ — and it needs to be spent wisely. Concurrently, Queen City taxpayers are entitled to a system of accountability when it comes to city spending, and a transparent process that discourages backdoor spending and identifies it when it is attempted.

“For a better process and to restore public trust, I fully support a true zero-based budgeting approach for Manchester, something Mayor Joyce Craig has failed to implement. This will do wonders for ending needless expenditures that have no practical value for our residents. Additionally, I will conduct a full audit of every ordinance on the books and solicit input from taxpayers and the business community. This input will be invaluable so we can make Manchester not only a better place to live, but one with a friendly climate to start and run thriving businesses.

“The reality is that the only thing stopping far-Left Mayor Joyce Craig from spending us into oblivion is the Tax Cap. Make no mistake: Mayor Joyce Craig and her liberal allies have been looking for ways to break the Cap for years. After the pandemic, and as costs rise for ordinary families around the city, Queen City residents simply cannot afford another reckless term of Mayor Craig.”

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We must take steps to make our city more fiscally responsible.

  • Implement True Zero-Based Budgeting.
  • Prioritize spending & re-evaluate our departments to look for duplicative roles and spending.
  • Work with departments to see where we can be more efficient.
  • Review post-COVID office work. Increase online services.
  • Evaluate re-districting and better ways to streamline education costs by making the school district a department of the city.

Taxes and fees

  • Uphold the Tax Cap.
  • Higher property taxes drive businesses out and directly impact our most vulnerable as those costs transfer over to their rent.
  • Hold elected officials accountable for spending.
  • Examine the amount of fees that are being pushed onto our citizens. The city of Manchester is supposed to provide services, not nickle-and-dime their taxpayers.
  • Reduce permitting fees and regulations on homeowners. The city should not place unnecessary expenses or regulations on homeowners who want to update and/or beautify their property.


Paid for by Friends of Victoria Sullivan. Ray Hebert, Treasurer. P.O. Box 4301, Manchester, NH 03108


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