China, Chinese Flag

China will smash U.S.

That’s what China is saying, they will smash us over Taiwan “no matter what it costs” They know Biden will be hiding in the cellar again along with all those so brave liberal “activists”.  BLM and Antifa hiding behind masks, firebombing defenseless businesses will be nowhere to be seen if, and I say “IF” any calls come out for recruits to defend America from the emboldened dictators of China, Russia, and N. Korea.

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Putin Ukraine

Raging on in Kyiv

It has been about three weeks since the first salvos in the recent outbreak of kinetic warfare in Ukraine. The crisis has dramatically captured attention from people all over the planet and successfully diverted criticism from the collapse of the coronavirus project.

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Links for International News of the Day

Links for International News of the Day

We hope the Links for International News of the Day will help you stay abreast of happenings in the broader world that may affect your corner of it. U.S. Democratic debate highlights: Healthcare, gun control and party unity take center stage. Reuters. Biden maintains grip on 2020 Democratic race after third debate. Reuters. Biden attacks … Read more

Links for International News of the Day

Links for International News of the Day

We hope the Links for International News of the Day will help you stay abreast of happenings in the broader world that may affect your corner of it. Iran Trump says he could meet with Iranian President Rouhani. Reuters. Trump says he can solve Iran’s problems ‘in 24 hours’ if Tehran is willing. Times of … Read more

Links for International News of the Day

Links for International News of the Day

Israel White House announces peace plan will not be released prior to Israeli election. The Foreign Desk. Iran Trump talks up credit line for Iran, but no sign of imminent policy change. Voice of America. U.S. sanctions networks it says are connected to Iran’s government, military. The Algemeiner. U.S. sanctions Iranians it says are linked … Read more


United States Critical Issues in Transportation 2019

Transportation systems are essential for modern day economies and people’s lifestyles, and are undergoing lots of changes. These changes could potentially either make future congestion, fuel consumptions and emissions better or worse, and have a positive or a negative impact on transport networks and thus, the economy. Transportation in the United States is largely affected … Read more

Data Point – CO2 emissions: who loves us, baby!

by Skip

Certainly not the rest of the world that seemingly looks to government to solve their problems.  Here in the US, we look to ourselves and the entrepreunerial and innovative frackers that have unleashed technology to spring God’s energy gift, natural gas, to us are to be thanked – they’ve made it possible to lead the … Read more

Instead of a ‘Trade War’ German Car Makers Propose Tariff Free Trade With United States

tariffTwo weeks ago the Left was predicting a trade apocalypse after Mr. Trump said he wanted our G7 allies to drop their tariffs on US goods or he’d raise ours to match them. As an alternative, on his way out the door to meet with Kim Jong Un (something else no other U.S. President had done), he suggested a tariff and subsidy-free trading zone amongst all G7 nations.

The Democrat Party apocalypse tour shouted good night America! as they looked for their next world-ending Trump Derangement Syndrome induced narrative. But somewhere along the way, Germany’s largest automakers said, “hey, we’d love to end all import tariffs on cars between the EU and the US.”

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