Occasional Overnight Thread – Secession Fever (Across the American Political Spectrum…)

The Daily Mail, that tabloid-Esque media thing by the folks across “The Pond™” from whom we declared independence (as in seceded) a few centuries back, has some interesting news. Large numbers of Americans want to secede.


  • Two-thirds of Republicans in the South say they favor seceding from the Union 
  • Nearly half of Democrats in the Pacific region – 47% – also back secession 
  • Findings are from survey conducted by Bright Line Watch and YouGov 
  • Overall, 44% of Americans in the South said they would favor seceding from US 
  • Survey divides respondents into geographical regions that could form countries 


And it’s not just red and blue.


Support for secession is also considerable among independents in the Midwest and Great Lakes regions, where 43 percent say they would favor breaking away and forming their own country.

Half of independents in the South also favor secession while 43 percent of Republicans in the Rocky Mountain states share the same view.


Irreconcilable Differences

This is the resort of division for which the left has been hoping. Social media has, of course, made it exponentially worse by feeding people what they think they want to see – and then, later, purging them for choosing the wrong stuff.

We need a large majority of these folks to come together on this one point. Democrats are destroying America. They are the insurrectionists. From schools to churches to borders, to everything, they are the devil hiding in the pews. They hate the nation, the anthem, our founding, the Constitution, our history, a majority of its people, and they will say or do anything to accumulate and keep power with the goal of destroying it.

A few of you on the left might disagree, but if that’s not the case, why are they working so hard to control all the money and the choices? They started cancel culture, labeled kids as racists then demanded we allow them to be taught that this was a fact.

And it’s working. And it will keep working until and unless we find an effective way to push back in every election at every level, from towns and school boards to federal offices.

They will never make it easy, but it is up to us to keep bringing the fight.

Never give up, never surrender.


| Survey

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