New Hampshire’s New Minister of Happy Meals

Skip Murphy joins me to discuss HB 1668, the soda ban bill that empowers the nanny state to micro-manage yet another aspect our existence. What beverage restaurants can allow parents to order with kids meals? View or listen on the original blog post page here.

Timmyz In For A Rude Awakening

“Truth never penetrates an unwilling mind.”  – J. L. Borges

Joseph M. Gallagher - No Such address - stole your vote in 2000
Joseph M. Gallagher – No Such address

Like most people who foment voter fraud, either by assisting in it or simply ignoring its existence, Rep Timothy Horrigan (D- Land of Voter Fraud) are not long for a very rude awakening.  But in advance of this tumultuous awakening, Horrigan is quoted by WMUR in defense of his bill to repeal the New Hampshire voter ID law currently in place.

Rep. Timothy Horrigan, D-Durham, argued for repeal, saying the voter ID law is “an excessive solution to a virtually nonexistent problem.” Horrigan said no evidence of voter fraud exists in the state.

Emphasis mine.

Repeal was not embraced, though the Democrats have halted any additional provisions until the AG is done lying about the existence of voter fraud, much the way every AG has for most of (at least) the last decade.

The problem is not that it does not exist, it is that either no one wants to be bothered or the fraud favors those tasked with the looking.

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The Ever-So-Dysfunctional Timothy Horrigan

“Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of (the Legislature); but I repeat myself. —Mark Twain 

The Dunce of Durham, Rep. Timothy Horrigan

Timmy HAD TO KNOW when this UL Editorial hit, we here at the Grok would be all over it. This editorial…”Civility in question: Rep. Horrigan shamed again.” So we all have to ask…”what drew the ire of the Union Leader Editorial pages?”

Seems its nothing new for Timmy…the same thing he resigned over the last time: Making bothersome comments,  to be kind and judicious.

In 2010, Rindge DemocRAT Keith David Halloran quipped on his Facebook wishing that Sarah Palin and her daughter’s former boyfriend were the

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This Slut Votes

The War on Women continues apace, and right here in the Granite State. According to ‘The New Hampshire,’ a UNH campus publication, on April 28th, 30 people “gathered outside of Thompson Hall to participate in a national rally for women’s reproductive rights in support of access to birth control, Plan B One-Step, Planned Parenthood, and abortions.”

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Will Buckley come Out Against Horrigan?

So I wonder what Ray Buckley thinks about Tim Horrigan changing his mind?   Mr. Horrigan found himself stuck in the event horizon of Keith Halloran’s "dead Palin" remarks in early August and in a fit of malaise swore off the House and resigned his position.  While I implied that would hardly last, (and I … Read more

Why It Doesn’t Pay To Defend A Democrat

Republican House Rep Steve Vallincourt came to Tim Horrigan’s defense over his Pailn comments.  (This from this mornings Union Leader.)

“Rep. Horrigan didn’t wish anyone dead; he simply stated a political truth,” Vaillaincourt wrote. “Were Sarah Palin to die today, her myth, like actor James Dean, would surpass anything she’s done in life. If Dem officials took Rep. Horrigan to the woodshed for these remarks, they rather than he should be resigning."

In response to Vallincourt’s comments Harrel Kristein, democrat party, issued a prompt press release

"Will NHGOP Practice What They Preach? GOP Representative praises comments about the death of Sarah Palin."

“If the New Hampshire Republican Party is really concerned with abhorrent political speech, they should immediately denounce Rep. Vaillancourt’s comments and ask him to resign.”

I guess that means you can’t talk about it, even to defend Horrigan?

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Secret Squirrel Goes Public–Palin More Dangerous Dead

Democrat Timmy "Secret Squirrel" Horrigan has followed Keith Halloran’s lead and stuck his little "Secret Squirrel" foot in it.  Now!Hampshire has the goods again, and once more we find Facebook coming back to haunt the left. .. “dead Palin wd be even more dangerous than a live one…she is all about her myth & if … Read more

Horrigan Resigns

Just about everyone who would read this probably already knows this–Tim Horrigan has resigned after posting comments about Sarah Palin on facebook in response to the discussion about Keith Halloran’s "death wish" comments.   And while the resignation is probably appropriate, the situation surrounding it has it’s own bits of intrigue.

First, the comment that got Mr. Horrigan in trouble on Halloran’s facebook post–the one that is posted at NowHampshire and on the Granite Status, is not the only one.  A second version appeard briefly on a seperate facebook post–since deleted it seems and no I did not do a screen capture–but I did copy and paste the text into the comments section of my previous post on the matter while looking for the original.  Here’s that comment.

"ironically a dead Sarah Palin would’ve been much more of a problem for the left than the living one is. her myth has very little to do with anything she has ever said, done or accomplished. in fact, she isn’t actually DOING anything now. s…he doesn’t even SAY anything aside from "you betcha" and "mama grizzly." all she ever accomplished was to help McCain blow the 2008 election. she’s just a blank wall on which some people project their hopes and some others, like the unfortunate Keith David Halloran, project their hatred"

The wording is very similar to the orignal, though with more detail.  Sorry I did not get the capture–but what does it mean?  He took the time to write it twice. It wasn’t just a fluke spur of the moment thing. Whatever that portends, he has since apologized and resigned his seat and his re-election. I’d say he means it.

But is that all there is to say?


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Get This Man A Space

Two weeks later and Rep. Peter Schmidt (D-Strafford 4) still has to park in the No Parking Zone when other spaces are available.  Yes, this is a follow up to my earlier post–Peter " No Parking" Schmidt.  Apparently Peter is a real stand up guy.  Veteran.  Works hard.  Always shows up in Concord.  I appreciate … Read more

Tim Horrigan Secret Squirrel

Have you seen this man at your NHLA event, Tea Party rally, cook out, seminar or other Republican or pro-liberty gathering?  Have you found him lurking in your yahoo group or commenting on your web site or blog?  His name it Rep Timothy Horrigan.  Mr. Horrigan, a State Rep from Strafford District 07 says… I am one … Read more

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