I think we’ve more than made the case that a government that wants you dead will deliberately advance policies that make you want to kill yourself. Like a public health apparatus that makes you wait over six months for ‘care,’ but can fast-track your “assisted” suicide.
socialized medicine
Follow the Bouncing Ball: Canada Wrecks Health Care, Legalizes Assisted Suicide, Organ Donations Rise …
There is a great deal of effort in this piece on organ donations from CTV News Canada to opine on the need for medical ethics. “I am concerned that people who struggle with a lack of self-esteem and self-worth may be pushed to see this as an opportunity to mean something.”
Facebook Doodlings – That’s Not How It Works, That’s Not How Any of That Works. Especially Socialism
This is fairly quick – a comment left on our FB page in response to Rick Notkin’s post “Take Close Look at ‘Socialized’ Medicine and See if That’s What You Want.” She has NO idea what she’s talking about.
Take Close Look at ‘Socialized’ Medicine and See if That’s What You Want
I think I made one or two solid points here in my letter of the 29th so let me try for a couple more this week. First, the fake “systemic racism” leftists keep howling on is just that, a divisive tactic without merit. It’s poverty among our inner-city minorities, always has been and will be.
Blogline of the Day – be afraid, be VERY afraid
Progressives use the Government to crowd out traditional Civil Society charitable organizations. And the Leftists have made it plain that only Government should and can be doing “good things.” To the point that they are now openly Socialist enough to be advocating the Government nationalization of complete industries.
“Squirrels!” Best Mind Your Nuts!
Last week we observed that the more train-wrecked-liberal places like California were already preparing for doctor shortages. Medical Doctors are leaving the profession because of growing government interference and the looming price and cost pressures of Obama-Care.
The Progressive State’s solution? Redefine what “Doctor” means until all your oars are manned. (Perhaps a more apt metaphor would be having enough hands to arrange all your deck chairs?)
This week I’d like to give that some perspective with this; from the UK Mail Online.
Roger Goss, co-director of Patient Concern (for Britain’s National Health Service), told The Sun: ‘It is amazing that surgeons don’t always take enough care to guarantee that they are removing the correct testicle.’
Obamacare was upheld by the Supreme Court. It is also doomed.
This from Holman Jenkins, Jr. in The Wall Street Journal recently: “The mandate’s survival could actually be a convenience to those who remain seriously interested in fixing health care….Reality could not have instructed President Obama more plainly: The last thing we needed, in a country staggering under deficits and debt, a sluggish economy and an unaffordable … Read more
“Throwing grandma off the cliff”? Again? Yep….
Except this time it’s not a Democrat talking-point lie. It’s real.