Can You Choose Not to have Leukemia?

Sandra Fluke is making the case that allowing employers to deny contraception on religious grounds could just get so out of control that they (employers) might deny coverage for other things like….say…Leukemia. Hey -I just met you, And this is crazy.  But here’s my number…so Leukemia maybe? I am not quite sure what should be … Read more

Sandra Fluke – Ready For her Mall Tour?

About ten people showed for a Sandra Fluke rally in Nevada
Sandra Fluke knows how to draw a crowd.  Not quite as big as Tiffany at the beginning of her Mall Tour days, but hey, the North Reno Nevada Sak ‘N Save parking lot had people in it.

Fluke might want consider the inverted parallels.   She started out speaking to congress and getting national media attention, and now she’s been reduced to a roadside mountebank speaking to ten people in the parking lot of the local Sak ‘N Save.  At this rate she’ll be singing Tiffany’s first number one hit, a cover of I think we’re alone now. (Followed by ‘What could’ve been,‘).

Fluke’s “speech” was part of a scheduled day long Democrat get out the vote event.

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And Dems want to turn this behavior into a NH Value?

by Skip

Childhood – expected dependency (that’s what kids are: dependent on their parents).

Adulthood? Not so much. But Barack’s campaign site thinks so.  Are we becoming a nation of dependent “children”?  Are we all that unwilling to put aside childish mannerisms (“Mommy, can I have a cookie?  Daddy, can I have a ten?”) and no longer are willing to act like adults?  Should adults put on a mantle of expecting everything to be given to them?

Sandra Fluke was the first thing that shot through my mind as I read this note (as in “hey Dad, tuition is not the only thing that is due at the end of the week – can that be my 32 Birthday present?”). Isn’t her insistence of demanding someone else paying for her responsibility the embodiment of the perpetual dependent child mentality?  At least the letter writer put the burden on her family; Sandra Fluke has determined that it is fine and proper for Government to be “her parent”; in that most intimate human acts, her claim to fame is to demand that Government provide for her”reproductive activities health”.

I will say this – I would never have ever thought of going “Yo, Dad?  You know what I need $18 grand for”?  Just the THOUGHT of even having the thought to ask is shameful.  Yes, shameful.

Yet, this is a Democrat Value – after all, Sandra Fluke spoke at one of Obama’s campaign rallies.  Given that it seems that the Democrat Party is fullbent “forward” on any policy that changes the relationship of and in a traditional family (how else would they EVER get Government to be “the parent”?

As offensive as it might seem to feminists and Bigger Government Progressives who believe that the Purpose and Role of Government is to provide for all of our needs in a libertine behavior world, when you strip out all of the yammering, this note writer’s message gets stripped down to telling Mommy “how mean it is that some faceless bureaucrat isn’t going to go grab some money from a taxpayer, run to the pharmacy, purchase her contraceptives, and deliver them straight away”. Oh, to be sure, there is gonna be some Progressive out there screaming “How dare you deny us, you discriminator!”.

Put a sock in it as I’m not interested in your whining any more.

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Smart Girl Politics Action: “They don’t speak for us”

Smart Girl Politics Action launches “They Don’t Speak for Us” asking women to put the conversation back on real issues important to women. Women are forced everyday to make sacrifices and its time that we put pressure on Congress and this Administration to stop playing games and get back to work for the American people. … Read more

Carbonite CEO’s Real Problem is Not Rush Limbaugh It’s His Liberalism

Why did David Friend really pull his companies advertising from the Rush Limbaugh program?  We are meant to believe that it was because of what Limbaugh said about Sandra Fluke.  That the words ‘slut’ and ‘prostitute’ were discussion terms he was not interested in associating  with himself or his company.  But this is coming from a man who gives his own cash-money to groups like, and a host of Democrat candidates.  People who denigrate women on an almost daily basis.  He wasn’t outraged at all,  and as it turns out, was merely ‘activated’ like some suicidal sleeper agent.

Recent reports have revealed that the entire ‘advertiser outrage’ was planned and orchestrated by Media Matters.  Carbonite yanking it’s advertising was just part of the show. 

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This has nothing to do with contraception everything to do with the governments role in mandating it.

Progressives only look across the scope of human history for propaganda.  They have no interest in the connection between yesterday, today, and certainly not tomorrow.  They are only concerned with the distance between what their spleen tells them today (grow government), and how to do that and still get through their next re-election.  Which is why, in responding to a comment to my post, Beggars CAN be Choosers, I made this point…(paraphrased)

If, during the arguments for Griswold v. Connecticut, you suggested that seeing a right to privacy in the constitution would just a few years later result in the legal practice of live birth abortion, people would have called you crazy.  And yet it happened.  Griswold begot Roe, Roe begot the abortion industry, which begot letting living breathing babies die at birth.  The right to privacy somehow resulted in legal murder.

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I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post.

Nice Deb, has a nice round up of links and commentary regarding the sham that is Sandra Fluke and the Democrats blatant redirect away from the wreckage of their leadership and Obama’s failed presidency.  (Nothing of ours unfortunately.)  And the lede is a suitable context to the other issue we’ve been covering around here at … Read more

I AM WOMYN, HEAR ME…………………beg

by Skip

“Please, Daddy Government, may I have some more condoms and Pills?”

How debasing to have to ask Government for a handout to engage in the most intimate of sexual relations?  This gives lie to the idea that Progressives and Feminists want Big Government out of their bedrooms.  Nay, they are inviting them in!  After all, if Government cannot make those evil companies and churches give me a pregnancy and STD experience, well, I need to beg some more.

It used to be “hear me ROAR”, right?  Sandra Fluke and those supporting her, while thinking they are using their outside voices, are really whimpering: “please provide for my needs”.  Strong, independent, able to provide for themselves and the ability to compete equally against men?  Wasn’t that the original point of feminism – the Matriarchy rising above Patriarchal society?

But isn’t this just a whole charade with Sandra Flake?  You have this “reproductive justice” advocate, picking a religious Law school deliberately to be an agent provocateur to get free stuff KNOWING that it was against their theology – but perhaps this is not their ” moment in the sun”she and her fellow travelers think it is?  Maybe, is the “full circle” moment?  From Oppressed to Freedom to Oppression, for if you have to beg for stuff from Government for a roll in the hay, you are not free.  Dependency is never free – not even from the Progressive “Freedom from Want”, for as Communism /Socialism has shown us, The Bigger the Government, the smaller the citizen.  Given the backdrop of a $16 Trillion debt, it is clear that their selfishness to assuage their urges have addled any financial sense they have.  It is the ME generation on steriods – you MUST give to me, even as I prostrate myself to Government.

Good going, dudettes – you swapped one Master for another – happy now?  Or do you even realize it?

Reduced to begging.  Does that make the Feminists the “useful idiots” of Progressives who are ALL about central control, who do not trust citizens with their own freedom, and who must be dancing in the halls thinking “hey, we got another group dependent on us!”  Who are all about taking away our precious Liberty and go back to the Oppression that reigned over most before the Declaration of Independence, all in the name of Equality (like the French Revolution worked out well) ).


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Beggars CAN be Choosers

Sandra Fluke as Veruca Salt - I Wan't it Now!
I want Contraception Now Daddy!

Welcome to Veruca Salt Nation where beggars can be choosers.  Where  a 30 year old “law school student” aka-professional activist gets trolled before the fawning media by DC’s Democrat party leadership, (right on time!) to pretend she is a victim.  Her name is Sandra Fluke, the new face of the Democrat Parties Veruca Salt Nation.

“I want my taxpayer funded contraception now, daddy.”

And why not?  We are the 99.   Children up to age 26 are encouraged to seek a free ride, extended to age 30 (apparently) in Ms. Fluke’s case.  Just another step on the ladder to full dependency.  And while you are asking for things why not a constitutional right to Monistat–along with hot tubs, tropical getaways, and rooms for two–because if you are going to waste taxpayer funded contraception dollars the way the government wastes everything else, you should do it someplace nice–but the occasional yeast infection might be more than just a fluke.

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