BlogLine of the Day – from our very own New Hampshire-ite, Mark Steyn

by Skip

Over at The Corner, there is a discussion going on about Obama’s “best shot” against Romney is Big Bird – how DARE he take Big Bird away from little children!  Well, Mark decides to “help” out the Obama campaign staff with a suggestion:

Katrina, re that ruthless Obama attack ad hanging the albatross of Big Bird round Romney’s neck, can anyone play this game?

“Vote Obama: He didn’t cancel Big Bird, just the Benghazi consulate security.”

“Vote Obama: He knows how small the PBS subsidy is, but he can’t get the national debt correct to the nearest six trillion – even when he’s the guy who spent it.”

Give it a week or so, and, in a grand harmonic convergence of Democrat talking points, Big Bird will be dating Sandra Fluke.

Brilliant! Kids and contraceptives (er, don’t they do that in “Progressive” elementary schools already?)! There’s no telling what the talking point would be concerning, er, a rather confused new victim class?

Nope, not gonna go there….so I’ll go here instead:  would you want to be a fly on the wall as Fluke starts, in her oh so serious manner, to explain what her advocacy mission is to a childlike bird cartoon character?  Why Big Bird must, heh, give her contraceptives?

Now, don’t YOU go there either!

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