Carbonite CEO’s Real Problem is Not Rush Limbaugh It’s His Liberalism

Why did David Friend really pull his companies advertising from the Rush Limbaugh program?  We are meant to believe that it was because of what Limbaugh said about Sandra Fluke.  That the words ‘slut’ and ‘prostitute’ were discussion terms he was not interested in associating  with himself or his company.  But this is coming from a man who gives his own cash-money to groups like, and a host of Democrat candidates.  People who denigrate women on an almost daily basis.  He wasn’t outraged at all,  and as it turns out, was merely ‘activated’ like some suicidal sleeper agent.

Recent reports have revealed that the entire ‘advertiser outrage’ was planned and orchestrated by Media Matters.  Carbonite yanking it’s advertising was just part of the show. 

Carbonite stock price 6 monthsAs is generally now known, David Friend likes to donate to Progressives (with but one recent Republican donation… to Mitt Romney, back in 2007), which means he has a stake in the Democrat parties success, but is also susceptible to their prejudices.   So when, in all likelihood, the left saw an opportunity to do to Limbaugh what they successfully did to Glen Beck on Fox, they jumped.  Friend, clearly in need of some manufactured good will, just figured he was on the right side and that the left-wing lever pullers inside media matters knew what they were doing.   But they were wrong and so was Friend, a chronic problem Liberals suffer from that the mere mention of Rush Limbaugh’s name only aggravates to the point of hysteria.  So Friend probably couldn’t help himself.

Carbonite stock has been sliding for months.  Friend, undoubtedly under pressure to find a way to jack it back up, saw the Media Matters demon on his shoulder as a way to get some free press and appear sensitive to the lefts current propaganda campaign–the Republican War on women.  Oh, and to destroy Rush, of course, which was clearly a larger priority to the CEO of Carbonite than selling his service to Limbaugh’s massive,  loyal audience.  (More proof that Democrats can’t separate their feelings from common sense; why they are incapable of governing in anyone elses interests but their own.)  Friend’s mistakes should be legion; first, most women are not buying into that rhetoric, or are aware of the obvious hypocrisy (or just the stupidity of the argument), second–he’s not playing with taxpayers money and share holders are not nearly as tolerant.

Carbonite has not just lost the kind of positive radio exposure that no one else in the business can offer, he pissed off Republican and conservative listeners who until now, were willing to give David Friend the same pass Limbaugh did and use his service because it worked .  That dynamic has changed and the publicity Friend had hoped for has turned negative.  The lengthy slide of Carbonite stock just met a ledge and is falling off.

The progressive establishment will not, however, learn any lessons from this.  They are incapable.  They are Pyrrhus, willing to scorch the earth if, at the end of the battle, when all is in ruin, they can pretend to claim victory.

Not exactly the trait you want in an elected representative, and certainly not one you’d want in a President.  But that’s what we have.

And may Carbonite’s competition reap the benefits of David Friends blind faith in a failed worldview.  Here’s a list of them, actually, if you are looking.


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