I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post.

Nice Deb, has a nice round up of links and commentary regarding the sham that is Sandra Fluke and the Democrats blatant redirect away from the wreckage of their leadership and Obama’s failed presidency.  (Nothing of ours unfortunately.)  And the lede is a suitable context to the other issue we’ve been covering around here at the Grok, Andrew Breitbart and the war on the left.  A war we have all been fighting, but one which Breitbart’s passing may have escalated.

Speaking for myself, I’ve clear cut more than a few digital forests in this battle, and have no intention of stopping now.  Breitbart’s absence from the field of battle just means we all have to do a bit more than we did before to fend off the progressive industrial media complex.  They will not stop so we must be vigilant.  We must form up behind the banner of liberty.

In 2009 we had the TEA party.  In 2012 we’ve got ‘Be Breitbart.’

Don’t just defend your principles, do what we have always tried to do here, attack the lack of theirs.  Expose their hypocrisy, their hidden agenda, their double standards, and their failed ideology.  Do not stop until these progressives are voted out of office and scrubbed from the bureaucracy.

Fluke is the flavor of the moment,  just another prop in the progressive dog and pony show.  She will not be the last.  So I suggest you pick up a “weapon” and stand a post.


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