taxation is theft nh mug

Yes, Sales Taxation is Also Theft

A group of House Republicans is supporting legislation that would replace federal income, payroll, estate, and gift taxes with a 30 percent national sales tax. The bill also eliminates the Internal Revenue Service, giving states the responsibility to collect the sales tax and send the revenue to DC.

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Inflation Even Hurts the Penguins

A recent video shows penguins at a Japanese aquarium rejecting the cheap fish the aquarium has substituted for the higher quality fish the penguins are used to receiving. The reason the aquarium switched fish is because rampant inflation has made it impossible for the aquarium to afford the higher quality fish.

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Dr. Ron Paul Dismantles the False “Covid Spike” Narrative (4.5 Min video)

Former U.S. Representative Dr. Ron Paul discusses the wildly exaggerated misreporting of Covid-19 data that is being used to justify “the greatest assault on our civil liberties in our lifetime”.  He uncovers examples of Covid-19 listed as the cause of death for a motor cycle accident, massive over reporting of Covid cases across Florida and other states (e.g. Orlando reported 98% positivity instead of the actual 9.4%)

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“Good Paul”- “Bad ‘Paul”

After the death of Navy Seal Chris Kyle, Ron Paul Tweeted… Chris Kyle’s death seems to confirm that ‘he who lives by the sword dies by the sword.’ Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn’t make sense.  Yesterday, Rand Paul Tweeted this… Chris Kyle was a hero like all Americans who don the uniform to … Read more

We’re going down, folks.

But this time there’s going to be a documentary for the historians to study; it’s aptly named The Bubble. The movie explains the coming economic crash, including “Who caused it, who called it, and what’s next.” Included in the movie are appearances by economists, commentators, historians, and investment experts; they include Thomas E. Woods, Jr.; Jim … Read more

Ron Paul’s Farewell Address on the House Floor

It’s over 48 minutes so grab a beverage and a snack.  Good speech.  Compelling questions.  (And yes,  as a matter of fact I do expect Tim to re-post this having not noticed I put it up already.  Dig!) Here’s a meat and potatoes RP quote for you to chew on… “I’ve thought a lot about … Read more

Ron Paul and Ann Coulter….

Ron Paul recently said “My presidential campaign proved that standing for freedom brings people together. Liberty is popular, regardless of race, religion, or creed.” On January 10, 2012 Ron Paul came in second in the New Hampshire GOP primary, garnering 23% of the vote. He never came close to that vote percentage in any subsequent primary.

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A reply to a commenter on Steve’s “About All that Ron Paul business…”

by Skip

which can be found here concerning the RNC, delegates, Ron Paul speaking / not speaking, nomination, and the like.  His problem was not with Ron Paul but with his supporters.  I concur (having had to deal with nastiness of some even back in 2008).  So he (and I) expected some commenters in opposition and our expectations were met.

Given the set up here at the ‘Grok, I also get notification (and have to approve / disapprove) of comments inbound on all the posts.  Given that Steve’s post was almost a month old, when a comment by RageFury came in today, I spent the time reading that long comment in which much time had to have been spent.  But one line:

“I previously thought you guys were better than this…”

caught my eye and of course I had to answer:

“nor will I vote for Obama who only gets a potential 4 more years of horrible country crushing policy” and ” I previously thought you guys were better than this.”

To the former – to use that old phrase: “You ain’t see nothing yet!”  Obama has figured out that with the Senate locked up by Reid, and the House Rs cowering behind the idea that they’d be responsible for a shutdown if they even thought about growing a spine, Obama has become enamored with doing what he wants without Congress – an FDR on steroids by issuing declaration upon decree.  He has become addicted to being a dictator – he knows that he can do what ever he wants NOW and when the Courts nullify a Dept decree, the Secretary of the Dept just uses another way to do it all again (e.g., Salazar in stopping drilling in the Gulf, the NLRB’s actions, and the FCC at doing Net Neutrality by other means, just to name three).  Recent History is very much predictive of what he will do the next four – only much faster, much bigger and FAR more Liberty destroying than this first term.  You think he’s packed on the Debt thus far?  His next target, already under attack, is Liberty and Freedom and he is well on the way to destroying that.

And you, RageFury, among others that will not pull the lever for Obama’s enemy…

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About Those Ron Paul People…

by Tom

Ron Paul

Yesterday, fellow-Grokster (and blogger-extraordinaire), Steve, put up a post called “About All That Ron Paul Business“, where he makes some good points.  Being a Ron Paul supporter myself, I figured I would provide my point of view.  After all, there are always two sides to an issue.  Not intending to start a volley, just to shed some light from the other side, here is my response…(I suggest you read his posting first).

While I agree that there are players in the Ron Paul sphere who are incorrigible (and, unfortunately, they are usually the loudest), it is unfair to generalize and say that all Paul supporters fit into this description. They do not.  You approach this issue in the very last paragraph – but it is lost under the weight of anathema. I would have provided the caveat a little earlier-on.

In fact, I would say that there are as many (maybe more) reprobates in the establishment (and Sununu is their spiritual leader), but they are in the position of advantage, while Ron Paul supporters are in a position of the minority/outsider, and have been repeatedly kicked to the curb by the establishment; acts which do not endear the Paul crowd to simply give up and cheer the winners. In fact, based on their inherent passion, it causes them to scream louder.

Please remember that this is a tug-of-war, and there is no tug, no war possible, without two teams on the field.

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Email Doodlings – Libertarians HAVE finally made a political impact – are they about to throw it away?

by Skip

I’ve been in a writing funk for a while now – too many targets, no focus, trying to run for re-election in my town, a couple of other projects, and I find myself stretched too thin (yeah, self-induced again).  However, the following came over the gunwales a few minutes ago, and the fog (smog?) that has settled in cleared for a few minutes rather quickly to respond:

“I would also say of Ron Paul . he doesn’t need to win. In his view he is  winning already. This is an ideological point he is making. But here’s why  it’s electorally significant . a lot of people, I mean 41 percent in  Virginia, only two people on the ballot, still a lot of people voted for  Ron Paul. A lot of those voters are portable. They’re not Republican .  they’re not dedicated Republican voters.” . Tucker Carlson, Editor, The  Daily Caller

It is time for a groundswell of Ron Paul supporters to quietly,  respectfully but firmly make their position clear to the mainstream media  and the GOP establishment. Simply put, “No Paul on the ticket means no  vote for the GOP in November.”

Alright, I’ll say it – with all of the levers of the Executive Branch at his command, and his willingness to use them regardless of whether he has Constitutional or even legal authorization to have them do the actions he wants, how much of this Country will be left?  In the news and in the blogosphere, I see agency and department in the Executive Branch doing what bureaucracies have always done – push their authorizations to do more and more.  And lately, there is a very disturbing trend that, under Obama (knowing that there will NEVER be retribution from him from doing so), they are making rules and regulations that totally disregard their authorizing legislation.

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I think this might prove to be troublesome to Ron Paul?

by Skip

“Iran’s warriors are ready and willing to wipe Israel off the map,” That from the Iran’s Deputy Defense Minister, Ahmad Vahidi.  Now, he is saying this in context of Israel attacking Iran to stop the latter from getting the bomb – a terse warning of “don’t try it”. The real problem is, however, is the … Read more

Ron Paul’s Newsletters

In the last election cycle almost everyone on the center right used “voting for bills without reading them” as a campaign cudgel.  So I think it is safe to say that we have some expectation of accountability for what our elected officials put their name to.

When talking about Presidents, we have an equal interest in their having a full understanding of what they are signing into law and every right to hold them to account for everything they put their name to, even though they may not have written a single word of it.

Ron Paul’s name is on the newsletters.  He may or may not have written them.  He may or may not have read them.   His campaign and his supporters do not think he should be held to task for their content.  They have even gone so far as to suggest that their is some massive Republican conspiracy to discredit him.

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GrokTV Event: Ron Paul – Q6 & Q7: Abolishing the Dept. Education and will lowering corporate taxes bring jobs back to US?

by Skip

Still trying to play catch up here: Intro Ceremonies and Question 1, Questions 2 & 3, and Questions 4 & 5Now, Questions 6 and 7!

Question 6 (which was asked by a young girl): you are going to abolish 3 Departments including the Department of Education; how are you going to replace them?  I believe the underlying “gotcha” question was “and how will I get a decent education if the Feds are not involved?” (an adult formulated question, I presume):

Question 7: How will lowering corporate taxes bring back jobs to the US where many corporations already don’t pay [income] taxes?

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GrokTV Event: Ron Paul – Q8, Q9 & Q10: Brand New Congress, Your Foreign Policy, Career in Public Service?

by Skip

Questions 6 & 7 here.

  • Question 8: If the people gave you a Congress with all new members, what could you do?
  • Question 9: What can you say to those on the fence about your foreign policy?
  • Question 10: Advice for a young man thinking about a career public service?

Question 8: If the people gave you a Congress with all new members, what could you do?

Questions 9 & 10 after the jump

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GrokTV Event: Ron Paul – Q11, Q12 & Q13: Policy on Israel, have to use a charity hospital, dealing with both parties in Congress

by Skip

And the “Press Gaggle” ( aka “press availability” or it can be called “the time when reporters and MSM Press can ask silly questions to show their Editors they are actually doing something to earn their expense accounts / salaries”) – added after the jump!


Question 11: What is your policy on Israel?

Question 12: Will my sick child have to stand in line at a charity hospital under your administration?

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