A reply to a commenter on Steve’s “About All that Ron Paul business…”

by Skip

which can be found here concerning the RNC, delegates, Ron Paul speaking / not speaking, nomination, and the like.  His problem was not with Ron Paul but with his supporters.  I concur (having had to deal with nastiness of some even back in 2008).  So he (and I) expected some commenters in opposition and our expectations were met.

Given the set up here at the ‘Grok, I also get notification (and have to approve / disapprove) of comments inbound on all the posts.  Given that Steve’s post was almost a month old, when a comment by RageFury came in today, I spent the time reading that long comment in which much time had to have been spent.  But one line:

“I previously thought you guys were better than this…”

caught my eye and of course I had to answer:

“nor will I vote for Obama who only gets a potential 4 more years of horrible country crushing policy” and ” I previously thought you guys were better than this.”

To the former – to use that old phrase: “You ain’t see nothing yet!”  Obama has figured out that with the Senate locked up by Reid, and the House Rs cowering behind the idea that they’d be responsible for a shutdown if they even thought about growing a spine, Obama has become enamored with doing what he wants without Congress – an FDR on steroids by issuing declaration upon decree.  He has become addicted to being a dictator – he knows that he can do what ever he wants NOW and when the Courts nullify a Dept decree, the Secretary of the Dept just uses another way to do it all again (e.g., Salazar in stopping drilling in the Gulf, the NLRB’s actions, and the FCC at doing Net Neutrality by other means, just to name three).  Recent History is very much predictive of what he will do the next four – only much faster, much bigger and FAR more Liberty destroying than this first term.  You think he’s packed on the Debt thus far?  His next target, already under attack, is Liberty and Freedom and he is well on the way to destroying that.

And you, RageFury, among others that will not pull the lever for Obama’s enemy…

(for that is how HE sees Romney), will earn our everlasting ire.  To be sure, you make good points, but your mistake is like many: calling the flawed as bad as the absolute worst.  Obama is a FAR different, and worse, enemy of Liberty than Romney.  Sure, you can point to RomneyCare and I could not disagree – no level of Govt in the US should even THINK about doing what was done but at least at the State level, you CAN LEAVE and go elsewhere.  Obamacare leaves no exit within the country.

And the same with his other policies.  Remember, Obama PROMISED to fundamentally transform America – and that can only happen when our Rights go from being given to us by our Creator and nature’s God (the pillar of American Exceptionalism) to that of Moore’s Leviathan which is the same regressive philosophy held by Obama and other Progressives – Government grants all rights and therefore, can take them away.

By not voting for Obama’s enemy, Romney, you fail Liberty & Freedom strictly on a mathematical basis purely for ideologically reasons.  We all hate continuing to vote for the least worst – but if you are stubborn about it, you have to admit that neither Gary Johnson or Ron Paul could successfully sell themselves or their stances to the general public.  They both lost (and Johnson ran away from the Rs to the Libertarian Party where he will not win a thing – but can, from a mathematical basis, assist Obama in winning what would be one of the worst second terms of a Presidency in our history).  Writing in Ron Paul out of either loyalty, ideological purity, or pure spite that he did not win (or in your eyes and many others, was cheated out of) will accomplish the same task.

I make no bones about it – Obama is the worst President since FDR from an L&F perspective.  I will vote for Romney as a vote against Obama fully hoping that some reversal may occur of the changes already accomplished but resigned that the only result may a tremendous slowing of the same – only God knows the actual outcome and we can only do what we can with our votes and activism.  But I agree with Steve in spirit – those of us who do vote for this reason, to protect Liberty & Freedom as much as we can, will despise what you few will have done, by mathematically throwing away your votes and essentially giving Obama your virtual vote, for the rest of our lives as you will have condemned our children and their descendents to little freedom (or the just a very thin aura of freedom).  You can rationalize an argument any way that you want, but the math of the vote cares not a whit about about your reasons to not vote for Romney even as any other name has no change – Obama will win and you will lose.  You can sit in your darkened room, self-satisfied with your vote even as the Progressives pound more steel bars around your soul in their never ending goal to govern by external “governors” (laws, regulations) instead of the freedom (and responsibility) of self-governance.

In that, you will condemn Freedom to sit with you in that cell – powerless and toothless, a memory that will soon dim. Oh, you may well be happy in the delusion of “I struck a blow for freedom” even as freedom will be cast into the ICU where its lifespan, given Obama as its only doctor, will be short indeed. But, I suppose, you will bask in your self-righteousness.

Knock yourself out (as you can tell, my blood pressure is heading skyward the more I type – but that will be ok because I will, unlike Obama, have someone real to blame and nary a straw man in sight to slay).

If you have hope for for a Rand Paul Presidency, you will sink it in Nov.  The Libertarians, who made great strides in becoming mainstream, will again be ignored, their legacy self-immolated by not doing the absolute most possible by defeating that worst enemy of Liberty and Freedom.  Nothing you can say or do in four years will change that – for the fundamental changes that Obama and his fellow Socialists, Communists, and Marxists will have done will never be reversed.  You will, by dint of a wasted vote, will throw away Ron Paul’s advances away.

Why?  Because the Ron Paul camp, even as it rails against those that have slighted it, will be blamed for the next two generations (like it or not, if the vote is close).    Decisions have consequences and here I normally say “and it will be interesting to see how it will turn out”.

But not this time.

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