Skip's Sauntering Snippets Podcast

Skip’s Sauntering Snippets – The Ma’am Edition

Really?  Using the word “ma’am” is now verboten simply because I’m oppressing you because you’re not ready to accept that we all age with the passage of time? That you can even get upset by our perception of you EVEN AS we’re trying to be nice, show manners, and be polite?  Gosh, I remember … Read more

American Flag folded

I Wish More People Would Show as Much Reverence for It

❤️🤍💙 — Gina Carano 🕯 (@ginacarano) March 30, 2021 Add to this as well the reverence and gratitude to the values inscribed in our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Judeo-Christian heritage. It seems clear to me that this senior citizen, suffering from some physical infirmity due to his age, was not going to let … Read more

Why Did That Happen?

Why Did That Happen? … Will it Happen Again?

We know that political violence begets political violence. It is a fact, it never changes. We watched political violence in our streets for all of 2020. We have to be against that. No matter who commits the violence or under what pretext.

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The mandate for unity

The Mandate for Unity … Decency Fairness and Hope

Biden is claiming the mandate for unity. Nobody becomes president or president-elect until vote counts are certified. Fact. Victory speeches aside, the media and the Democrat candidate, are getting the cart before the horse. Over the weekend Biden spoke of his mandate to govern. It might be premature to claim a mandate before you get … Read more

Leftism Eradicates Character

Leftists tend to hold America in contempt. They prefer socialism to capitalism and regard all white people and police as racist. To them the Bible, Christianity, and Judaism are not only nonsense, but dangerous nonsense. There is an implicit adherence to a belief that men and women are not inherently different or even that male … Read more

David Scannell Manchester School Board

Manchester Ward 2 School Board Member David Scannell Broke the Law – is a Double Standard Developing?

The “I didn’t know” defense? “There isn’t a member of this board that does not know that when a legal action is threatened against the board it is a confidential matter,” said Girard. “And the leaking of that letter divulged the very information I was accused of divulging.” A motion to have school district attorneys investigate … Read more

Facebook Doodlings – Justice? Which one?

Steve’s post on former NH State Senate Minority Leader  Jeff ‘The Bruiser’ Woodburn had an interesting comment left on it on Facebook:

Joanne Hack Again, ALLEGED abuser … are we not supposed to be the voice of reason and say that he’s not convicted of anything so, since this is America, he shouldn’t have to resign. I don’t know the guy and I don’t have any opinion of him, but still he hasn’t been convicted of anything.

– one I decided to answer (emphasis here):

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The definition of insanity is…

pipe bomb…doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome.  Today we saw it proved once again with a side dish of pure Evil (something that the Left cannot acknowledge unless one is white, middle aged (or more), conservative, and Christian).  The insanity is this from the Sante Fe, TX Teacher Handbook:

Employees, visitors, and students, including those with a license to carry a handgun, are prohibited from bringing firearms, illegal knives, or other weapons onto school premises or any grounds or building where a school-sponsored activity takes place.”

And amplified in the Student version:

Fireworks of any kind, smoke or stink bombs, or any other pyrotechnic device; a razor, box cutter, chain, or any other object used in a way that threatens or inflicts bodily injury to another person; a ‘look-alike’ weapon; an air gun or BB gun; ammunition; a stun gun; a pocketknife or any other small knife.”

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New Hampshire House Democrat Respect & Civility Alert!

New Hampshire Democrats ran on respect and civility.  And we knew it for the fraud it was but people still fell for it.David Miller Democrat Roch NH

Part and parcel to the fraud was Speaker Norelli claiming to shake up the seating arrangements in the House to help build respect and civility,  bi-partisanship, working together…I figured it was so the Democrat majority could intimidate the minority members.  Another rep I spoke with suggested that this seating plan would make it easier for the Speaker to call close voice votes however she felt like calling them.

I can’t speak to the latter but the harassment by Democrats has already begun.

Today’s Respect and Civility Award goes to David P. Miller D- Rochester.

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Proud of President Obama

For the first time in my life I am finally proud of President Obama!! 

President Obama stood up for the gay soldier who asked a question at the last Republican debate.  It is so rare that President Obama or any leftist shows respect or says anything positive about our soldiers, that we need to recognize and appreciate it when it happens.   

Yes, I would have been prouder of him if President Obama had actually defended our soldier from a real slander, derision, or attack.  For example, if someone had actually “boo’d” the soldier, then I would have been more proud of him.  Since President Obama presents a false picture suggesting that our soldier was “boo’d” when he wasn’t (it was the soldier‘s question that got a few “boo“s), that takes away from the recognition President Obama deserves.    

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