The definition of insanity is... - Granite Grok

The definition of insanity is…

pipe bomb…doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome.  Today we saw it proved once again with a side dish of pure Evil (something that the Left cannot acknowledge unless one is white, middle aged (or more), conservative, and Christian).  The insanity is this from the Sante Fe, TX Teacher Handbook:

Employees, visitors, and students, including those with a license to carry a handgun, are prohibited from bringing firearms, illegal knives, or other weapons onto school premises or any grounds or building where a school-sponsored activity takes place.”

And amplified in the Student version:

Fireworks of any kind, smoke or stink bombs, or any other pyrotechnic device; a razor, box cutter, chain, or any other object used in a way that threatens or inflicts bodily injury to another person; a ‘look-alike’ weapon; an air gun or BB gun; ammunition; a stun gun; a pocketknife or any other small knife.”

Pretty much like all of the other gun free zones, it was ignored by that 17 year old boy (who will go nameless) that had a fetish about Columbine and wore a trenchcoat decorated with a German National Socialist Iron Cross, a Hammer and Cycle, a Japanese Rising Sun kamikaze emblem, Cthulu, and Baphomet (??? a what?) on it.

Let me stress this – he disobeyed the school Administration by bringing firearms and explosive devices onto school grounds.  His intention was to kill people and “inflict bodily injury” – yet all the Left can concentrate on is GUN!  Except this time, it was a sawed off shotgun and a .38 revolver.  No scary black gun.  No semiautomatic handgun.  Again, no AR-15 type of firearm.

He stole both firearms from his Dad (did his Dad have the requisite Federal certification to have that sawed off shotgun in the first place?).  Again, his age -it is illegal, all by itself, for a minor to posses those firearms and he sure ain’t in possession of a Class III FFL allowing him to have destructive devices (the pipe bombs he had).

Again, the Left does not believe in Evil – only those that have been mistreated by Society and took a wrong turn because of it.  They’ll blame Society and assign the collective guilt onto everyone not at all involved (and in the case of Florida, refuse to hold the huge number of stupid mistakes, no shows, and Obama era policies that led to Cruz killing all those people.  A huge Government failure but it was still GUNS! that was to blame.  This murderer was EVIL and TMEW tells me he had a hit list.  This was premeditated – only Evil does this.

Given the pipe bombs, even if he hadn’t had the firearms, it was his intention to kill. Explosives work as well, or better, if used “correctly” in taking lives.  So, is David Hogg gonna go on a rant about explosives now?  Kinda puts a chill on his ranting.  Plus, with all of his rantings that it is the Adults that have ruined things that his generation now has to fix, what will he now say that it was HIS generation that has now gone and done it again?

But back to Society.  The Left refuses to acknowledge something else that Conservatives and gun owners have been bringing up for a while: it’s the Culture.  How else can you rationalize this kind of behavior when in times decades ago, teens brought long guns to school either due to hunting before or after school or part of shooting clubs.  This type of event rarely happened.

While such musings could go real long (and thus, the need for another post), TMEW and I were talking about it earlier today.  It comes down to one missing word into today’s culture: Respect

It seems to be dirty word, nowadays – at least in the traditional sense.  It seems that Respect is reserved only for those things that were considered to be deviant as I was growing up.  All kinds of behaviors that were shunned have become put up on pillars and affirmed (or ELSE!!!).  Respect for Life at the beginning (abortion), the end (assisted suicide), and in the middle (murder) is no longer valued.  Only the “ME ME ME” seems to remain – the “you” doesn’t matter.

Once again, I blame those that have been fighting to deep six traditional values since the 1880s where the overarching change is from the value of the Individual to that of the Collective.  When the Group is raised up, the Individual must be denigrated, giving rise to “Oh well, they died. Whatever.”

(H/T: Big Government, Redstate)

