Apparently, Ed Mosca is unaware that he is unaware of the definition of the word “resident” and the consequences of HB 1264 along with its proposed amendments by Senator Birdsell and former Speaker, Bill O’Brien.
New Hampshire’s Electile Dysfunction (ED)
For years New Hampshire Democrats have argued that refusing to let out-of-state college students vote in New Hampshire denies them their right to vote. That is a lie, but it reveals an essential truth. They are subverting your rights.
New Hampshire Supreme Court Appears Poised to Rewrite … and Negate … NH’s Voter-Residency Requirement
About two months ago, I posted DemocRATS May Very Well Succeed in Negating New Hampshire’s Voter-Residency Requirement. This is not an instance where I enjoy saying “told you so,” but I told you so. To recap, the prior Legislature passed … and Governor Sununu eventually signed … HB 1264 a measure to redress out-of-State college … Read more
Voter-Fraud in New Hampshire is Getting Worse … Not Better
This: … and this: The law in New Hampshire is that by voting (declaring domicile) in New Hampshire, any nonresident … INCLUDING COLLEGE STUDENTS … has declared residency in New Hampshire. In other words, college students attending school in New Hampshire can vote in New Hampshire elections, BUT if they do they have made themselves … Read more
Hoax Alert – the Website “Lead Stories” is FakeNews … N.H. Democrats Are Lying – Telling Nonresidents They Can Vote in N.H and Remain Nonresidents
So yesterday I posted N.H. Democrats Lying – Telling Nonresidents They Can Vote In N.H. and Remain Nonresidents. The post was about a tweet from Executive Council candidate, DemocRAT Cindy WORMington AND THE LINK IN HER TWEET: This: And this … from the website of the New Hampshire DemocRAT Party … is what WORMington is … Read more
N.H. Democrats Lying – Telling Nonresidents They Can Vote In N.H. and Remain Nonresidents
This: And this is what WORMington is linking to: This is a LIE. As I explained in a previous post about the law (HB 1264) that made the act of voting in New Hampshire (declaring domicile in New Hampshire) a declaration of residency in New Hampshire, subjecting the voter to all of the responsibilities of … Read more
DemocRATS May Very Well Succeed in Negating New Hampshire’s Voter-Residency Requirement
There is a lawsuit in the Federal District Court of New Hampshire called Caroline Casey et al. vs. New Hampshire Secretary of State et al. The real plaintiffs (party bringing the lawsuit) are the New Hampshire Democrat Party and its litigation-arm, the New Hampshire ACLU (hereinafter DemocRATS). The subject of the lawsuit is a clean-election … Read more
New Hampshire Attorney General Undermining the Voter-Residency Requirement
House Bill 1264, which became effective in July, made the act of voting in New Hampshire a declaration of residency in New Hampshire, triggering all the responsibilities that come with being a resident of New Hampshire. The New Hampshire Attorney General, however, seems intent on undermining House Bill 1264. The “Election Law Unit” issued advice … Read more
The #VolinskyAgenda’s Silly Coup Attempt
This breathless tweet from Democrat operative -oops, I mean WMUR crack political reporter- Johnny DiStaso: In the underlying article, DiStaso writes: In a statement to WMUR, Volinsky said, “A slim majority of the New Hampshire Supreme Court decided last year that the Executive Council has a role in advising the governor with respect to vetoes. … Read more
New Hampshire Secretary of State Confused About Voter Fraud, Laws, Words, Election Integrity
The lunacy involving NH permitting illegal, out-of-state voting which has continued because there seems to be a complete misunderstanding of how laws work, and what words mean. I can’t even begin to imagine how people in charge of New Hampshire’s election laws read a court case. There is solid proof they only accept parts of decisions.
Here is an article former newspaper reporter Drew Cline wrote which includes some interesting observations of our election laws – by Secretary of State William Gardner. He claims our election laws permit illegal voting – which is hard to comprehend. The article: September 24. 2014 8:57 PM.
Here is the problem with crying “poll tax” in a crowded dorm.
After decades of accepting non-citizens votes as equal to a qualified citizen’s vote, the New Hampshire State Supreme Court has acknowledged in its recent opinion that one must be domiciled in New Hampshire to vote here. This means that being domiciled in our state carries certain responsibilities – the same responsibilities as that of any other citizen.
Get ready for the “poll tax” debate! Proponents of non-resident voting will drag out a pathetic argument sure to stimulate the naive. Here is the argument:
Obtaining an NH driver’s license when declaring NH your voting domicile is the same as a poll tax.
OK, let’s take the poll tax debate head-on.
So, Governor, You Want to Talk About the Constitutionality of HB 1264? Let’s Talk.
CASE NO. 2018-0267
Request for an Opinion of the Justices (Amending Definition of Resident and Residency)
In Guare v. State, 117 A.3d 731 (2015), this Court ruled that the act of declaring a voting domicile in New Hampshire did not establish residency in New Hampshire because the statutory definitions of the terms differed:
Why Don’t We Obsess Over “Inhabitant” – The Story Of NH Voter Fraud
The Governor of the State of New Hampshire, through the Executive Council, has sent a letter to the NH State Supreme Court in an attempt to clarify the definition of RESIDENT vs. DOMICILE when it comes to voting.
It is a shame we are still falling for the resident/domicile scam that NH uses to let non-citizens vote in our Federal Elections.
The word RESIDENT is not even in Article 11 of the NH State Constitution.
See if you can please help me find it: