April 2020 Reopen NH protest NH Statehouse

Thoughts from an Old Woman, on this Historic Day

My father taught me much of what I came to believe. Because of him, I lived the first 66 years of my life with the naive belief that this country was exceptional. Because of him, I learned always to question authority. Because of him, I learned that there are some things worth fighting for.

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Mask Theater

Reopen NH Decries Security Theater of Mask Wearing

ReopenNH Says ‘No Thank You’ to Restrictions, Urges People To Start Living As Normal

EAST DERRY, N.H.— On the eve of the governor’s expected ruling to extend his State of Emergency for another 21 days, 178 Democrats sent a tyrannical letter demanding the governor issue orders requiring all Granite Staters to wear masks in public.

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ReopenNH - We are all Essential

Have we lost our sense of proportion?

Late one evening years ago, I stepped outside and was greeted by a police officer kneeling beside his car with his gun drawn. He told me to get back in the house, and I complied with his excellent suggestion.  This was a real emergency. I learned later that one of my neighbors was unwell and had brandished a gun.

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Reopen NH Save Livlihoods

Why It’s Way Past Time to Reopen New Hampshire

Erroneous models have been used by our government to justify shutting down our freedoms and economy.  Some of the decisions may have been with good intentions, but it is becoming more clear day by day that it’s time to use factual data – and get back to Keeping America Great. 

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