multiculturalism-failure-1561030654 Political Hat

Notable Quote – Has DIE (er DEI) & Multiculturalism Made Things Better?

But is there any evidence that colleges that have gone whole hog into multiculturalism have better relations among the various groups on campus? Or is it precisely on such campuses that separatism and hostility are worse than on campuses that have not gone in for the multicultural craze? You want to see multiculturalism in action? … Read more

Notable Quote – Buying Stuff but Using Someone Else’s Credit Card – And Then Say “See, We Did Something for You!”

Emphasis mine: Nothing so epitomizes contemporary liberalism as unfunded mandates, in which the federal government establishes programs and forces the states to pay for them. The very need to weigh benefits against costs – the essence of economics – is evaded by this irresponsible exercise of arrogance. It is like impulse buying and charging it to … Read more

accountability circa1954

Notable Quote – My Earlier Post Was a PERFECT Example of This!

Politically, there are few ideas more potent than the notion that all your problems are caused by other people and their unfairness to you. That notion was the royal road to unbridled power for Hitler, Lenin, Mao, and Pol Pot – which is to say, millions of human beings paid with their lives for believing … Read more

Peaceful Antifa vs Insurrection Truckers Branco via Powerline

Notable Quotes – only Tyrants like using the Scapegoat Technique

Politically, there are few ideas more potent than the notion that all your problems are caused by other people and their unfairness to you. That notion was the royal road to unbridled power for Hitler, Lenin, Mao, and Pol Pot – which is to say, millions of human beings paid with their lives for believing … Read more

Envy Social Justice Thomas Sowell FreedomWorks Powerline

Notable Quote – Yep, The Left STRIVES To Make You Free!

The Left is ALL about envy. Think about it – their entire schtick about replacing Equality with Equity is simple. They HATE that anyone can get ahead – they are envious that anyone can make something of themselves based solely on merit, motivation, talent, and a work ethic.

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Government Obedient People Powerline

Notable Quote – You Know That Old Saw about “Those that cannot do, teach…”

And then there is Government: One of the reasons why government absorbs so much money and takes on ever-increasing powers is that it is home to so many people whose beliefs could not withstand the draconian tests of science, the marketplace or a scoreboard. What we the taxpayers are ultimately paying for is their insulation … Read more

Wise men image-from-rawpixel-id-416090-jpeg (1)

Notable Quote – Manmade Crisis That Only Those that “Recognize” It Can Fix It

What they [the media and politicians] want to hear are things that make for excitement, crusades, and a chance to be on the side of the angels. They want statistics or anything else that blames our whole way of life for creating catastrophic dangers that only the wise and noble few can save us from. … Read more

THomas Jefferson 1st Inaugural Minority possess equal rights

Notable Quote – Another Buttress for the Great Mind Fallacy

The vast disparity in knowledge and understanding between intellectuals and the population at large assumed by the intelligentsia is crucial to the vision of the anointed, whether in discussions of law, economics, race, war or innumerable other issues. But, if the knowledge that is consequential includes a range of mundane information too vast to be … Read more

Notable Quote – Minimum Wage Laws are Raaacist!

Prof Sowell points out yet again the same phrase that Conservatives bring out over and over – Progressives believe in good intentions but care less about actual results.

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Polystyrene Food containers

Notable Quote – It’s always about the Govt Overreach

Why is it that when someone has a “bright idea,” they never want to spend their own money? They want the rest of us (taxpayers) to do it for them?

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Underpaid concept.

Notable Quote – You May Be Overqualified but Not Underpaid

we as a Society are seemingly about the complaining but not about the doing: “SOMEBODY’S GOTTA DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!!!”

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Notable Quote – Minimum Wage was born out of Racism

The last year in which black unemployment was lower than white unemployment – 1930 – was also the last year in which there was no federal minimum wage law. The Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 was openly advocated by some members of Congress on grounds that it would stop black construction workers from taking jobs from … Read more

Given the Choice, Government Will Choose What is Best for Government

Politicians always want to be seen as “doing something” for you in order to “buy” your vote. And the electorate has been conditioned to believe that Government MUST be in the loop of life, else we’d all DIE!

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Loss of Freedom

Notable Quote – But There Are Those On The Left That Are Against Freedom

We see Cancel Culture that doesn’t just dispute dissent but actively works to suppress it.

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Prof. Thomas Sowell on Uncommon Knowledge (2018) – Income Inequality

“Socialism is a great idea. That doesn’t mean that it is a great reality (16:09)” – And The evidence doesn’t match up to the ideology.

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Golden Book AOC Racism

Notable Quote – Minimum Wage is RAAACIST (said by a Black man)

The minimum wage law is very cleverly misnamed. The real minimum wage is zero – and that is what many inexperienced and low-skilled people receive as a result of legislation that makes it illegal to pay them what they are currently worth to an employer.

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