Notable Quote – Yep, The Left STRIVES To Make You Free!


The Left is ALL about envy. Think about it – their entire schtick about replacing Equality with Equity is simple. They HATE that anyone can get ahead – they are envious that anyone can make something of themselves based solely on merit, motivation, talent, and a work ethic.

So instead of lifting up those that are down, its always the never-ceasing action to tear them down.

Much is made on the Left of one’s “identity” as if that was the most important attribute of all in terms of “gender”…

Sidenote: if “gender” is merely a social construct, it’s just a notion in one’s mind, right? So why is it that the Left INSISTS that only THEIR “notion” is correct? My “social construct” is MY definition and it is based in science – who are THEY to judge me? Or others like me? After all, they just made up “social construct” out of thin air so why can’t I do the same?  Or you, for that matter?  Now, back to your regularly scheduled post…

…it’s not. The Left’s driving attribute is Envy – the hatred of those that have what they don’t (often, that’s brainpower, btw).  They hate success and the idea that someone can actually obtain it by their own efforts. After all, one of the most envious people in the US is Elizabeth “I’m 1/1024 Pretendian” Warren of “You didn’t build that!” fame.

Sidenote: why is it that she believes she can take credit for everyone’s success – except those that have earned it themselves?  But I digress – again.

That’s why they made up their definition of “equity” – it’s all about the effort to bring everyone down to the least common denomination and be happy about it.  If someone doesn’t have something, others must lose their earned advantage (called privileged). What they won’t say out loud is that they have no problem in using Government Force to make that happen to make sure that everyone has an equal outcome.

The essence of what is Socialism – no one can be any different than anyone else. Thus, their emphasis is on the Collective in which everyone is the same drab, greyness where no one knows your face (except Government’s facial recognition systems – you know, like China’s social credit system to ENFORCE everyone is the same). No one can have their own version of “the Pursuit of Happiness”. No one can be better than anyone else – and they will make sure that Social Justice Warriors make that happen.

Socialism, Social Justice – it’s all the same.

And I should stop here as it’s getting late…

(H/T: Powerline)



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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