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Prager U (Short) Documentary – DETRANS

Prager U has published a “short” documentary on X titled DETRANS. “The Dangers of Gender-Affirming Care serves as a wake-up call to all of us: our children are in danger and it’s up to us to protect them.”

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Hilarity Ensues at Board of Ed Hearing on PragerU Videos

Quite a ruckus broke out at the Board of Education hearing last week. Controversy exploded over personal finance videos created for high school students. The videos were nonetheless unanimously approved by the NH Board of Education. Who knew “compound interest” could be so exciting?

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Indoctrination cartoon

Why Johnny Shouldn’t Read

Many people who testified at the Sept 14 meeting of the state Board of Education against using the PragerU Cash Course as a Learn Everywhere option argued that it would provide a camel’s nose under the tent to conservative ideas that will indoctrinate students.

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NH Commissioner of Education Frank Edleblut2 - NH Dept of Ed pic

Good Morning, Frank, and Happy Friday!

I was unaware of this current event until I saw you and Ryan on TV yesterday. I definitely support the Prager U class for a variety of reasons. Through much talk with JJ Valera, I assume you are completely familiar with all the content in the Ian Underwood books.

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Are We Living on Stolen Land? Nope!

I’ve written many posts and pages on indigenous people and America. You could, and should when you have time, explore the catalog because there are things there that will make your lib “friends” snap like twigs. But sometimes, you need something more straightforward; easier to digest.

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Prager U: Progressive: “The Progressive Income Tax: A Tale of Three Brothers”

Or as I put it: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need… Oh WAIT!  I’ve never said that at all! However, this IS the problem when you allow someone to convince you to “leave it to Government” to determine “fair”. It also shows what happens when people get selfish (and … Read more

Students teacher classroom

New School Rules – If Only …

This is not new but new to me. At least in this format. And it is precisely what we need—a set of simple rules for Public Schools.

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Lori Caldeira buena Vista Middle School Salinas CA- Equity Wall

Who Is Teaching Your Kids?

Sorry folks – no more just assuming that your childrens’ teachers fit the old stereotype that you had when growing up (or that of your kids’ grandparents).

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wind farm sunset Image by Markus Distelrath from Pixabay

What’s Wrong with Wind and Solar

Wind and solar are not the solution; they’re not even green. I know, you say – we’ve covered this ground before. True, but if you had not noticed the Climate Cult is still racing down this dead-end road and we’re all that stands between them and America falling off an energy cliff.

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1619 Project

Prager U – The 1619 Project is Just Another lame Attempt to Rewrite American History.

I haven’t written a lot about the 1619 Project sponsored by the NYT (writer(s)). The plan was to be as an emphasis to what the Black Lives Matter movement has been (wrongly) preaching. That America has been racist, is racist, and will ALWAYS be racist.

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Socialism is Based on Greed – Capitalism is Based on Serving Others

Capitalism is based on one and only one thing – serving others. Capitalism, or you as a capitalist, cannot succeed unless you are serving customers’ needs or wants. Period.

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Kanye - Republicans freed the slaves Prager U

Kanye West – The Republican Party Freed the Slaves

Kanye is a big Trump supporter. A role that has provided him the opportunity to be not just an advocate but a teacher. He’s letting people know something with which they may be unfamiliar. The Republican Party freed the slaves.

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free speech - speech suppression

Hate Speech Doesn’t Exist

I’ve been saying this for a very long time. There is no such thing as Hate Speech. Just ask a unanimous US Supreme Court. It is a made-up thing designed to intimidate people into silence. And it violates the first amendment.

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Carol Swain Prager U

What Republicans Have Done for Blacks and Women – A quick History Lesson

Are looking for a quick roundup of all the things Republicans have done for Blacks and Women? How about something that also includes a look at all the things Democrats have done to blacks and women?

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Identity politics Prager U

Dangerous People are Teaching Your Kids

The educational establishment has been on a mission for decades — indoctrination in secular left-wing theology. The most recent iteration of this is identity politics and the assault on western culture through the use of Diversity, equity, and inclusion.

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Net Neutrality – Because ‘They’ Want To Bring It Back!

When the Trump administration encouraged the FCC to pull the plug on a Government regulated internet, they did just that. They got the government out of your “digital bedroom.” The usual suspects were outraged. But you don’t want the government regulating the internet like a utility. Not under any condition. And that includes crafting new regulations to control how entities like Google or Facebook or Twitter behave in the free market.

Let the marketplace work it out because it will.

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“The Suicide of Europe”

Another 5 minute commentary from the folks that have mastered the genre.  This time, why is Europe laying down to die as a culture and civilization? “Europe is committing suicide. How did this happen? In this video, Douglas Murray, author of The Strange Death of Europe, explains the two major causes of Europe’s impending downfall.” … Read more

Is McDonald’s a Better “Teacher” Than the Average Modern University?

mcdonalds sign - Unions ending jobs inviting technology to replase peopleI started my working life, paper route aside, working at McDonald’s for $2.35/hour. Before I left, I was a store manager, training, and experience which lead to other such positions. Those lead to a testing gig in high-tech. QC and ISO positions (all self-trained), product management, technical writing, logistics, and other productive skills the free market needs.

But it all started when McDonald’s taught me the value of being valuable.

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