So How is The NH Democrats ‘New Civility’ Working Out?

So how is the New Hampshire  Democrats ‘New Civility’ Working Out?  Just ask Democrat Peter Sullivan… So the Democrat governor’s lackeys are writing down the names of reps who oppose her agenda.  Was that supposed to be part of that whole “New Civility” thing you lefties said you’d pile up on your donkeys and bring … Read more

Hassan’s Budget Gamble Takes Heat From Her Left

Maggie Hassan Rolls the Dice on Imaginary Gambling Revenu
Maggie Hassan Rolls the Dice on Imaginary Gambling Revenue

No one should be surprised to see Maggie Hassan’s budget has millions of dollars in revenue from a source that does not even exist.

In this instance it is gambling, but a few years ago Senator Hassan was part and parcel to repeated budget balancing fiascoes that relied on non existent revenue.

She voted for budgets “balanced” with revenues from taxes that had not even been through the committee process or had a hearing.  She voted for budgets that relied on revenue from the sale of land even though no one knew what land or how much they might get for it.    She was a gold medal recipient in the Granite-State-Left-Wing-Fiscal Gymnastics Finals, helping execute chess master like moves to create the illusion of paying for what had not been paid for.  She even continues to insist to this day that the 800 million dollars in spending she helped accumulate in the Majority Democrat legislature–for which there was no money to pay for in successive fiscal years–was not a deficit nor evidence of fiscal malfeasance on the part of her or her party.  So why, WHY would we be surprised when her first budget as governor relies on at least $80 million in gambling industry dollars for casinos that do not even exist?

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“Less take-home pay” – Well, THAT didn’t take long now, did it?

“Less take-home pay”; Tim listed another things that the Democrats now “own” based on their election results.  Here in NH, Maggie “The Red” Hassan (the NH Governor-elect) is about to be sorely tempted to immediately sign a bill to institute a broad-based income tax.  NH Families for Education (“dedicated to advocating family involvement in education”) (emphasis mine):

House Democrat Introduces Legislation for an Income Tax

Remember when Democratic candidates were pledging not to pass an income tax? Well, forget that promise! They now want an income tax to pay for education.


Title: establishing a one percent personal income tax to fund chartered public schools. Sponsors: (Prime) Peter Sullivan

Education Tax Credits (2013-H-0190-L) Title: relative to education tax credits Sponsor: (Prime) Peter Sullivan

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NH Democrat Policies On Voter ID and Domicile Still Matter…Here’s Why. (Part 2)

Back in 2000, as many as 1700 UNH students illegally registered to vote in Durham, New Hampshire, and very likely voted here illegally as well.   We know this because in 2001 more than a few UNH students requested that they be removed from the voter checklist in writing, using uncharacteristically similar wording, as if prompted to do so by someone in New Hampshire who did not want to prosecute them, so they could “properly register in their own home towns.”  (Copies of these written requests are on file with the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers, signed by each of the students who submitted them.)

So here we have admitted evidence of vote fraud in one college town in one year, but not prosecuted.   Just like Governor Lynch’s so-called awesome (and impossibly low) High School drop out rate, if you want to make something go away without actually doing anything about it, you ignore it, hide it, re-define it, or simply find enough people who might benefit from it to make it legal.

And while stuffing local ballot boxes with the votes of out of state residents was not new, making it legal made it easier for Democrats to continue to get the votes while reducing significant neck strain from state officials and Democrat party hacks having to look the other way.

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Democrat Contradictions – Out Of State Influence in Local Elections

Democrats in New Hampshire take a lot of money from outside the state.  Don’t take my word for it, just go look it up.  Millions and Millions.  They use candidates, campaign committees, so-called non-profits, and even have super wealthy out of state special interest donors making personal donations here and there to move money around the campaign finance camp fire, often right into the state Democrat party coffer, then back out to your local races.

No one should be surprised or even taken aback at this because it is all part of the business of politics, every party does some of this, it is all perfectly legal, and everything was fine up until the point when the New Hampshire Democrat party decided to make it a recurring campaign issue against Republicans.   It wasn’t Democrats who were affected by objects of out of state money and influence, just the Republicans.

Democrats are clearly guilty of hypocrisy on the  issue (no surprise there), but whenever they start a narrative like this it is usually because they are doing something else that might be worse, that they need you to be distracted from.  And guess what?   They were.

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Because Democrat Timothy Horrigan Asked…

Calling out Left wing hypocrisy is my meat and potatoes. So, the other day, while asking (yet again) why anyone would trust Democrats given their party culture, I mentioned that one of their current NH House candidates had previously voted here while claiming to live in another State.

New Hampshire Democrat Timothy Horrigan asked when the candidate, William ‘Hud’ Connery, admitted to living in Tennessee?  Another ‘anonymous commenter’ said the post was bogus and we had no proof.

I accept your challenge.  You want proof, here it is.

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Will NH Democrats Drool At Developments In France?

Francois Hollande Socialist leader of FranceFrance’s golden age passed long ago, and thanks to the French is doomed never to return.

The New Socialist dominant government has set right to work doing something New Hampshire Democrats did (to a lesser extent) when they had complete control of our state government.  Right out of the gate the French Socialists are raising taxes.  But not just any taxes.   €7.2 Billion in one off taxes on wealthy households and big corporations…because the country continues to spend more than its  economy can come up with.  Sound familiar?  Their debt is at 90% of GDP.

What else sounds familiar?  How about wealthy households and corporations leaving France to escape confiscatory taxation?

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Let’s Play Spot The Socialist Dullard

New Hampshire has it’s share of obvious Socialist thieves.  Democrat candidate William ‘Hud’ Connery is an admitted socialist.  Folks like Catholic Socialist Peter ‘Can’t wait to get Connery on the team’ Sullivan, are a half-shade less obvious; Sullivan is an anti tax pledge guy as well and a supporter of Jackie ‘Tax and Spend us” Cilley so tax and spend or spend then tax are job one–complete with the class warfare tax the rich meme that has become a prominent feature of Democrat rhetoric everywhere you shop for flavorless-left wing political pablum–with a Marxist twist!

So I’m sure this is just a coincidence then, that.. “In 1848 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels frankly proposed “a heavy progressive or graduated income tax” as one of the  measures by which, after the first stage of the revolution, “the proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeois, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state.”  And doesn’t that just mesh so well with what I just wrote here? and tried to simplify here.

So what about the other socialist hiding in the proverbial New Hampshire bushes?   Now that we have the Outsourcer in Chief channeling Elizabeth Warren, insisting that anyone who is successful didn’t do that on their own, we have another opportunity to play ‘Spot the Socialist Dullard.’  It’s validation from on high for left wing big government pragmatists everywhere.

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Manchester Democrat Peter Sullivan Admits He Is a Socialist

This has to be one of my favorite screen caps this year.  It is a facebook comment by Manchester Democrat Peter Sullivan.  In it, he is simultaneously suggesting that an admitted atheist has more doctrinally in common with the Catholic Church than “Anything you will see from those homophobic nuts at GraniteGrok.” That is so … Read more

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