Delete Bidens Accounts

You Can’t Get There From Here … But You Can Try

You can’t get there from here. That’s how many are feeling about the start of the Biden administration. President Biden is implementing a leftist agenda. He has already shown his direction on his first day in office. What we know is Biden’s decisions pander to the radical left. It is true on environmental and immigration … Read more

Jeanne Shaheen

Another Day, Another Lie From Senator “Jeannie”

This: President Trump announced America’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords on June 1, 2017: “…as of today the United States will cease all implementation of the non-binding Paris Accord and the draconian financial and economic burdens the agreement imposes on our country. This includes ending the implementation of the nationally determined contribution and, very … Read more

Data Point – Climate change is mostly about virtue-signaling, not actually doing (unless you are the US)

by Skip

About that “Paris Accord”? Reformatted, emphasis mine:

Nineteen nations “believe” in climate change. How are they backing up their statement of faith? China was praised for signing on to the Paris Climate Agreement and in Argentina reaffirmed its commitment to controlling greenhouse gas emissions. Last year, however, China increased those emissions by 1.7 percentIndia, the fourth largest source for CO2, saw their emissions grow by 4.6 percent in 2017. Luckily for them, they too were praised for signing that “nonbinding communiqué.” Overall, the European Union raised their CO2 output by 1.5 percent. France, home of the Paris Agreement, is leading the diplomatic effort to save the planet. They increased their greenhouse gas emissions by 3.6 percent. . . .

If the nations paying lip service to climate change aren’t meeting their goals, imagine how poorly the oil-drilling, coal-mining Americans must be doing.

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Data Point – CO2 emissions: who loves us, baby!

by Skip

Certainly not the rest of the world that seemingly looks to government to solve their problems.  Here in the US, we look to ourselves and the entrepreunerial and innovative frackers that have unleashed technology to spring God’s energy gift, natural gas, to us are to be thanked – they’ve made it possible to lead the … Read more

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