You Can’t Get There From Here … But You Can Try

You can’t get there from here. That’s how many are feeling about the start of the Biden administration. President Biden is implementing a leftist agenda. He has already shown his direction on his first day in office.

What we know is Biden’s decisions pander to the radical left. It is true on environmental and immigration issues. He is moving to harm average Americans at a grassroots level.

Average Americans deserve better. The White House is in different hands today. The House became nearly evenly divided. The Senate is evenly split which means with the Vice President represents the tie-breaking vote.

Democrats and their media propaganda wing are claiming a mandate. Fortunately it’s actually not true. It is highly questionable whether a governing majority exists. The 2020 election was as far from the sweeping or ideological transformation.

The American people stunned the experts again. The current populations of the House and Senate were not what was being talked about. Everyday Americans have common sense. Their values have a powerful say in the government.

Which way do we go and how far will we travel?

On Biden’s debut as chief executive he took several big steps in the wrong direction. He is going back to the Paris Give Away Accord. Trump walked away from because of the harm it does to America. The Accord set us up to self-inflict major economic pain on working American families. At the same time there is no assurance either China or Russia will honor their commitment.

Biden is canceling the Keystone XL pipeline permit. The pipeline is designed to carry oil produced in Canada into the United States for refining. For a White House with devotion to “science” and working with allies, there was no good reason for this. Even the Obama State Department found it to have no adverse environmental impact back in 2014.

It has support from the government of Canada. It entails thousands of jobs in the United States. The expectation is it would support thousands more. Because canceling a pipeline project feels ‘green’ the administration is killing these jobs. You can’t get there from here.

You need a mandate for radical change

Biden is presenting an immigration plan that’s a socialist world government fantasy. It will, if it reaches implementation harm the country and the people living and working here. The administration is sketching out a proposal for blanket amnesty.

If it reaches implementation it will gut enforcement of American laws. It also creates new incentives for people to rush here illegally. This kind of failed approach will ignite another humanitarian crisis on our border. It privileges powerful interests ahead of American workers. You can’t get there from here.

The Biden administration lacks a mandate for an extremist agenda. It has no obligation to pursue one. There’s still time for Biden to remember he does not owe his election to the far left. He can and he should refocus his administration. We need to be creating good-paying American jobs. We should not be sacrificing our people’s livelihoods to harmful Leftist gestures and symbolism.

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