Pappas: Pelosi’s Bought and Paid For Stooge

Stooge: /sto͞oj/ plural nounstooges
a performer whose act involves being the butt of a comedian’s jokes.

In the latest Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings from Pappas, during that timeframe he raised about $31,000—$19,000 of which came from three political entities tied to Pelosi. The biggest, $10,000, came from Pelosi’s leadership PAC called “PAC to the Future,” while $5,000 came from the Pelosi-aligned “House Majority PAC” and $4,000 came directly from “Nancy Pelosi for Congress,” as reported in Breitbart News this past Monday.

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To New Hampshire Democrat Aaron Gill – About That ‘Free From Out Of State Influence’ Thing…

This makes an excellent followup to what Skip just wrote about the DLCC endorsing a local New Hampshire Democrat.

Speaking about New Hampshire legislators that same Democrat candidate, Aaron Gill (Hillsborough 39) writes

We expect their personal conduct to reflect the character of New Hampshire citizens, that the work of the people will be conducted openly, fairly, and consistently, and that our neighbors in Concord will make independent decisions.

Most importantly, we expect members of the House to represent us free from the constraints of pledges, free from rigid ideology, and free from the goals of out-of-state interests.

This is a direct quote from Aaron’s Act Blue donations page. (I’m not linking to it, but I cached it)

What does it say (out of the gate) about the conduct and character of a candidate who is only collecting donations to his campaign through a third party aggregater, based outside New Hampshire?

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Where Does Hannah Rivers Actually “Live?” (Hint: It doesn’t matter)

Where does Hanna Rivers actually live and does it matter--for voting purposesDomicile, Domicile, where for art thou Domicile?  Or perhaps, ” A transient Domicile by any other name would be as….whatever.”  If you are an out of state college student where you live doesn’t matter, so where you vote does not matter either, and when I say doesn’t matter, I mean it doesn’t matter where in New Hampshire.

Case in point.  The ACLU and League of Women Voters petition, the one that Judge John Lewis more or less just signed off on in the blink of an eye, lists the first petitioner as Hannah Rivers.  On the petition she lists her ‘residence’ as Durham New Hampshire.  But she hails from Raymond Nebraska, has a drivers license issued by the state of Nebraska and, presumably, wants to vote in Durham in November.

Question:  So can out of state students just pick and choose which towns or cities they can vote in, based–presumably–on wherever the Democrat party or their liberal professors,  need a ballot box stuffed?

[Update: Edited to affect the relevance of my source information and my source.]

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NH Democrat Policies On Voter ID and Domicile Still Matter…Here’s Why. (Part 2)

Back in 2000, as many as 1700 UNH students illegally registered to vote in Durham, New Hampshire, and very likely voted here illegally as well.   We know this because in 2001 more than a few UNH students requested that they be removed from the voter checklist in writing, using uncharacteristically similar wording, as if prompted to do so by someone in New Hampshire who did not want to prosecute them, so they could “properly register in their own home towns.”  (Copies of these written requests are on file with the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers, signed by each of the students who submitted them.)

So here we have admitted evidence of vote fraud in one college town in one year, but not prosecuted.   Just like Governor Lynch’s so-called awesome (and impossibly low) High School drop out rate, if you want to make something go away without actually doing anything about it, you ignore it, hide it, re-define it, or simply find enough people who might benefit from it to make it legal.

And while stuffing local ballot boxes with the votes of out of state residents was not new, making it legal made it easier for Democrats to continue to get the votes while reducing significant neck strain from state officials and Democrat party hacks having to look the other way.

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NH Democrat Policies On Voter ID and Domicile Still Matter…Here’s Why. (Part 1)

More than a few folks are probably wondering why I keep talking about vote fraud and photo ID.  TEA Party Republicans more or less plugged up the domicile loophole that invited out of state influence in our local New Hampshire elections, and even passed a voter ID requirement.  So where’s the fire?

Democrats are still lying about the issue, and if permitted any kind of majority in state government will do everything in their power to reverse the protections we’ve managed to gain.  So it is essential that we reveal the half-truths and outright lies they will continue to peddle all the way to November and beyond.

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Democrat Contradictions – Out Of State Influence in Local Elections

Democrats in New Hampshire take a lot of money from outside the state.  Don’t take my word for it, just go look it up.  Millions and Millions.  They use candidates, campaign committees, so-called non-profits, and even have super wealthy out of state special interest donors making personal donations here and there to move money around the campaign finance camp fire, often right into the state Democrat party coffer, then back out to your local races.

No one should be surprised or even taken aback at this because it is all part of the business of politics, every party does some of this, it is all perfectly legal, and everything was fine up until the point when the New Hampshire Democrat party decided to make it a recurring campaign issue against Republicans.   It wasn’t Democrats who were affected by objects of out of state money and influence, just the Republicans.

Democrats are clearly guilty of hypocrisy on the  issue (no surprise there), but whenever they start a narrative like this it is usually because they are doing something else that might be worse, that they need you to be distracted from.  And guess what?   They were.

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1.8 Million in Democrat Gov Funding For NH …99.51% from Outside The State

DGA NH has 1.8 million for NH Gov Race--, 98% of it from outside New HampshireBragging about how the Democrat Governors Association New Hampshire PAC is sitting on 1.8 Million in June of 2012 does tell us something about our Governors Race.  It tells us that Democrats can’t say anything about out of state campaign money polluting local elections.

Of the 354 pages of donations that make up the $1.79 Million advertised on the June 2012 DGA NHPAC filing I could only find 198 line items listing donors living inside the state of New Hampshire.  That is 0.6% of all donors listed in this report.

Of the nearly $1,790,000.00 collected just under $9,000.00 came from those New Hampshire donors.  That’s 0.49% of all donations. (99.51% from outside donors.)

Can we say with certainty that whomever the Democrats pick for their candidate out of state influence is a given?

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Repost: You Can’t Be A “Republican” And Vote Against Right To Work

(Originally posted September 21st, this seems like a suitable follow up to yesterdays post.  The premise?  Refusing to allow conscientious objection to union participation forces people to fund the Democrat agenda.  How can you claim to support Republican principles when you refuse to allow people the ability to opt out of paying union dues.)

You Can’t Be A Republican And Vote Against Right To Work

Supporting forced unionization is the same as supporting mandatory campaign contributions to the Unions and the Democrat party.  There is no conceivable way to separate the two.  Unions are funded by dues.  Democrats receive millions of dollars from unions to promote their agenda.  And in some cases to promote it violently.

You can’t separate the two.

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Republican Defectors

I think I made my point about Right To Work clear enough when I said this…

 A vote to sustain the Lynch Veto and permit forced unionization is a vote for the mandatory and state funding of abortion;  financing efforts to cripple or bypass our second amendment right to self defense; you are supporting state financed birth control, confiscation of property, increased taxation and broad based taxes, an expanding regulatory state and more centralized top down government, gimmick accounting, Gay marriage, genderless bathrooms,  seat belt laws, the food police, socialized medicine, restrictions on free and corporate speech, and the entire manifold of Democrat party policy wishes which those dollars will continue to support and advance as long as workers are denied the opportunity to decide if they are willing to fund these policies or not on their own.

Unfortunately for New Hampshire we’ll have to wait until next year to fix the problem of worker choice but in the mean time, we can enjoy the benefit of the roll call vote, posted on the Jump.

One point of interest: Union bought and paid for RINO Kevin Janvrin voted against Right to work. That and so much more on the jump.

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SEA Sows The Dissent In Littleton NH – More Proof We Need Right To Work

Reasons to override the Lynch veto on Right to Work continue to Mount.  Yesterday–buried between the videos from the Steak Out–I asked how you could call yourself a Republican and be against right to work because forced unionization is an automatic funding mandate for the entire left wing agenda. How do you promote Republican principles while forcing others to finance people bent on their destruction. Workers deserve the choice to conscientiously object to that agenda and its affect on the nation.

As if to prove my point, in today’s Union Leader, we see another example of why workers need the freedom to shun union abuse and how Unions with deep pockets and national connections, try to pressure small towns.  In March the town of Littleton decided it had to cut its budget.  The economy being what it is who can blame them.  The $745,000.00 dollar budget savings resulted in having to fire one police officer.  According to the article, two days later the SEA, New Hampshire’s State Employee ASSociation called for a Boycott of 13 businesses in town that supported the reduction.

So trying to manage your town budget to keep spending within your means can result in the cry-baby Union using intimidation tactics on the local business community.

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I’d Check with Ray or The SEA

Tactics are everything for Democrats, and nothing is beyond the pale.  Just think Project Gunrunner, in which a left-wing narrative about American guns in the hands of Mexican drug lords is brought to life by the Obama Administration when facts failed to support the desired conclusion.  So when I read this report this morning of racially tinged graffiti painted on several houses in Concord, I got suspicious.

Tim Buckland reports for the Union Leader…

Ngendahayo returned home from church Sunday to find the message, which called his family “subhuman” and told them to leave. The message, several lines long, was also found on the homes of other African immigrants living at another Perley Street house and at a home on Downing Street…

I’m sorry, but this is just tailor-made to be some left-wing scheme.

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Harrel Tweets On Right To Work

HKirstein%20RTW.JPGSo here we have New Hampshire Democrat Party Propaganda Minister Harrell Kirstein sharing some cherry picked wisdom.

"7 of 10 poorest states are RTW4Less states…blah blah blah."

My first thought is, define poor? (…without getting into this and this.)

Poor, like rich, is an elastic concept which our friend Harrell and the Demolition party stretch to fit their narrative.   It looks at wages but ignores things like cost of living, tax burden and relies entirely on total annual income as an arbitrary line drawn on a national chart, to define poverty, irrelevant of any other factor.  But it is these factors that affect wages and as it turns out, states without Right to Work are exponentially more expensive places to live.  So even if you are working for less income, you’re spending exponentially less of it on things you need to live a comfortable life.  And here’s one very critical example of that.

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Out of State Influence Gets ‘Republican’ Kevin Janvrin Elected.

Sitting atop their mountains of out of state money thNH Democrats are forever demagoging the issue (of outside influence). So I am waiting patiently for them to denounce the newly elected Republican House Rep from Rockingham county, Kevin Janvrin, who has finance reports just screaming extremist, outside influence.

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