New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner

Update: Bill Gardner Re-elected Secretary of State

Update, 3:25 p.m.: Secretary of State Bill Gardner has been re-elected to another term by the New Hampshire House and Senate. Gardner prevailed over Colin Van Ostern 209-205, with one “scatter” vote. With 415 legislators present and voting (House and Senate combined), 208 votes were needed for victory. Vote was by secret ballot. 

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New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner

Gardner v. CVO: No Decision on First Ballot

(Update: second ballot resulted in a Gardner victory.) In the first ballot by House and Senate members for New Hampshire Secretary of State this afternoon, with 209 votes needed to win, Sec. of State Bill Gardner got 208 votes to Colin Van Ostern’s 207. One vote was “scattered,” and with a secret ballot, there’s no … Read more

Are These Your New Hampshire Values? The Lee Nyquist Edition

Democrat Lee Nyquist is a New Hampshire Democrat running for the State Senate in District 9.    Nyquist has embraced the Democrat state party narrative in which every Democrat from Shea-Porter and McKluster (running for congress), all the way down to every “Democrat running for anything” is running against the TEA Party.

As part of this fiction Nyqusist claims he is for “New Hampshire Values not TEA Party values.”  That’s what the ad says.  But anyone who knows how Democrats govern (and how they governed New Hampshire)  would be right to ask how thier  “Big Government tax and spend Massachusetts Values” could ever be passed off as New Hampshire values?

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Push It Real Good

by Tom

Push It Real Good

Seems like Ken Hawkins (NH Senate Candidate, D-9 ) is getting a little pushy lately, and is working from the dark side of campaigning.

Residents of Bedford, along with current Senator Ray White (read his letter here), have complained that Hawkins’ campaign is conducting negative “push polling” – against current Senator Andy Sanborn – and it’s not entirely clear if it is being done on the up-and-up.

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Walker Wins – Unions Lose

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air points out that…

The unions spent millions of dollars and over a year’s worth of effort to get a temporary one-seat majority in a chamber that will never meet in session.   And that’s assuming that their lone win from last night holds up in a recount. Congratulations, Big Labor!

With Walker and Kleefisch crushing the opposition in Wisconsin, and redistricting likely to guarantee them, at minimum, two Republican seats and a return to a GOP majority in the State Senate come November, the Union/Democrat electoral ‘stimulus’ plan for Wisconsin appears to have had as much long term benefit as Obama’s Stimulus.  Spend a lot of money, make a lot of noise, and get nothing useful in return.  It’s the same failed policy everywhere you turn.

So congratulations, but before I finish, I’d like to  add a message for New Hampshire legislators as well, particularity in the NH State Senate.  There is a lesson here you had best learn.

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Phyllis Woods For State Senate?

There has been some speculation but I had not heard anything from Phyllis…until @WoodsforSenate started following one of my Twitter Accounts. Is it safe to say that Phyllis is running for the New Hampshire State Senate?    

How about we amend HB 1704 to stifle some policial speech while we’re at it?

Will HB 1704 intimidate political speechI just shot off a quick email to my New Hampshire State Senator this morning.  I do not know his stance on this yet, but I have some questions about language added, via amendment, to HB 1704, regarding political speech.   I find the amendment language confusing.

I am not certain of the purpose, or if this amendment even achieves that purpose, whatever it is.  And most importantly, it sounds to me like an effort to stifle political speech by interjecting bureaucratic nonsense, while simultaneously encouraging speech intimidation through the implied threat of failing to comply.  This “threat” would come through the ever-present risk of third party complaints of potential violations that would keep people from speaking out for fear of having to lawyer up to defend their political speech against members of the General Court.

I was against it when Maggie ‘The Red” Hassan and Kathy ‘Lawsuit” Sullivan tried it.  I am going to simply state that I am against this becasue it looks like an effort to not just regulate but to complicate free speech, and I do not much care who is trying to do it.  I will do what I can to stop it.

(I will post an update when I have clarification from my State Senator on his position, and or explanation of this new language.)

Senator White,

I have a few questions about the amendment to HB 1704-FN.  It appears to me to include language that would make it difficult to engage in political speech about members or candidates to the General Court.

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Voter ID Passed in the Senate, But Really?

“It is a sign of the times that the absence of meaningful ID requirements in many states leaves our voting process vulnerable to fraud and allows legal votes to be cancelled out by illegally cast ballots.”—Virgil Goode

Yesterday, the New Hampshire Senate passed SB289 right down party lines 18 to 5, according the the New Hampshire Union Leader.  The bill now goes to the House.  The Senate website indicates a roll call vote, but as of this morning, there is no listing for that. Why is the leadership in this Senate Body “gun shy” about  each Senator owning his or her vote via roll call?

The bill require voters to show photo identification before casting ballots is a step closer to becoming law after it was passed by a wide margin in the Senate on Wednesday.

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Your Vote Is Worth Millions- Maybe You’d Like To Protect it?

SB 129 is coming up for a veto override vote in the New Hampshire Senate in the next week or so. (The Union leader referred to it as SB 189, this morning, which is incorrect.) SB 129 would require ID to vote in New Hampshire. It would afford the same protection to your vote as it does to dozens of other things you need an ID for.

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