Holy-Quran-Ramadhan-Religious-Ramadan-Pray-1409500-e1496130598141-266x300 Vridar

A Muslim in France Says the Quiet Part Out Loud – “Colonization”

Many in the developed world -not t blinkered by “Social Justice” – have called the movement of millions of Muslim youths (families being a much smaller percentage, just like at our Southern border) “The Clash of Civilizations.” An invasion by non-military means. We were called stupid for doing so by those that we then called “Western Civilization Self-Loathers.”

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September 11, 2001

September 11, 2001 What Happened and Why

September 11, 2001. Do you know what happened and why? Do you remember? Our schools aren’t teaching about this date in history. They aren’t teaching much about history. So here’s what happened. It was a Tuesday. It’s one of the more important days in recent American history.

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Know Your Candidate

Turning Out Muslims for Biden

Democrat Joe Biden is urging Muslims to join him. He wants them to help him fight to defeat the President. He made the move clear in addressing an online summit. The host of the summit, Emgage Action is an advocacy organization. It is mobilizing Muslim voters ahead of the American presidential election.

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Shariah versus the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Is Islam A Violent Religion? How can you tell who’s radical?

Should you paint all Muslims with a broad brush? All Muslims don’t hold pernicious beliefs. But of the more than a billion and a half Muslims in the world some do. How do we, non-believers make sense of what’s going on? What’s the right question here? The PC position is that Muslims are tolerant and … Read more

Ilhan Omar

Deception and Treachery in Congress

Somali-born, Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar described the 9/11 terrorist attack as an event where “some people did something” (15:00 mark in video).  She couldn’t bring herself to say “terrorism”, yet alone “Muslim Terrorism” while addressing CAIR, a Muslim lobbying group. Talk about a severe case of cognitive dissonance. With liberty in mind, I don’t have … Read more

Survey Of Islamic Beliefs and Practices

Introduction The three Pew Research surveys compiled and analyzed by the Muslim Global Demographic Project encompass about 1.1 billion Muslims. That is about two-thirds of the global Muslim population. Those Muslims live in 39 countries. Not every country was polled in all of the survey questions. What follows is a compilation of the studies’ findings. … Read more

A Broad Based Study Of Islamic Beliefs and Practices

Introduction Have you ever wanted to know what Muslims beliefs about Islam are? There are many different sects. Sunni’s make up about 85%, Shi’ites about 10%, Sufis, Baha’is, Ahmadiyyas, Druze, Alevis, and `Alawis together make up the rest of Dar al Islam, the Muslim world. Well wait no longer the information has been extracted, compiled … Read more

Rashida Tlaib

Let’s Get The Hate Straight – What’s Behind That Big Smile?

Let’s take a step back and see exactly what the new Muslim Democrat, representing Palestine, said after being elected to the US Congress: “When your son looks at you and says, ‘Mama, look, you won. Bullies don’t win.’ And I said, ‘Baby, they don’t, because we’re gonna go in there and we’re gonna impeach the … Read more


From the White House Correspondents’ dinner, Obama tried to make a joke: These days, I look in the mirror and I have to admit, I’m not the strapping young Muslim Socialist that I used to be. Time passes. You get a little gray.” The audience, made up of Obama followers (mainstream press, Hollywood celebrities, and … Read more

Australian Court May Have Discovered Legitimate Rape

Can’t wait to hear how the Western-Media Elite culture spins this one.australian flag

An Afghan immigrant in Australia raped two women, one a teenager at the time, and was sent to jail, but another judge has agreed to allow the rapist to appeal the convictions because…

 “The sentencing judge rejected any suggestion (Esmatullah Sharifi) didn’t have a clear concept of consent in sexual relations.”

In April last year, a psychologist told the County Court that Sharifi had “an unclear concept of what constitutes consent in sexual relationships” in Australia.

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