A Muslim in France Says the Quiet Part Out Loud – “Colonization”

by Skip

Many in the developed world -not t blinkered by “Social Justice” – have called the movement of millions of Muslim youths (families being a much smaller percentage, just like at our Southern border) “The Clash of Civilizations.” An invasion by non-military means. We were called stupid for doing so by those that we then called “Western Civilization Self-Loathers.”

I watched as the European Government leaders put those “asylum seekers,” many of whom became welfare squatters instead of the “new citizens” they were expecting to make up for their real Citizens’ crashing birth rates.

And guess what? We were right all along.

The Muslims aren’t there for a better life – it is a takeover of the country – and they are there now, sparked in a manner similar to how George Floyd’s death launched the Black Lives Matter movement.


A Muslim man gave a shocking answer amid ongoing rioting in France in a now-viral man-on-the-street interview, telling a reporter it’s now their “turn” to colonize a nation they deem racist.

Thousands have rioted since June 27, when a police officer shot and killed a 17-year-old who investigators say refused to stop for police.


And this “nice boy” had an existing rap sheet to boot. Just like George Floyd, but just like the “Hands Up” co-opters, had another agenda in mind – take down our system here in the US and now it’s being replayed in France under another pretext that doesn’t hold much water except as a man-made flash point.


Muslim immigrants, as well as critics around the world including the U.N., have blamed the riots on “institutional racism” in France.


Yeah, Critical Race Theory went international.  ALL Whites, ALL Europeans, and those of European descent are ALWAYS Racists. Balderdash – as we saw with BLM, it is always nothing but a scam that helped the self-avowed Marxists at the top “get theirs” with millions of bribes donations from corporations intentionally mismanaged and ending up in the pockets of very few. The true believers and foot soldiers got bubkis.

Most “migrating to a better life” Muslims in European countries are going to find out that will be their fate in life as well: cannon fodder for those at their top.

And someone finally said what we suspected all along – this is a play for REVENGE, just like BLM was here in the US:


Sure thing with that “Religion of Peace” there, Baghdad Bob. Right up there with “mostly peaceful” by our media (with building burning in the background) during the BLM and Antifa riots that caused over $2 Billion in damages and killed many.

And we’re seeing the same thing here in the US under the Obama and now Biden Administrations – illegal aliens are given more stuff and privileges than we, who have to pay their freight for being here illegally. Consider it reparations by other means to atone for the Left’s self-loathing and guilt.

Certainly, nothing less and probably a whole lot more. If it is happening there, it will start happening here soon. Remember, “Islam” translates as “submit.”

HT | Daily Wire


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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