Even MSNBC Doesn’t Want KJP

We all know that one of the swamp’s most high-profile ‘revolving doors’ is the former-government-official-to-cable-news-talking-head. Whether it’s ex-spooks gracing CNN panels as “national security analysts” or former White House press secretary Jen Psaki landing her own show on MSNBC, the pipeline is not only lucrative but also the most blatant example of how the swamp and D.C. … Read more

Joy Reid - ReidOut

Plenty Of Joy To Go Around, Except For Joy

Joy Reid often taunted the Republicans for crying about outcomes, mocking them as children who could not handle the adversity of reality. Oh, how the tide has turned. There were plenty of tears to go around as Joy Reid hosted the final episode of the horrendous MSNBC prime-time show ReidOut on MSNBC. Nobody felt sorry … Read more

New IRS rules

A Hyper-efficient Agency That Costs Nothing To Operate

Lawrence O’Donnell is a bloviating idiot on MSNBC who makes comments and claims that he cannot substantiate or are just too absurd to have to fact-check. While talking about the IRS, he referred to it as one of the hyperefficient agencies of the federal government that makes money for the government and costs nothing to … Read more

Couple Father Mother Baby Shoes

Abortion, Reproduction…What’s In A Word

I tuned in to MSNBC on Saturday morning to see what was on its agenda and because I heard they needed viewers. Since the election, only friends and family have tuned in to MSNBC and CNN. Things are so bad that Rachel Maddow had to take a pay cut to $25 million for her one-day-a-week … Read more

MSNBC Lean Forward

Take Away MSNBC’s Broadcasting Rights

On the last weekend of October before the 2024 US lresidential elections, Donald Trump and crew held a massive rally in Madison Square Garden. Downtown New York City became one of the largest MAGA rallies of the campaign season. The response from the corporate and legacy media was gross. MSNBC took the lead, making a … Read more

Rachel Maddow Proves An Education Can Be Wasted

Being a lousy sleeper allows me to scan the nightly shows in the early hours, but sometimes, that can give you a bad start to the day. I use YouTube TV, and it usually starts by default with MSNBC programming. I typically switch quickly to FOXNews or Four-square News, but I heard Rachel Maddow make … Read more

Move Over Peacock, Make Room For Mika And Rachel

In a fast-moving story culminating in the shortest career ever at the NBC News Network, Ronna McDaniel is officially out as a political analyst at MSNBC. The inmates have taken over the asylum as the top echelon of the network has bent their knees, apologized to, and assuaged their celebrity talking heads who began their temper tantrums on air Sunday morning.

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Ronna To MSNBC … You Should NOT Be Surprised

MSNBC (NBC), CNN, ABC, CBS, etc. want you to hear from Republicans … FAUX-Republicans whose role is to attack real Republicans. Stated somewhat differently, a real Republican would never get a gig on the Regime-media because the Regime-media is advocacy not journalism and their role is to advocate for the Regime and against the opposition.

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Everything Is A Laughing Matter For Libs

The New tact for the Democrats is rude, insulting, and degrading. Four women sat on the opinion desk of MSNBC on Super Tuesday and had a good laugh at and insulted every Republican in this country. These people were thrilled that Joe Biden was elected and pledged to be the great unifier.

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Time For DeSantis To Drop Out

A year ago, I believed I would likely be voting for Ron DeSantis. Today, not a chance. The DeSantis campaign has been one of the most inept in history AND, rather than improving, it is getting worse.

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MSNBC Lean Forward

MSNBC Doubles Down On Propaganda

Watching MSNBC on the morning after the first GOP Primary Debate makes me question what I watched for two hours the previous night. The cable network feels that having as many talking heads on the screen somehow lends credibility to their narrative.

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