Moffett v. Smith: Right-To-Know, Citizen Sabotage, and Cherry-Picking Your Legislators

On Friday, Rep. Michael Moffett (R-Loudon) defended himself against a “Hit Piece” from Julie Smith regarding HB-1002 (now law), the “Right-to-know tax.” Numerous Groksters submit Right-to-know requests and copy the text of them here, either to show how to talk tough to office-holders, to show how to burden office-holders to distract them from eating out … Read more

Mike Moffett

Response to The Hit-Piece On Me …

Folks who know me understand that when I get poked, I often poke back. Probably a Marine thing. So, when The Grok published a sad screed by a Granite State bomb thrower, I considered whether to respond. Friends advised against it. “Just ignore it.” The thing is that the truth is important, and I don’t … Read more

Enemy of 91A and Enemy of Trump

When I saw Rep Moffett’s article announcing his run for reelection, I remembered that I recently (at Loudon Old Home Day on 8/10) learned that he’s in a primary.  Loudon is a red town that has two ordinary reps, Jose Cambrils being the other one, plus a 3rd, Alvin See, who is shared with several … Read more

"Beer Caucus Founders at the 2019 Inaugural Ball. (l-r) Tim Lang, Mike Moffett, Howard Pearl, and Reed Panasiti."

A Tale of Two New Hampshires

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.” (“A Tale of Two Cities”). Charles Dickens’ words may aptly be applied to 2020 New Hampshire vs. 2010 New Hampshire—an age of wisdom vs. and age of foolishness re: state fiscal policy.

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"Beer Caucus Founders at the 2019 Inaugural Ball. (l-r) Tim Lang, Mike Moffett, Howard Pearl, and Reed Panasiti."


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Granite Staters are created equal, with certain unalienable rights—to include life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And when government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter it.

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