Enemy of 91A and Enemy of Trump

When I saw Rep Moffett’s article announcing his run for reelection, I remembered that I recently (at Loudon Old Home Day on 8/10) learned that he’s in a primary.  Loudon is a red town that has two ordinary reps, Jose Cambrils being the other one, plus a 3rd, Alvin See, who is shared with several other towns.  

I actually had the chance to meet the nonincumbent candidate, Carolyn Virtue, and had a pleasant chat with her in the GOP tent. She’s a seemingly nice lady, but after listening to various locals, I heard Moffett recruited Carolyn to “take out Jose.”  I don’t have all the intricate details, but many Loudonites do, and it appears to be some vendetta involving Scott Maltzie and Karen Testerman. To avoid misinformation, please fact-check on your own as you see fit, but if true, Moffett is the one that needs to go.

First and foremost, he’s an enemy of 91A, which is my primary inspiration for writing this article.  As I’ve said in previous posts, most enemies of 91A sadly don’t have primaries.  Scott Wallace does, and he got his hit piece.

Now it’s Moffett’s turn. I was hoping Spec Bowers or someone with bigger name recognition as a Grok contributor would do my bidding, but it’s up to me to raise awareness.  Think of this diabolic attempt to flush out Jose as made in the image of the 2022 “Belknap Bloodbath” efforts in which many respected reps were ousted on the heels of the Gunstock affair. 

Like Wallace, Moffett has high “liberty scores,” but as I mentioned in previous articles, many liberty groups have tarnished their credibility by endorsing or giving high scores to the undeserving. A few examples of these groups are Americans for Prosperity, NH Liberty Alliance, and Granite State Taxpayers.

91A is not the only thing that Moffett is an enemy of.  Just click here for a list of links to 4 NH Journal articles to see how much his seething pathological hatred for Trump is on full display.  While I understand that a Trump-related talking point won’t necessarily cast a wide enough net to win all the undecided voters, it’s something worth mentioning.  Remember all that “unity talk” we all regularly hear!

And speaking of unity, Moffett’s piece on January 6 was “anything but!”

Moffett also wanted to enshrine MassHealth so much that he wrote an editorial on that.

The talking points were very scripted and in a dialect that I call “Kevin-speak” because Tim Lang wrote a similar piece using words that appeared to plagiarize my senator.  But back to Moffett, voters should ask him to weigh in on the 10/13/21 executive council arrests.

As we approach the 3rd anniversary of that day that will live in infamy, the Damn Emperor and his fan club, which includes Moffett, want voters to forget what happened.  Let us not!  In fact, the most famous victim (tied with Frank Staples) was a constituent of Moffett and Jose.  It is Nurse Terese who is running for executive council in a very contentious primary.  As someone with no representation in the House, I was witness to that atrocity.  I reached out to my senator, who also represents one of the victims, only to learn that the whole senate clammed up in the name of “staying in their lane.”  However, I emailed a bunch of Rs in the House, pointing out what happened and sharing some of the earliest available video footage.  Jose was one of those reps, and he promptly replied, expressing his disgust for the incident and desire for something to be done.  Did Moffett weigh in?  As far as I know, the answer is no.  Did Moffett sponsor any bills in the next LSR time window that sought to “make it right?”  While he apparently served his COUNTRY in uniform, has he really SERVED Loudon in some of its people’s time of need?  Voters should look into that.

The problem, I’ve been told by locals, is that Moffett usually gets the highest number of votes in each election.  As someone who doesn’t get to vote in this race, I’m here to amplify my preference for Jose to stay in office.  He’s friendly and approachable, answers his emails, has an excellent record, and personally knows tyranny (as a Cuban immigrant) when he sees it.  Take a look for yourself.  Email him.  Ask to meet him or take advantage of an opportunity to do so.  Carolyn Virtue has no record, but from talking to her, I learned that she’s a supporter of 91A and even mentioned doing some RTK inquiries herself.  Moffett is a swamp rat in the Good Old Boy Network.  Some people might unconditionally like him because he’s a veteran, but remember that no group is exempt from having bad actors, no matter how respected the group is.  That’s a tough pill to swallow, but it’s true.

Please join me in supporting Jose and Carolyn, or just Jose, if you’re into the “bullet vote” to force Moffett into retirement.


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