Mike Bloomberg … Benevolent Fascist

This: Not a dictator? Xi had his rubber-stamp National People’s Congress change the Chinese Constitution in 2018 to make him President for life. (Formerly Chinese dictators … oops, I mean Presidents … were term-limited (two five-year terms), with the Communist Party naming their successors.) And Xi is not just a dictator; he is a tyrannical … Read more

“Legal Gun Owners Against Stupid Gun-Grabbing Mayors”

Gun Rights win

Mike ‘Buckshot’ Bloomberg has an organization called Mayors Against Illegal Guns which just spent 12 million dollars of his money on ads in thirteen states–to pressure US Senators to pass some Bloomberg-esque law or other.  But what we really got from these ads was a lesson in how little the folks involved know about safely handling a firearm.

Katie Pavlich at Townhall.com gives us a link to Emily Miller at the Washington Times …

Mr. Bloomberg’s organization, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, produced two ads featuring a man holding a shotgun, wearing plaid flannel with a camouflage cap and sitting on the tailgate of a pickup truck. While a child swings on a tire in the background, the man says, “I support comprehensive background checks so criminals and the dangerously mentally ill can’t buy guns.”

Plaid flannel?  Camo hat?  Pick-up truck?  I don’t see his dog, did it run off with his banjo?

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