Bloomberg is Out! Endorses Creepy Joe Biden

Mike Bloomberg has taken Super Tuesday to heart and ended his short impulsive presidential campaign. He made the announcement while also endorsing Creepy Joe Biden™.

Related: At this point, Bloomberg should consider buying something else

After spending half a billion dollars and winning an estimated 31 delegates on Super Tuesday, former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg ended his presidential run in the face of a stinging rejection by Democratic primary voters, saying he no longer has a path to the nomination.

Bloomberg released a statement saying he would be leaving the race and endorsing Joe Biden.

Get a load of this endorsement.

“I’ve known Joe for a very long time. I know his decency, his honesty, and his commitment to the issues that are so important to our country — including gun safety, health care, climate change, and good jobs,” he said in his statement. “I’ve had the chance to work with Joe on those issues over the years, and Joe has fought for working people his whole life. Today I am glad to endorse him — and I will work to make him the next President of the United States.”

I think he’s thinking of some other Joe Biden because the one running for President isn’t any of those things. And Joe wouldn’t know a working person if he spoke clear unbroken English. Biden is a corrupt kleptocrat of the highest order, and a bumbling toady who has no sense of personal space, be it women’s bodies or your rights and property.

But he’s not Bernie.

So, there’s that.


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