Super Tuesday – Big Night for Biden (Wins 9 States) But the Fist Fight is Not Over

The current Delegate count is Biden 399, Bernie 322. There are 536 left to collect but the establishment Democrats have to be smiling. Creepy (Sleepy) Joe Biden took nine states and Maine looks to be his as well. Bernie is projected to win California, Vermont, Colorado, and Utah.

Liz warren? She came in third in Massachusetts, which Biden won. She’s done. But as noted yesterday, maybe not. She draws voters away from Bernie and this race is far from over. 

Bloomberg spent half a billion, or so, for 44 Delegates. But he grabbed two more than Liz Warren.

So, big night for Biden (I did call it Stupid Tuesday) but the fistfight is not over. Every state matters.

Results are as of 6 am this morning care of Politico

Super Tuesday Results 1

Super Tuesday Results 2


Results | Politico

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