NH House

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (05/18/23)?

We learned that when 7 Republicans and 2 Democrats do not attend House session, that spells major trouble for the bills that the House Republicans want to pass. With such a slim Republican majority (201-198), attendance matters. Add in the usual few “Republicans” that routinely vote with Democrats, and that really spells trouble. Suffice it … Read more

Red guard reading Maos red book

Blue Hampshire … Where The “Conservatives” Sound Just Like The Communists (aka NH-Democrats)

I previously posted about a “conservative” State Rep who believes that the same NH-Democrats who support late-term abortion, grooming, DEI, CRT, oppose parental rights, etc. etc. etc. are “good people”: NO. Communists (aka New Hampshire Democrats) Are Not “Good People.” Well … HE’S BACK … at NH-NeverTump Journal, that is … shilling for Obamacare … more … Read more

If this is happening in your place (Louisiana), it’s most likely happening in our place: Medicaid Expansion fraud

That’s right – a take off on what Doug and I used to say all the time on Meet The New Press: “if it’s happening here, it’s happening where you’re at, too” (which was a take off on former US Speaker of the House Tip O’Neal’s maxim “All politics is local”.  So I don’t know who did the deed in Louisiana but we all certainly know who to look at here in NH, eh?

‘Stunning’: 80% using Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion are ineligible, Louisiana report finds

Louisiana’s legislative auditor wanted to know how the state’s expansion of Medicaid under Obamacare was doing, so he picked 100 people who were deemed eligible under the rules. He found that 82 of them made so much money that they shouldn’t have qualified for the benefits they received. Auditor Daryl G. Purpera, who issued his findings last month to little fanfare outside of Louisiana, figured if those statistics hold true for the rest of the expanded Medicaid population in his state, then the losses to ineligible beneficiaries could be as high as $85 million.

And how large is 80% is the NH Medicaid Expansion population?  That would be 40,000 – and millions of wasted and fraudful (to coin a word) money.  “Oh, but it’s not NH money!” exclaim

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Senator Boutin – “Get off my lawn!”

We don't need no stinkin platform!
We don’t need no stinkin platform!

BUMPED: from 11/20/13 – Regardless of Boutin’s word, it is clear that he voted to bring Obama’s Medicaid Expansion into New Hampshire willingly and knowingly.  He increased the size and cost of Government, contra the NH GOP Platform.  He voted with the State Senate Leadership over Republican Principles. His financial slight of hand did not go unnoticed.  Please vote for Bill Kuch in the Republican Primary on Sept 11, 2018.


H/T Brian Tilton:

“Concord, NH – State Senator David Boutin, R- Hooksett, issued the following statement this morning prior to Governor Hassan’s event in support of ObamaCare:

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Keith Erf – candidate for NH State House, Hillsborough County 2 (Weare/Deering)

I’m Keith Erf, candidate for state representative in Weare and Deering. I’m running for State representative to champion limited government. I’ve lived in Weare for 37 years. My wife, Louisa, and I raised four children here where they attended Weare schools.

I started my business, KyTek, in 1991 developing automated systems for the publishing industry. As a small business owner and member of the Weare Finance Committee, I’ve seen firsthand how NH business taxes, property taxes and expanding government negatively impacts our communities. We need representation in Concord that fights for our best interests, limiting government and taxation so current and future generations can afford to live and work in our community.

As a member of the Weare Finance Committee, I look to find a taxpayer-friendly balance between the needs of the town and schools and the costs to our residents. From the vantage point of the Finance Committee I have learned that we need representation in Concord that will avoid legislation that places costs on Weare and Deering requiring us to increase our local property taxes.

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Feds Approve NH Medicaid Expansion ‘Work Requirement’

This isn’t exactly bad news. The head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) confirmed in a May 7 letter that New Hampshire, as of Jan. 1, 2019, will be able to require all beneficiaries of expanded Medicaid health insurance from ages 19 to 64 to participate in 100 hours per month of … Read more

Quick Thought: “Medicaid expansion passes NH House on voice vote”

That’s the headline at the Union Leader on the NH Republican elected officials continuing Obamacare in NH, one of the most contentious pieces of legislation over the last five years.  What a weseal way of passing such legislature!  Nice, easy way to keep your constituents from holding you accountable for a package that may well lead to … Read more

GT-Flashback March 1st, 2014

Those who ignore history and all that, right. So here’s our podcast from March 1st, 2014 with conversations on Crimea, Medicaid Expansion, Bondage and Submission sex videos for teens, and Democrats oppressing speech.

GrokTALK! Show #155

Greg Moore from AFP-NH and NH House Rep JR Hoell join us to discuss Right to Work, economic freedom, business taxes, Medicaid expansion and Obamacare, wages, free markets and more.  

New Hampshire’s Latest Criminal Enterprise

Medicaid Expansion in NH is now inevitable. The majority (registered) Republican legislature has guaranteed passage (the NH House passed it today). We discuss the last hearing, the lobbyists, and their water carriers in government.  

Playing Shell Games with Taxpayer Money

Playing shell games with Federal money has become a state tradition when it comes to Medicaid. Susan Olsen helps us understand the Medicaid reimbursement scam, as we prepare to get scammed again with Medicaid Expansion.  

Expanding Job Migration to Massachusetts

In part II of our conversation with Emily Sandblade and Susan Olsen we discuss the perverse tax incentives behind expanding Medicaid in NH, like how it will favor residents who work outside the state over those who stay and work in New Hampshire.  

The Cost When Principle and Policy No Longer Matter

We continue with RLCNH chair Aaron Day on his threatened third party challenge to NH Sen. Kelly Ayotte, the failure of Medicaid/ObamaCare, and the cost to New Hampshire if the Republican State legislature reauthorizes expansion.    

New Hampshire, Heroin, and Hassan

They say New Hampshire has a heroin problem. They also say Medicaid expansion will help. Kimberly Morin joins us to talk about the details and potential political motivations (on both sides) for hyping a heroin epidemic in New Hampshire.

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