Big Brother 1984 Mask Coronavirus

Mask Mandates Are The Emerging “Imminent Threat and Menace to Public Health”

If you are thinking about pursuing healthcare jobs in California, you will need a high tolerance for rules, regulations, car theft, taxes, sidewalk poop, tyrannical bureaucracies, the homeless, crime, discarded needles, and screeching liberal harpies. Oh, and hunger-like affection for carcinogens, hypoxia, and microplastics. Public Health officials in several Left-Coast counties have reinstituted mask mandate, … Read more

NH state house dome

Cross Referencing Naughty Lists

The legislative season officially ended yesterday with Veto Day. While the Damn Emperor most unfortunately signed HB 1002 (aka the RTK Tax) on June 14, I’m here to take a look at which of the 88 bad actors displaying the R also stayed rogue for HB 1093 (school mask policy) and HB 396 (women’s safe … Read more

Sun King Sununu

Another Example of Sununu’s Self-Serving Use Of “Local Control” – Masking School Kids

Even Fauci has admitted that there was no science behind the forced masking of schoolchildren. But Sun-King Sununu can never admit a mistake. So, of course, he had to veto a bill prohibiting the practice. The Sun-King’s veto message … followed by some comments.

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No Mask

Law Prohibiting Local School Mask Mandates Heads to NH Governor’s Desk (Again!)

The New Hampshire State Senate just passed (and I mean Just!) HB1093 AN ACT  prohibiting mandatory mask policies in schools. “This bill prohibits school boards and other public education agencies from adopting, enforcing, or implementing a policy that requires students or members of the public to wear a facial covering.”

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Post it masks should be mandated

Bill Limiting Power of Local Public Health Officials Heads to Governor’s Desk

Last week, a bill that would limit the power of local public health officials to impose mask mandates lost by one vote – one Republican vote. The legislation was tabled, often a death knell, but that one lousy vote meant Merrimack (Town, not County) Rep. Bill Boyd could ask for a vote to pull it off the table.

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State Rep Shows Up Late and Masked for Expert Testimony on Why Masks Don’t Work

Industrial Hygienist Stephen Petty has decades of experience protecting people from hazards, so when he tells you masks can’t stop a virus, that’s an expert scientific fact. And still, some do not believe.

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Chuck Morse

When Is Chuck Morse Going To Pat Some Cats? (And Other Important Questions)

Readers might be thinking they’re going to read some light-hearted content that’s void of mentioning Chuck’s 11/19/21 crime against NH, but not so fast!  Here’s the link with a short video.

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Is Masking the Public for the Good of Public Health Doomed Policy?

On the heels of research that reported a 40% increase in COVID infections among regular mask users, the public masking menace has taken another shot to the McNuggets. This time, from a past that reinforces what we’re seeing now. Masks make matters worse.

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Let’s Poke Fun at People Wearing Masks …

Yesterday’s preschool apprentice was a riot, and we’ve got more funny for you today –  this time tinged with a bit of irony. A parody on mandatory masking, which – as we get closer to 2024  – could be coming soon to a fearmongering community near you (conspiracy theory!).

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Tim Robbins Russel Brand Podcast

Uber Liberal Tim Robbins Red-Pills Himself Over COVID Response – Regrets Blindly Following Mandates

Tim Robbins is a fine actor, but as with most folks who live or work in that world, he has been a reliable progressive mouthpiece. Environment begets and all that, maybe as a survival instinct until it becomes who you are. But sometimes, there’s a spark, and you ask questions outside the approved narrative.

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Orwell 1984 Two Minutes Mask Hate

Mask Mandates Are Back! Are They Coming Soon to a School District Near You?

Big city school superintendents are scratching their totalitarian itch. “Public school students in Philadelphia will have to wear face coverings at school for 10 days after their winter break, officials said.”

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if masks actually worked

Since WMUR and the UL Seem to Have Missed This: CDC Drops Universal Masking Mandate for Health Care Workers

Your local experience may vary on this point. My Eye Doc, for example, is still high on masking, but the CDC has announced that it no longer recommends universal masking of Health Care Workers.

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Monkey surprise Photo by Jamie Haughton on Unsplash

Maybe in Future Years, Pride Month Can Also Be Monkeypox Awareness Month.

I’ve heard it alleged that Monkeypox traveled north in animal reservoirs due to man-made climate change. And that’s partly true. The first case was found in the UK on May 7th in a “man” (an animal) who had returned (via man-made travel) from Nigeria (where Monkeypox is not uncommon).

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sheep wearing a mask

New Study: Pediatric Masking (School Mask Mandates) Had No Effect on Number of COVID Cases

A long time ago, in a reality far, far away, the CDC, NIH, and others knew that mass masking couldn’t reduce viral spread. They also knew masking had downsides. But the mask became a symbol of compliance and they ignored their own research. They even invented some to justify masks. But that’s falling apart, again.

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NH Governor Chris Sununu Whacks the First Amendment and Takes All His Credibility With It

When I discovered Friday morning that NH Governor Chris Sununu had HB1625, the Sidewalk Free Speech Act on his desk I knew that he would veto or sign the bill that afternoon, right before the long holiday weekend hoping no one would notice. But I wasn’t going to let it pass unnoticed.

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Free Speech Conditions apply Flickr Creative Commons

NH Governor Chris Sununu Threatens Freedom of Speech Then Claims to Be Against Overreaching Government

On Friday, when NH Governor Chris Sununu vetoed HB1131, a bill that would have prohibited New Hampshire schools from implementing face mask mandates he said this in his veto message:

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Reaper Skull medical facemask2

Counties With Facemask Mandates Had 85% More “COVID Case Death”

There is extensive research on why masking healthy people is not just a bad idea. It can be dangerous to their health. From hypoxia to pulmonary fibrosis, masks mandates are a considerable public health risk.

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NH Flag

NH Senate Passes Bill Prohibiting School Boards from Mandating Masks – Next Step: The Governors Desk

The New Hampshire State Senate voted 14-10 today to advance a bill already passed by the House prohibiting school boards and other public education agencies from adopting or enforcing mandated face coverings.

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US Dept of Educations Logo

Breaking: NH Dept of Education “Politely” Drops the Hammer on School Mask Mandates – Make Them Go Away!

This is good news for parents wrestling with mandatory mask mandates in the Granite State. The State Department of Education has released updated guidance on mandates and the authority to require them. Schools no longer have it, so stop requiring them.

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Laughing sununu as NH Flag burns

Chris Sununu’s Fraud – He’s Not That Concerned About “Local Control” …

His Majesty, sorry – excellency, Chris Sununu thinks he’s got something of a constitutional streak. Sure, if it’s the one he creates when he uses the document to wipe his backside.

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