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Josiah Bartlett: Mask Mandates and the Urge to Control

Portsmouth’s City Council approved a mask mandate on a 7-2 vote last week. The city had fewer than five known active coronavirus infections the day the ordinance passed, meaning more councilors voted for the ordinance than there were active cases in the city, NH Journal pointed out.

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Gordon MacDonald

Voter Suppression – According to Our Wonderful Attorney General, You Can You be Prevented From Voting For Not Wearing a Mask.

So the New Hampshire Attorney General has released “guidance” for voting in the age of COVID. The Attorney General claims that local voting officials have the authority to require voters to wear masks … as long as “alternatives” are provided to voters who are “unwilling” to wear a mask: Q1: Can local officials require voters … Read more

The Biden Vision for America – Nationwide Lockdown Until His Scientists Say Otherwise

Joe Biden is going to make locking people up a national policy to fight the coronavirus. No jail time, just house arrest, and nationwide mask mandates. Welcome to the Biden coronavirus response.

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Cancel Culture typewriter Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

‘Public Health Trumps Everything’ Is ‘Cancel Culture’ in Disguise

I finally got around to listening to President Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech, and pretty early into it, he said that ‘cancel culture’ is about driving people from their jobs, shaming dissenters, and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees.  This is the very definition of totalitarianism, and it completely alien to our culture and to … Read more

mask a sign of ubmission

Maskachusetts ‘Vigilante’ Points Firearm at Unmasked Patron in a Walgreens Parking Lot

In the People’s Republic of Maskachusetts, by order of the Governor, everyone is required to wear a mask in public, especially indoors. Rather than snitch on an “offender” Todd Goulston, of East Bridgewater, went out to his car and pulled a gun on the offender in the parking lot.

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Art 3 post it go away note

Democrat Jan Schmidt is a Bigger Threat to You Than this Virus (And she’s not Alone)

I’m confident when I say, there must be an email that went out to Democrats quoting the State Constitution. Years ago. Use “this” to justify your creeping tyranny. Or, in the case of Alderman (and NH House Rep) Jan Schmidt, it may be the only part of the document she needs to know.

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