State Rep Shows Up Late and Masked for Expert Testimony on Why Masks Don’t Work

Industrial Hygienist Stephen Petty has decades of experience protecting people from hazards, so when he tells you masks can’t stop a virus, that’s an expert scientific fact. And still, some do not believe.

Petty was back in New Hampshire on March 15, 2024, to provide expert testimony before the House Special Committee on COVID Response Efficacy, and one example of a disbeliever is New Hampshire State Rep. Trinidad Tellez. She is a Democrat, a woke doctor (and director of Health Equity for NH DHHS), and (allegedly) a researcher.

She appears wearing a cloth mask, which is amusing for several reasons before and after arriving.

Mr. Petty’s most recent testimony – available in its entirety below and worth every minute – was well underway when she decided to show up late – wearing that cloth mask (a bandit come to steal your medical freedom!).

One observer mentioned how Rep. Tellez spent time looking at her phone. At one point, I saw her flip through a printed copy of the slide deck with casual disinterest. As a health equity expert, it likely had little that would appeal to her agenda, and no, she never took off the useless mask.

Related: (2022) – Certified Industrial Hygienist Stephen Petty’s Senate Testimony on Why Masks Don’t or Can’t Work

Petty had explained to the Committeee (his detailed slide deck is available here) how and why there is no scientific basis (and never has been – he brought receipts) for masks as a means to reduce viral transmission and how even the medical bureaucracy has said as much, if not backhandedly when Rep. Tellez finally arrives – so it’s no surprise she appears disinterested from there on out.

Petty’s presentation explored how masks can’t stop viruses (not even N95 and why), shares research showing how masking makes infection and transmission more likely, and how masks are bad for kids and learning. He covers a lot of ground in the 80-plus minutes he has the floor (followed by Q and A, which I did not capture – full video available here from 7:30 to 1:57:00).

Much of this will not be new to anyone who reads outside the corporate media lines, but it serves as an excellent reminder.

Mr. Petty also reminded the Committee that doctors are not subject experts on most or all of the disciplines related to air quality and hazard mitigation. Most know little or nothing about PPE (medical masks are not, by legal definition, PPE), its proper applications, or its effectiveness or ineffectiveness.

Rep. Tellez could be forgiven for her ignorance, but not after the hearing – the slide deck handouts had links and references to data and evidence from public and private sources.

I doubt she’s interested in learning that truth or expressing that with her vote, which ought to be of interest to the “community” whose interest she claims to represent.

Here is the testimony and the slide deck.



HT | RebuildNH


Update: added missing link to full video.

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