dialogue-window word bubble quote bubble Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

A Notable Quote? A “Go Woke, Go Broke”? Blogline of the Day? Or a Lack of Cultural Awareness? Or All Wrapped Into One?

Background: “As previously covered by RedState, M&M’s marketing team decided to take the beloved characters and begin changing up how they act and behave.”

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Writing an Excellent Constitution for the Planet Mars

Our US Constitution seems to be out to lunch, as they say. Some scholars may wish to fiddle with it in order to make it work better.  But I shan’t try that, as I am pretty sure it would be a waste of time.

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Experts: Climate Change Probably “Ended” Life on Mars

Here’s some above-the-fold climate news you may have missed. Something that the Left would consider as life in a womb was probably wiped out on Mars because of climate change.

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M and M new purple charachter M&M mars

M&M Mars Introduces Inclusive Purple ‘Character’ And I have Questions …

In January, M&M Mars announced that it was changing things up in the name of inclusivity. It would make the iconic candies different shapes and give them personality disorders – which might reflect reality in the front office of the MARS Wrigley global conglomerate.

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NH “Business Mag” Pimps Left-Wing Heat Wave Propaganda in NH (to sell a regional gas tax scheme)

New Hampshire Business Review (NHBR) likes to peddle self-interest stories by climate fraudsters. Dan Weeks used their pages to sell Fear that would benefit his solar business. And now we have Roger Stephenson from the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) doing something similar.

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The Curiosity rover on Mars

That’s an old picture sent back by Viking or Pathfinder or one of the previous visitors to Mars. The Curiosity rover is a whole new ball game. And it’s really interesting. Go HERE to see why. (Hit the FULLSCREEN button in the upper left and use the magnifiers to get the full effect. Yikes! Cool!)

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