
Are Manchester, NH Schools a Bastion of Racism?

Over the past several weeks, there have been multiple articles I could have written about things happening at Manchester City Hall or on Hecker Street (HQ for the Manchester School District). However, the reasons I stepped down from my seat on the Board of School Committee, demands of family and business, have prevented me from … Read more

Sullivan and Craig Advance to November Ballot for Manchester Mayor

Manchester voters in their municipal mayoral primary have chosen Victoria Sullivan and incumbent Joyce Craig to advance to November’s general election ballot. In her first citywide election, former State Rep. Sullivan earned 39% of the vote to Craig’s 57%. Candidate Glenn Ouellette was eliminated in the primary, with 4% of the vote. Speaking to supporters … Read more

Joyce Craig

Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig: A Victim of The Bloomberg Syndrome?

by Skip

Reformatted, emphasis mine: In 2011, Victor Davis Hanson warned of “The Bloomberg Syndrome:” “Quite simply, the next time your elected local or state official holds a press conference about global warming, the Middle East, or the national political climate, expect to experience poor county law enforcement, bad municipal services, or regional insolvency.” Mayor Craig has made … Read more

Victoria Sullivan is Running for Mayor of Manchester – the video

by Skip

Yes, I have “borrowed” Grokster Ellen’s post title but hey, it fits! Former two time NH State Rep Victoria Sullivan announced her run to replace the uber-Progressive now sitting in the Mayor of Manchester’s chair. One of the best lines was along the lines of if you can’t control what’s going on on Elm Street … Read more

Manchester Is For The Bourgeoisie

“The bourgeoisie might blast and ruin its own world before it leaves the stage of history.” —Buenaventura Durruti

BourgeoisieYou cannot make this stuff up! Do you know Him? is a ministry that feeds the homeless in downtown Manchester at Veterans Park. This ministry serves free hot breakfasts to homeless at Veteran’s Park Each Weekend. This is not a government program. This is the work set forth by people of faith as the gospels instruct.

In December as the weather grew cold,  DYKH moved into the Salavation Army

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Where “Grassroots” Can Earn You $100.00/Hour

There’s an ad on Craigslist for professional political workers. (the entire ad is on the jump).

Grassroots solutions, which claims to be a national field organization that is all about helping coordinate grassroots political efforts, is hiring people to help Planned Parenthood of Northern New England do door to door canvassing in the Concord and Manchester Area to promote pro-abortion candidates (women’s health)…that would be Democrats.  You get $100/hour plus gas allowance.

I have a lot of questions.  Like how can it be grassroots if you pay $100.00 per hour?  Or, how is it that Planned Parenthood of Northern New England can afford to run this canvassing campaign but can’t run their business model without my tax dollars?

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NH Dems Target ‘Free State Project.’

OWS protester craps on police car.

Manchester City Democrats are concerned.  People need to know which candidates in City races have links to the Free State Project, so they’ll "know where they stand on the issues." (From the Tuesday morning edition of the Union Leader)

It sounds like the folks at the Suckley (Sullivan/Buckley) School for Orwellian Linguistics are using peoples lack of knowledge about the liberty movement to frighten them out of voting for anyone they can label as a Free Stater. 

Guilt by association.  Prejudice.  Create division. Fear mongering narrative. Typical.

Of course we could never in a million years suggest that the gentleman crapping on a police car at the Occupy Wall Street (Democrat Party Endorsed) protest, is in any way an example of the Democrat Party.  (Looks like he’s trying to pass ObamaCare.) The trash, the arrests.  Then of course there are other recent union protests, violent threats, wishing rape and violence on Republican Women, video games where you get to kill Republican ‘Zombies,’ calling Republicans Racists for liking a conservative candidate who happens to be black–while calling the black man a monkey in a window…Can you find any prominent New Hampshire Democrats who have spoken out against any of the ill heaped on their opponents?  Probably not.  That is because they support it.

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