Manchester Is For The Bourgeoisie

“The bourgeoisie might blast and ruin its own world before it leaves the stage of history.” —Buenaventura Durruti

BourgeoisieYou cannot make this stuff up! Do you know Him? is a ministry that feeds the homeless in downtown Manchester at Veterans Park. This ministry serves free hot breakfasts to homeless at Veteran’s Park Each Weekend. This is not a government program. This is the work set forth by people of faith as the gospels instruct.

In December as the weather grew cold,  DYKH moved into the Salavation Army building. Now that the weather warms,  what does the city of “Manch-vegas” do? They literally kick them to the curb. When “Do you know Him?” sought to again serve the breakfast at the park, the group was told by the Parks Department that its permit would not be renewed.

In an interview with the Union Leader Parks & Recreation Chief Peter Capano tells, UL’s Ted Seifer,

“There was some concern from area businesses who didn’t feel like it was the best fit, using park space to feed people,”

Chief of Manchvegas Parks Peter Capano
Chief of Manchvegas Parks Peter Capano

Concern from area business…How about naming them? Gutless chumps is what they are acting like. I’d like to point out a couple of things. First, as a Veteran I am appalled that the city of Manchester chose to make this sad choice. Second, Peter Capano does not own, nor do the businesses surround the park, own the park. Everybody..Manchester taxpayers own the park. If Peter Capano wants to act like a bearded Marxist hack, he ought not do so with public property seeking to serve the Bourgeoisie-minded businesses in the immediate locale.

This is a ministry serving those in the community with a very real need. For hob-snobbery and pinky-sniffing to serve as a means to curtail this is not only corrupt but a bad use of public property.  I implore Peter Capano to reconsider interfering with this ministry that serves so many in this community. It’s not like it costs taxpayers anything. Stop acting like a prefect and start acting like a sensible government servant.

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