Will Lily Get 50% of the GOP Money?

Let’s talk about GOP money for federal office campaigns.  2024 is not a senatorial year, so that simplifies the discussion. There are two seats in the House, each representing 50% of Granite Staters.  One would think that the pie is divided evenly, and the two pieces would go to Lily Tang Williams and Councilor Russell Prescott, … Read more

Vikram Paid For This, Will He Take It Back?

In my recent article shaming Adam Sexton, his last question of the 3 viable candidates in the WMUR debate was, “How do you lower the political temperature in this country?” Vikram got to answer last, and he said, “Look, I think we just need to unify…” (followed by name-dropping attacks on both his opponents). He … Read more

Victory Party Report from Chez LTW (Lily Tang Williams)

Let’s first get a housekeeping item out of the way.  Any opinion said, is mine and just that, because I am not a spokesperson for Lily Tang Williams, just an ordinary volunteer. I don’t remember who said it, but last winter, someone called the anti Trumpers a bunch of people having the adult version of … Read more

Lily Tang Williams

Vote for Lily Tang Williams on Tuesday, September 10th.

Just like Congressional candidate Lily Tang Williams, I also fear that the country that I love — the United States — is becoming too much like the country that she left — China. As a state representative finishing up my first term, I originally ran two years ago due to this fear. It has become … Read more

Wednesday June 5, Mark Your Calendars!

This coming Wednesday, 6/5/24, marks the beginning of candidate filing time, which ends the following Friday, Flag Day and Trump’s birthday.  I have yet to get any intel on the enemy camp’s calendar, but there are three up-ballot people on our side who have appointments with Scanlan (and the media circus) or official intentions to file on opening day.

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Vote For Me … Because I’m Asian-American

Ben Ming is a State Representative from Hollis who wants a promotion to the State Senate. He says that you should vote for him because he is Asian-American and your vote would help make history.

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Lily Tang Williams

The Time to Donate to Lily Tang Williams is Right Now!

I’m sure the grapevine has reached all corners of NH and cyberspace with Annie Kuster’s retirement announcement earlier today.  I was at the state house and wearing my “Chuck Morse’s voting record matters” shirt when I received the news just before the executive council was called to order.  Readers ought to be familiar with his 11/19/21 crime against NH.

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American Flag

She Credits Our Constitution With Liberating Her From Communism’s Claws

Do you have concerns about the current direction of our country? I am moved now to make an appeal because 2024 must be a turning point for us to set right our unsustainable course. One that could be accurately summarized as a colossal compilation of defeat that spans back decades before my millennial memory even begins.

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