Maggie Goodlander v Lily Tang Williams

Claire Best

Undecided on District 2 Candidates for Congress? Maggie Goodlander v Lily Tang Williams. Some observations:

District 2 of New Hampshire is one of the most interesting races in the country for the following reasons:

Concord, New Hampshire (central to District 2) is the State’s Capital. It’s where visiting presidents and vice presidents come to visit. It’s where Kamala Harris went to visit Gibson’s Bookstore. It’s also home to the 2nd largest Legislature in the United States and 4th largest in the world.  And it’s home to a duopoly – the Shaheens and the Sununus. The Shaheens shilling for the Democratic Party with particularly close ties to the Clintons. The Sununus shilling for the Republican Party with particularly close ties to the Bush family.  Out of all of this, you also find that New Hampshire, with no State income tax and no State sales tax, is home to a staggering $932.5 billion in “Pandora Paper” hidden accounts for trusts, LLCs, non-profits, and offshore accounts.  The State has received grades of D to F for transparency and accountability. It’s a magnet for dark money, lobbyists, George Soros, and three-letter agencies supplying it with millions of dollars, which can, and sometimes do, just disappear from their stated purpose.

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The “Live Free or Die” state is steeped in cover-ups, and the major law firms of the state all have thriving businesses representing government defendants and white-collar fraud. Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s husband, Bill Shaheen, ran Hillary Clinton’s Super Pac. His law firm also represented Ghislaine Maxwell when she was arrested. His wife boasts on her website about the millions she obtains for the State – a chunk of it ends up with her husband’s law firm, a lobbyist.

Earlier this year, District 2’s member of Congress, Annie Kuster (D), announced that she would not run for re-election.  It was an abrupt announcement about which not a single newspaper did any probing.  Ironically, she made the announcement shortly after I filed a second Congressional Ethics Complaint about her for using the New Hampshire Criminal Justice System for her campaign and abusing her position as an elected official to steer the judicial outcome to the State’s most sensationalized trial of the last few decades: New Hampshire v Owen Labrie.  Not only did she use her platform, but she even provided the introduction to a memoir about the case, which equates Owen Labrie to Donald Trump and an Al Qaeda terrorist while admiring Bill Clinton, who lied about his affair with his intern, Monica Lewinsky.

A few weeks after Kuster’s announcement, a DC and three-letter agency insider – Maggie Goodlander – became the favorite candidate to replace Congresswoman Kuster.  The move smacked of DC and Federal Agencies wanting to ensure their person would be the front for the New Hampshire swamp. Kuster quickly fell into line to support her primary win along with former Governor John Lynch. Lynch now sits on the board of Primary Bank. He was Governor when the FRM Ponzi Scheme came to light. Despite the Governor’s Report, which he ordered, few, if any, of the recommendations to prevent such a Ponzi scheme from happening again were put in place.

The same swamp exists now as it did in 2010 and as it did in 1999 when the Washington Post published an article about Chuck Douglas III’s divorce from his 4th wife, Caroline Douglas. He is now the Chair of the Judicial Selection Committee. His 5th wife is Chair of the New Hampshire Lottery, whose President is Andrew H Crews, who is both a director of Primary Bank, on the board of the Children’s Advocacy Centers, ran Granite One Health, and was CEO of Autofair – listed in the Panama Papers and, I believe, the Pandora Papers. Of course, who provides legal counsel to Andrew Crews and other members of Primary Bank? Shahen & Gordon.   

The left and right split is not what you might imagine it to be in New Hampshire, starting with Maggie Goodlander’s family. Her mother, Betty Tamposi, was a George Bush Sr. insider. She is on the board of the University of New Hampshire and the Union Leader Newspaper.

The Tamposi family has been mired in its own scandals. They failed to pay real estate taxes, but generous contributions to political candidates in New Hampshire appear to have helped prevent them from being prosecuted. Maggie Goodlander went to public school in Nashua until she was shipped off to the “elite” private boarding school Groton in Massachusetts. She has not been transparent in her financial disclosures, either.

For all of the Democrats’ rants against private schools (remember Elizabeth Warren?), it’s fickle. For all of the Democrats’ rants about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, that is fickle too.  They seem to have forgotten the Civil Rights Act Title VI, presumably because the common sense of it can’t garner a grifting business for their friends’ non-profits and their “DEI” expensive training and administration scams.  

They got behind a candidate from a wealthy family with a ton of real estate who is married to Hillary Clinton’s confidante, Jake Sullivan. Hillary Clinton read the Bible at their wedding. Jake Sullivan (per Wikileaks emails) was working with the New York Times to help spin stories for the State Department when Hillary ran it, while Maggie Goodlander went on missions with Senator John McCain to Pakistan to sort out Afghanistan and the Middle East – a disaster as we can see a decade later.  

We should not forget that Maggie is running on abortion and women’s rights, but in fact, the CIA used feminism in 2010 to support the military occupation of Afghanistan. Then the Biden/Harris administration promptly abandoned women, children, and the LGBTQ+ community when it pulled out in 2021.

The alternative to Maggie Goodlander is Lily Tang Williams – a Libertarian turned Republican.  Lily Tang Williams embodies DEI – everything the Democrats have been promoting with vacuousness that is beyond staggering for a group of people who are supposed to be educated.  Williams came to the US from China in 1988 and built a small business. She is running primarily on free speech, individual rights, and the right to bear arms, managing to silence David Hogg at Dartmouth College.  Ironically, Maggie Goodlander refuses to debate her at the college. Is she scared of her feisty and fierce opponent?

Lily Tang Williams is also a stalwart on legal as opposed to illegal immigration. She has earned the respect and endorsement of Governor Chris Sununu, Senator Rand Paul, and Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, the latter two of whom have become outspoken on issues such as ethics, Government spending, and discrimination based on race and religion on the nation’s campuses. Paul is going after Dr Fauci and the Covid fraud, while Stefanik managed to get three Ivy League Campus directors to resign from Harvard, Columbia, and UPenn.  So much for the Department of Education’s focus on campuses during the Obama/Biden administration to “influence generations to come.”  The proof of how this worked out is clear. It’s a dangerous disaster.  Goodlander is a product of the “influenced” generation.

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